Donald Trump 2016

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Trump to Clinton: No, Bill's the Sexist

GOP frontrunner hits back over accusation he's a sexist, lambasts 'woman's card'

(Newser) - If Hillary Clinton wants to lob accusations of having a "penchant for sexism" at Donald Trump, Trump would have her know she'd do better to first look at her own spouse. "She's playing the woman's card, and it's like, 'give me a break,...

Sanders: Trump 'Has Discovered Women Go to the Bathroom'

Trump is defending his use of 'schlonged,' and he could be right

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders has some shocking news for Donald Trump: "I also went to the bathroom" during Saturday's Democratic debate, Sanders told supporters in Iowa Tuesday night. Trump "has discovered that women go to the bathroom and it’s very upsetting for him," Sanders said, per BuzzFeed...

Trump Used His Favorite Yiddish Word Before
Trump Used His Favorite Yiddish Word Before
the rundown

Trump Used His Favorite Yiddish Word Before

He uttered 'schlonged' back in 2011, too

(Newser) - The word of the day is clearly "schlonged," as used in a sentence by Donald Trump referring to Hillary Clinton in 2008: "She was favored to win, and she got schlonged." The Yiddish word is, as the New York Times explains, "a boorish word for...

It's Getting Ugly Between Trump, Clinton

He says she was 'schlonged' in 2008 loss to Obama

(Newser) - Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have been laying into each other in a battle that could continue for more than 10 months if they both stay at the top of the polls. At a Monday night rally in Grand Rapids, Mich., Trump made some deeply personal attacks on his fellow...

Trump May Be More Popular Than You Think

Some supporters might be lying to pollsters, study finds

(Newser) - Some Donald Trump supporters are too ashamed to admit it, according to a new study that suggests that his poll numbers may be even higher than GOP strategists think. Researchers at the Morning Consult polling firm say that when they polled almost 2,500 Republican and Republican-leaning voters using a...

Donald Trump Wins a Pretty Dubious Award

Politifact gives him its 'Lie of the Year'

(Newser) - "People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do," wrote Donald Trump in his 1987 book The Art of the Deal. "That's why a little hyperbole never hurts." Well, now he's being called on it:...

Clinton Makes Big Claim Against Trump on ISIS

Says they're using videos of his speeches to recruit

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton made a striking claim against Donald Trump in Saturday night's debate. Saying that he was becoming the Islamic State's "best recruiter," Clinton alleged that ISIS was using clips of Trump's speeches to gain converts, reports Time . "They are going out people showing...

Big Lines From the Debate
 Big Lines From the Debate 

Big Lines From the Debate

"Donald, you're not going to be able to insult your way to the presidency."

(Newser) - Here are some of the more memorable lines emerging from Tuesday night's debate, culled from CNN and the Washington Post transcript:
  • Jeb Bush: "Donald, you're not going to be able to insult your way to the presidency." (Bush has gone after Trump repeatedly, labeling him a

Bush Hits Trump Early: He'd Be 'Chaos President'

He criticizes rival's plan to ban all Muslims from the country

(Newser) - Sparks were flying right off the bat at Tuesday night's Republican debate, with the first question not surprisingly revolving around Donald Trump's proposal to ban all Muslims from the country. After Trump defended it as a matter of national security—"we're not talking about religion, we'...

Debate's Big Question: Will Anyone Go After Trump?

What to watch for in Tuesday night's Republican contest

(Newser) - Tuesday night brings the last debate of the year for Republicans, and one common theme in previews is that in a year of relatively lively debates, this one might be the liveliest yet. Some things to watch:
  • Will anyone hit Trump? "Easily the biggest question" of the night is

Trump's Doctor Confirms His Health Is Perfection

Trump would 'be the healthiest individual elected to the presidency'

(Newser) - Earlier this month, Donald Trump promised that his long-time doctor would soon issue his full medical report, and vowed that "it will show perfection." Perfection has arrived, reports Politico , which reports that Trump has on his website published a letter written by his doctor of 35 years, Dr....

Here's Why Cruz Will Be the GOP Nominee

One columnist lays out his reasoning, another disagrees

(Newser) - If you're still picking your jaw up off the floor after Ted Cruz unceremoniously dumped Donald Trump in the Iowa polls, well, you can put it back down on the floor. The fact is, Cruz "is the guy who looks best positioned to win" the GOP nomination, writes...

Poll: Trump's Muslim Ban Doesn't Hurt Him One Iota

He's still sitting pretty at 35% support

(Newser) - Among the things that happened after Donald Trump announced his plan on Monday to ban Muslims from entering our country: JK Rowling burned him , hundreds of thousands of UK residents tried to block him , and one of his rivals called him unhinged . Here's what didn't happen: any pain...

Anonymous&#39; New Target: Trump
 Anonymous' New Target: Trump 

Anonymous' New Target: Trump

Hacktivists warn him over Muslim ban idea

(Newser) - Hacktivist group Anonymous has set its sights on a new target: Donald Trump, The Hill reports. "Donald Trump, it has come to our attention that you want to ban all Muslims to enter the United States. This policy is going to have a huge impact," says someone in...

Trump's Muslim Ban Is a Joke. Let's Treat It That Way

Charles Krauthammer weighs in on this 'sheer absurdity'

(Newser) - As other critics of Donald Trump's idea to ban Muslims from entering the United States decry it as "offensive and un-American," Charles Krauthammer thinks those people are taking the whole thing too seriously. The plan's "sheer absurdity" reveals it as what it really is—a...

Trump: I'll Execute All Cop Killers

Republican primary voters confident he can handle terrorism: poll

(Newser) - Donald Trump says "one of the first things I'd do in terms of executive order" as president is command the death penalty for anyone convicted of killing a police officer. "I want to let you know, the police and law enforcement in this country, I will never...

GOP Braced for Hunger Games Convention Scenario

It could be first brokered convention since 1948

(Newser) - Republican strategists who had spoken of a smooth nomination process just a few months ago are now braced for a battle royal at the Quicken Loans Arena. Insiders tell the Washington Post that GOP bigwigs gathered Monday and discussed the possibility of a brokered convention in Cleveland in July. The...

Guess Who Agrees With Trump's Muslim Ban?

That's right, Sarah Palin

(Newser) - It seems everyone is upset with Donald Trump over his suggestion that the US bar Muslims from entering, but now he has someone in his corner: Sarah Palin. In a Facebook note titled, "Hey, Media, Try Again To Take Down Trump (and Cruz for Understanding the Trump Context),"...

Trump Cancels Trip to Israel

Says he'll go when he's president

(Newser) - Donald Trump won't be going to Israel after all. The candidate announced Thursday morning that he's canceling a high-profile trip that had been scheduled for later this month, reports the BBC . Trump didn't provide an explanation, tweeting that he's merely postponing the trip until "after...

GOP: Trump Is Screwing Everything Up for Us

Party members fear Trump will cost them seats in the House and Senate

(Newser) - Jeb Bush has floated the idea of Donald Trump being a Hillary Clinton plant to help her take the White House, and seemingly never-ending Trump controversies might have Republicans starting to believe it. Politico reports that GOP leaders are stressing out about the negative impact that Trump's candidacy is...

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