
2 Stories

How to Have a Happier Marriage: Don't Have Kids?
How to Have a Happier Marriage: Don't Have Kids?
study says

How to Have a Happier Marriage: Don't Have Kids?

Study finds child-free couples report more satisfying relationships

(Newser) - One way to keep the love alive in your marriage? A new study out of Britain suggests not having kids could do the trick. Research by Open University has found that childless people reported having better, happier, more fulfilling relationships and feeling more valued by their partners, the Telegraph reports....

No Kids for Me, Thanks; There, I Said It
No Kids for Me, Thanks;
There, I Said It

No Kids for Me, Thanks; There, I Said It

Meghan Daum explains her choice

(Newser) - The decision not to have kids seems to be entering the national conversation more and more, the Time cover on a "Childfree Life" being only the latest example. At the Los Angeles Times , Meghan Daum enters the fray: "Though I've offered hints in this column and elsewhere...

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