War on Terror

Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>

Taliban Shoots Down NATO Chinook
Taliban Shoots Down NATO Chinook

Taliban Shoots Down NATO Chinook

At least 7 dead in Afghan region still controlled by guerrillas

(Newser) - Taliban fighters shot down a NATO Chinook helicopter in Afghanistan yesterday, killing all 7 on board, including five Americans. Guerrillas then ambushed rescuers attempting to reach the crash. The attack occurred in Helmand Province, a region of Afghanistan known for opium poppy cultivation and a strong Taliban presence, according to...

Cheney Should TiVo 'Heroes'
Cheney Should TiVo 'Heroes'

Cheney Should TiVo 'Heroes'

The War on Terror could take some pointers from NBC show, says Juan Cole

(Newser) - With the ratings on Jack Bauer's "24" fading almost as fast as those of George Bush's White House, it's time for the principals in the war in Iraq to start studying "Heroes"—the most-watched show on television this year—writes Salon's Juan Cole. In fact, think of...

Bush Details Bin Laden Plot
Bush Details
Bin Laden Plot

Bush Details Bin Laden Plot

Attempt to start Al-Qaeda cell in Iraq dates to 2005

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden attempted to launch a terrorist cell in Iraq through which Al-Qaeda could attack the US, President Bush said today. The newly declassified information fleshed out a 2005 Homeland Security alert that Bin Laden directed Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, then his top man in Iraq, to organize the unit...

Awkward! Bush Muffs Dates in Front of Queen

Then launches into "boilerplate" speech

(Newser) - British protocol hounds were on high alert for lapses as President Bush hosted their regent yesterday, and he did not disappoint. At a photo op with Queen Elizabeth II, he mangled the date of a previous visit. "You helped our nation celebrate its bicentennial in 17—1976," he...

Combat Soldiers' Blogs Make Brass Queasy

(Newser) - Some of the most riveting reporting about the war in Iraq is coming from the soldiers fighting it. As blogs from deployed soldiers proliferate, higher-ups are biting their nails over the ensuing transparency. Bloggers like Capt. Danjel Bout say posting provides "online therapy" and helps keep friends and the...

Afghan Prison Is as Bad as Gitmo
Afghan Prison Is as Bad as Gitmo

Afghan Prison Is as Bad as Gitmo

(Newser) - The U.S. prison at Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan is as bad as Guantanamo, reports Eliza Griswold in the New Republic. Prisoners are kept in barbed-wire cages, beaten, tortured, raped, and held without promise of trial. But unlike Gitmo, Bagram has no visiting congressional delegations.

U.S. May Reqire Visas From Brits
U.S. May Reqire Visas From Brits

U.S. May Reqire Visas From Brits

Radicalism among Britons of Pakistani descent worries Homeland Security

(Newser) - Immigration officials are considering making British citizens apply for visas to enter the U.S., the New York Times reports. The aim is to screen out potential terrorists among Brits of Pakistani descent who might slip through because of the longstanding waiver of visas between the two countries.  An...

Terrorist Attacks Spiked in '06
Terrorist Attacks Spiked in '06

Terrorist Attacks Spiked in '06

Attacks rise 25% percent, driven by

(Newser) - Terrorist attacks rose 25 percent in 2006, with much of the rise attributable to Iraq, according to a State Department report released today. Terrorism claimed over 20,000 lives in 2006—two-thirds of those in Iraq—up sharply from 2005, raising doubts about the short-term success of the continued War...

Ex-CIA Chief Blasts Cheney
Ex-CIA Chief Blasts Cheney

Ex-CIA Chief Blasts Cheney

Tenet's new book says "there was never serious debate" about going to war in Iraq

(Newser) - George Tenet offers a scathing attack on Dick Cheney and other architects of the war in Iraq in a new book to be released Monday, the New York Times reports.  The former CIA director alleges that "there was never serious debate" about whether Iraq was an imminent threat...

Eight Dead In Bombing of Iraqi Parliament

Suspected suicide bomber was bodyguard of Sunni MP

(Newser) - Eight people, including three lawmakers, were killed and at least 30 wounded when a suicide bomber eluded the normally heavy security around the Green Zone and  denonated an explosion in the cafeteria of the Iraqi parliament. Officials believe the culprit was the bodyguard of a Sunni legislator not among the...



(Newser) - The 15 captured British sailors are to be released immediately, says Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The surprise announcement came toward the end of an hour-long press conference, in which Ahmadinejad berated the British government for using the situation to create "media hype." He maintains that the Brits invaded...

Brit Standoff Shows Deeply Divided Iran

Radicals and moderates fight it out, tacitly, over captured sailors

(Newser) - An internal squabble between Iran's radical president and more moderate officials  is in evidence in the crisis over the captive British marines and sailors. President Ahmadinejad and his Revolutionary Guards are pushing for a trial. Cooler heads, including Ali Larijani, the diplomat who offered bilateral negotiations yesterday, are pushing back,...

Bush Staying the Course on Veto
Bush Staying the Course on Veto

Bush Staying the Course on Veto

President refuses to compromise on Iraq funding

(Newser) - Bush is staying the course in the war with Congress, ripping into "Democrat leaders" in a press conference today, and repeating his vow to veto any bills with troop withdrawal deadlines that crossed his desk. Congress, he said, is more clearly interested in fighting political battles than real ones.

Baghdad Merchants Beg to Differ With McCain

Say sunny security assessment is phony

(Newser) - Of course John McCain found Baghdad's central market perfectly safe during his weekend visit: He came with 100 soldiers in armored Humvees, backed by attack helicopters and sharpshooters. In a follow-up visit, Kirk Semple of the New York Times found merchants  incredulous at the Congressional delegation's sunny description of the...

Iranians, Brits Move Toward Talks
Iranians, Brits Move Toward Talks

Iranians, Brits Move Toward Talks

Top diplomat lays out roadmap for brokering sailors' release

(Newser) - Iran is ready to negotiate freeing its 15 British captives, according to the country's top diplomat. In a cryptic TV interview, Ali Larijani suggested the marines and sailors could be released if the Brits apologized and stopped putting international pressure on Tehran. "We are not interested in the issue...

Iran Promises Female Soldier's Release

Britain steps up pressure by freezing business activity

(Newser) - Iran promised to release by Friday the female sailor captured along with 15 men in a British patrol boat last week. England stepped up pressure to free  the soldiers by cutting off "bilateral business" and publicizing secret documents which mark its boat nearly two miles from Iranian waters at...

Bill Would Put Ba'athists Back in Power

Aim is to woo Sunnis into Shiite-dominated government

(Newser) - Ba'athists will be allowed back in government posts if a bill proposed yesterday, aimed at  reconciling dissident Sunnis with the Shiite-dominated government, passes the Iraqi parliament.  The U.S has been pushing for the law to law to woo the former Saddam loyalists —mostly Sunnis— into the political...

Senate Backs Troop Pullout Timetable

Bill ties troop funding to March 2008 withdrawal deadline

(Newser) - Democrats in the Senate  pulled off a surprise victory yesterday in their bid to force President Bush to bring troops home from Iraq—deflecting a GOP effort to kill the troop withdrawal plan. The Democrats’ proposal sets a March 2008 deadline for ending the conflict and is folded into a...

Gitmo Detainee Pleads Guilty
Gitmo Detainee Pleads Guilty

Gitmo Detainee Pleads Guilty

Australian who trained with al Quaeda has spent five years in custody

(Newser) - David Hicks became the first person convicted under President Bush's much-maligned military tribunal system after entering a surprise guilty plea  to charges of providing material support to terrorists. The contentious proceedings may prove a new source of controversy, however, as the judge excluded Hicks' stwo civilian lawyers from court and...

Blair Blasts Seizure of British Patrol

Iran said to be looking for swap deal

(Newser) - Tony Blair is furious over Iran's capture of 15 sailors and Marines, but so far, diplomatic efforts have not even yielded where they are being held. “I hope the Iranian government understands how fundamental an issue this is for us,”   Blair sputtered at a European summit,...

Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>
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