Donald Trump 2016

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Trump: 'I Know Nothing About' KKK, David Duke

Candidate refuses CNN prompting to denounce white supremacist group

(Newser) - Prompted repeatedly to denounce the Ku Klux Klan in the wake of former grand wizard David Duke's endorsement of him, Donald Trump steadfastly refused Sunday on CNN 's State of the Union, telling host Jake Tapper that, "Just so you understand, I don't know anything about...

Trump: Here's Why I Won't Release My Tax Returns

Presidential candidate talks about the audit thing

(Newser) - Donald Trump is sticking to his new explanation for why he can't yet release copies of his recent tax returns: The IRS is auditing him, as Trump says it has for the past 12 years. "No lawyer would ever allow you to release a tax return while you'...

The Craziest Personal Slams in Trump-Rubio Fight

Pants-wetting, sweating are fair game

(Newser) - Thing are getting downright personal in the GOP race. A sampling of some of Friday's remarkable back and forth and between Marco Rubio and the new team of Trump-Christie, via the New York Times , the Hill , the Los Angeles Times and Mother Jones :
  • Trump: "It's Rubio!"

Christie Endorses Trump
 Christie Endorses Trump 

Christie Endorses Trump

Calls him the 'best person' to beat Clinton

(Newser) - A big get for Donald Trump: Chris Christie endorsed him Friday in a surprise announcement, CNN reports. "The best person to beat Hillary Clinton on that stage last night is undoubtedly Donald Trump," Christie said during a press conference with Trump in Texas. Trump's response: "Generally...

Trump Happy With Online Polls, but Not With Spelling

Internet thinks he won the debate

(Newser) - Pundits seem to think Marco Rubio won Thursday night's debate—but for those hoping Donald Trump would see a decrease in his popularity after being attacked left and right by Rubio and Cruz, well, sorry. The Hill points out two online surveys in which Trump is leading: one at...

Winners, Losers From GOP Debate
 Winners, Losers 
 From GOP Debate 
the rundown

Winners, Losers From GOP Debate

Will Rubio's attacks on Trump matter?

(Newser) - The debate post-mortems have a clear theme Friday morning: Marco Rubio is the consensus winner after his relentless attacks on Donald Trump, with the big question being whether it's too late to stop the frontrunner's momentum. Some highlights:
  • "This was not only Rubio's best debate performance.

Let the Speculation Begin: Who's Trump's VP?

Maybe Nikki Haley or Sarah Palin?

(Newser) - The phrase "presumptive nominee" is starting to emerge as a descriptor for Donald Trump, which has all kinds of story lines percolating:
  • It's time to begin pondering names for a Trump VP candidate, writes Chris Cillizza at the Washington Post . Cillizza's early short list includes Nikki Haley,

Trump Fights for Iron Throne in GoT Mashup

He fits in pretty well in Westeros

(Newser) - It's not entirely clear what a country run by Donald Trump might look like. But as Mashable points out, "it's hard to deny just how well the would-be president might fit into the ruthless world of The Seven Kingdoms." See for yourself in a new YouTube...

Trump Wins South Carolina
 Trump Wins 
 South Carolina 


Trump Wins South Carolina

Rubio edges out Cruz in tight race for No. 2; Bush finished disappointing 4th

(Newser) - Donald Trump has officially won the South Carolina primary, report the AP , CBS News , NBC News , and Fox News, with 32.25% of the vote. It's the second victory in a row for the billionaire, and a key one in the South, where Ted Cruz invested heavily. This in...

Argument About Vatican Having Walls Not Quite Right

Vatican City isn't surrounded by them

(Newser) - When Pope Francis suggested Donald Trump's plan to build a wall between the US and Mexico was "not Christian," Trump's senior adviser shot back. "Amazing comments from the pope—considering Vatican City is 100% surrounded by massive walls," Dan Scavino tweeted Thursday. Rush Limbaugh...

Pope on Trump: A Person Who Builds Only Walls 'Is Not Christian'

The Donald

(Newser) - The latest to tussle with Donald Trump: Pope Francis. When asked Thursday about the presidential contender while returning from a six-day visit to Mexico, he responded, "A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian," reports the New ...

Canadian Island to Americans: Flee Trump, Come Here!

'Muslim people can roam freely,' website states

(Newser) - In a common election-year lament , more than a few people on Twitter have suggested they’ll move to Canada if Donald Trump becomes the next US president. Rob Calabrese has the perfect location in mind. On Monday, the Nova Scotia radio DJ set up a tongue-in-cheek website titled Cape Breton...

Trump a Kindred Spirit to One of Our Early Presidents

He's 'a Jackson man,' writes Steve Inskeep

(Newser) - Lots of theories have been floated to explain the rise of Donald Trump, but NPR's Steve Inskeep floats one of the more interesting ones Wednesday in a New York Times column: Trump is channeling Andrew Jackson. It may not be intentional, but Trump shares many of the same traits...

Donald Trump to Ted Cruz: I'll Sue You

...if you don't say you're sorry and stop running ads

(Newser) - Donald Trump on Monday offered presidential rival Ted Cruz an ultimatum, threatening to sue Cruz over his eligibility to serve in the White House unless the Texas senator stops airing what Trump calls "false ads" and apologizes for what the billionaire real estate mogul called a series of lies...

And the GOP Nominee Is: Donald Trump*
And the GOP Nominee Is: Donald Trump*

And the GOP Nominee Is: Donald Trump*

*According to a Virginia college's long-standing mock convention

(Newser) - Donald Trump may have had a bruising Saturday night debate , but he was feeling the love in a small town in Virginia known for picking presidential nominees: Washington and Lee University wrapped up its quadrennial Mock Convention on Saturday, and proclaimed "with bravado, perhaps characteristic of their nominee,"...

Sanders Narrows Clinton's Lead Nationally

Meanwhile, Trump continues to cruise

(Newser) - Following his decisive victory in the New Hampshire primary this week, Bernie Sanders narrowed the gap between himself and Hillary Clinton in a national poll released Friday, the Hill reports. According to the Morning Consult survey , Clinton has the support of 46% of likely Democratic voters versus Sanders' 39%. It'...

Depp Is Trump in Surprise 'Funny or Die' Biopic

It's 50 minutes long and now streaming

(Newser) - Donald Trump doesn't just wake up today as the star of New Hampshire but as the subject of his very own biopic featuring a huge Hollywood name. Sort of: Funny or Die has a released a 50-minute "biopic" of Trump starring Johnny Depp, reports the New York Times...

Trump, Sanders Clean Up in NH

Cruz and Bush in tight race for third place

(Newser) - No late surprises in the New Hampshire top spots Tuesday night: Both the AP and CNN called the winners as soon as the polls closed at 8pm Eastern, with Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump triumphing easily. The bigger questions will be who finishes in the secondary spots in the GOP—...

Huffington Post's Trump Headline Is, Well, This

'NH Goes Racist Sexist Xenophobic'

(Newser) - Two weeks ago, the Huffington Post announced it would append an editor's note to the end of its stories about Donald Trump that defines him as " a serial liar , rampant xenophobe , racist , misogynist , birther and bully ," among other things. With Trump's Tuesday night win in New...

Cruz Is a What? Trump Revels in Supporter's Insult

He repeats her slam that rival is a 'pussy'

(Newser) - It's not every candidate's rally that would prompt CNN to add this editor's note above its print coverage: "This story contains language that some people might find offensive." The candidate, though, is Donald Trump, and the language in question is the word "pussy"—...

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