Flight 370

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Jet Searchers Finding ... Fishing Gear, Jellyfish

Nonetheless, 'if this mystery is solvable, we will solve it,' says Australian PM

(Newser) - The last week has seen a cascade of "possible objects" in the search for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, but the debris keeps failing to live up to expectations. Four orange objects pulled from the Indian Ocean this weekend—Flight Lt. Russell Adams called them the "most promising...

Ships Retrieve Objects in Missing Jet Search Area

Analysis continues, but no debris so far has been linked to the plane

(Newser) - The search for Flight 370 in its new search zone continues to produce tantalizing sightings, but no links to the plane so far. The latest comes from a Chinese military plane that spotted three suspicious objects today with colors that were at least a rough match for those of the...

Malaysia: Flight 'Ended in Indian Ocean,' All Lives Lost

Plane lost 'beyond any reasonable doubt'

(Newser) - Flight MH370 crashed in the southern Indian Ocean leaving no survivors, Malaysia Prime Minister Najib Razak said today. Citing satellite data and a "type of analysis never used before," he said that investigators had pegged the plane's last known position as a "remote location" west of...

Jet Searchers Spot 'Circular,' 'Rectangular' Objects

They could be retrieved as early as today

(Newser) - Are searchers finally closing in on the missing Malaysia Airlines plane? A number of objects were spotted today, after several reports of possible debris spotted over the weekend:
  • An Australian plane saw an "orange rectangular object" and a "gray or green circular object" in the southern Indian Ocean

China Satellite Spots Object, but Searchers Find Nothing

It's in the zone where two other objects were spotted earlier

(Newser) - While possible clues about the fate of a Malaysia Airlines jet missing for more than two weeks keep coming from satellite images, it was as frustrating as ever today to turn the hints from space into actual sightings. China released a satellite image showing an object floating in a remote...

That Theory About a Fire Aboard Flight 370 Is Wrong

Jeff Wise pokes holes in it at Slate

(Newser) - A veteran pilot's theory about what happened to Flight 370 dazzled the Internet yesterday, but aviation writer Jeff Wise is poking holes in it today at Slate . If you missed it, pilot Chris Goodfellow speculated at Google Plus that a fire aboard the missing Malaysian jet caused its disappearance....

Could the Answer to Jet Mystery Be a Fire?

Chris Goodfellow's theory: Flight 370 pilot was a 'hero' reacting to a fire

(Newser) - There are six theories under investigation regarding the fate of the missing Malaysia Airlines flight, reports NBC News , and most will sound familiar at this point: hijacking or pilot suicide, for instance. But there are far more than six theories being floated around, and Business Insider picks up a particularly...

Stories 61 - 67 | << Prev