Donald Trump 2016

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Trump Is a 'Joe McCarthy Moment.' We Will Be Judged

We need a 'new national story,' David Brooks writes

(Newser) - David Brooks is conceding the political reality that Donald Trump has the GOP nomination all but locked up, and he is less than happy about it. In fact, "appalled" is the word he uses in a Friday New York Times column. "Gruesome moment" is another phrase. But that'...

'Odd Mishmash': Trump's Big Speech Gets Little Love

Negative headlines dominate analyses of foreign policy talk

(Newser) - Donald Trump laid out his "America First" foreign policy ideas in a speech Wednesday, and he didn't exactly wow the media. Here's a look at some coverage:
  • Politico talks to "foreign policy insiders" from the left and right and finds that they were unimpressed with what

Trump Takes 3 States Early
  Trump Sweeps All 5 States 

Trump Sweeps All 5 States

Frontrunner dominates Tuesday's races

(Newser) - Donald Trump is having a big night, as expected. Five states voted Tuesday, and CNN called Connecticut, Maryland, and Pennsylvania for Trump as soon as the polls closed at 8 Eastern—and then Rhode Island and Delaware about 30 minutes later. The only real suspense will be how the delegate...

Megyn Kelly to Interview Trump for Fox Special

'I look forward to a fascinating exchange,' says Kelly

(Newser) - Megyn Kelly's meeting with Donald Trump didn't just serve to iron out a truce. After requesting an interview with the Republican frontrunner, Kelly says Trump has agreed to appear in the special Megyn Kelly Presents, to air on May 17, Fox News reports. Extra segments will be featured...

Trump Christens Kasich With a Nickname

'1 for 38 Kasich'

(Newser) - It's not nearly as succinct as "Lyin' Ted" or "Little Marco," but Donald Trump seems to have come up with a nickname for John Kasich, notes Politico . He referred to the Ohio governor as "1 for 38 Kasich" in a tweet responding to the news...

20-Year-Old Charged With Threatening to Bomb Trump Rally

Sean Morkys allegedly posted the offending tweet

(Newser) - A 20-year-old Connecticut man is facing charges after authorities say he tweeted out a bomb threat during a Donald Trump rally Saturday, the AP reports. Connecticut State Police say the US Secret Service contacted them Saturday afternoon after they say Sean Morkys posted on Twitter, "Is someone going to...

Trump: No, I'm Not 'Toning It Down'

'Rafael! Straight out of the hills of Canada!'

(Newser) - So much for a changed Donald Trump . He told supporters on Saturday that he's not changing his pitch to voters, a day after his chief adviser assured Republican officials their party's front-runner would show more restraint while campaigning, reports the AP . "I sort of don’t like...

Trump Wins New York; Will He Get All Delegates?

Race called immediately

(Newser) - The least suspenseful part of the New York Republican primary is history: Donald Trump has won his home state over Ted Cruz and John Kasich in a rout, with the race called by CNN and AP as soon as polls closed at 9pm Eastern. Now the big question: How many...

Trump Op-Ed Rails Against 'Rigged' Political System

He calls for a 'bold infusion of popular will'

(Newser) - Donald Trump has already expressed his anger over Colorado's primary system, which handed Ted Cruz all of the state's delegates, and in a new Wall Street Journal op-ed, he goes into more detail. Republicans in the state weren't allowed to vote, and ever since the results came...

Trump Weirds Out Crowd With Joe Paterno Reference

His remarks at Pittsburgh rally were ... confusing

(Newser) - Donald Trump wants to make things great again, and also to bring things back—including late Penn State coach Joe Paterno. At least that was the confusing impression he made Wednesday during a campaign rally in Pittsburgh. For the Win reports he asked the crowd gathered there, "How's...

Trump Campaign Manager Won't Be Prosecuted: Reports

But he may still face defamation charges

(Newser) - The state attorney's office in Palm Beach County, Fla., will not prosecute Donald Trump's campaign manager for battery, according to multiple reports. Corey Lewandowski was charged with simple battery after former Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields said he yanked her away from Trump during a March 8 rally, leaving...

Trump Shouts His Tweets, Young Ladies Type Them

And more on the candidate's Twitter strategy

(Newser) - Curious about the source of Donald Trump's generally much-talked-about tweets? Wonder no more. CNN is this week hosting town halls with the 2016 candidates and their families, and the Trumps were up Tuesday night. Donald, Melania, Eric, Donald Jr., Ivanka, and Tiffany turned out for the occasion, and the...

Drudge Report Emerges as Factor in GOP Race

One analysis says this is not good news for Cruz

(Newser) - Matt Drudge and his Drudge Report have become a big focus of the Republican race this week. Things really took off Monday when Ted Cruz told a conservative radio host that Drudge's website "has basically become the attack site for the Trump campaign," reports BuzzFeed . Cruz took...

2 of Trump's Kids Can't Vote for Him

Ivanka and Eric fail to register in time

(Newser) - Donald Trump won't be able to collect two easy votes in New York's primary later this month: Daughter Ivanka and son Eric failed to register in time and thus can't cast votes on April 19, reports NBC News . "They were unaware of the rules," Trump...

$102M in Donations, but Not a Penny From Trump Himself

Lots of rounds of golf and other giveaways, though: 'Washington Post' analysis

(Newser) - Last year, Donald Trump's campaign gave the AP a 93-page list it claimed documented $102 million that he's donated to charity over the past five years. The AP didn't print the list—though it published a story deeming Trump's philanthropy "elusive"—but it's...

Newspaper Runs Fake Front Page on 'President' Donald Trump

The Boston Globe prints satirical page

(Newser) - The Boston Globe printed a satirical front page complete with fake stories that show how "troubling" its editorial board says a Donald Trump presidency would be for America, the AP reports. The newspaper's front page is dated April 9, 2017, and its lead story is about Trump calling...

Colo. GOP on Trump Loss: 'We Did It'

Meanwhile, 'Boston Globe' runs a fake front page imagining a Trump presidency

(Newser) - Ted Cruz wasn't the only one celebrating his easy victory in Colorado on Saturday night: The state's GOP briefly made its glee clear over Donald Trump's loss, tweeting, "We did it. #NeverTrump". The tweet underscores a party in the throes of an anti-Trump revolt that the...

Giuliani: I&#39;m Voting Trump
 Giuliani: I'm Voting Trump 

Giuliani: I'm Voting Trump

The former NYC mayor has been advising the Trump campaign

(Newser) - Donald Trump can count on a vote from Rudy Giuliani, just not a formal endorsement. A rep for the former NYC mayor says Giuliani will vote for Trump in the state's April 19 primary, reports the Wall Street Journal , which adds, "Even without an official endorsement, Mr. Giuliani’...

It's Time for Trump's 'Political Obituary'

'Wall Street Journal' columnist thinks it's 'overdue'

(Newser) - Donald Trump remains well ahead in the delegate count even after his loss in Wisconsin Tuesday night, but that isn't stopping Wall Street Journal columnist Holman Jenkins from writing what he calls Trump's "political obituary." Premature? "In fact the obituary is overdue," writes Jenkins....

Cruz, Sanders Notch Big Wins in Wisconsin

Both looking for momentum

(Newser) - Just one state voted Tuesday, but there was still plenty at stake in Wisconsin for both parties—and it was a good night for Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders. On the Republican side, Cruz scored an easy victory over Donald Trump and John Kasich, reports CNN . With 97% or results...

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