Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

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Widow of Slain Islamic State Leader Sentenced to Death

One of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's wives sentenced by Iraqi court for her role in crimes

(Newser) - An Iraqi court issued a death sentence against one of the wives of the late brutal Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, alleging that she was complicit in crimes committed against Yazidi women captured by the militant group, the country's judiciary announced Wednesday. The ruling comes weeks before the...

US: ISIS Leader Blew Himself Up in Raid
ISIS Leader Died Same Way
as His Predecessor
the rundown

ISIS Leader Died Same Way as His Predecessor

US says Abu Ibrahim al-Qurayshi deliberately blew himself up amid raid

(Newser) - An overnight raid in Syria by US special-operations forces resulted in the death of the Islamic State's leader, but it wasn't American forces who killed Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi. The US says the ISIS commander detonated a bomb as the raid unfolded at his compound, deliberately blowing himself...

Erdogan Announces Capture of Baghdadi Wife, With Trump Dig

Turkey's president appears to reference Trump's post-raid address

(Newser) - Turkey is heralding another victory against the Islamic State: the capture of one of former ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's wives. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made the announcement Wednesday during a speech at Ankara University, adding an apparent dig at President Trump's post-raid address to the nation. Following...

Woman Found in Syrian Trailer Could Be a 'Gold Mine'

Rasmiya Awad, said to have been detained by Turkish forces, is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's sister

(Newser) - US authorities weren't able to question former ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi before his death in Syria. But they might get to question his older sister. Rasmiya Awad, 65, was seized Monday in a raid near the town of Azaz in Aleppo province, according to Turkish officials who now...

ISIS Names Veteran Fighter as Next Leader
ISIS Picks

ISIS Picks Baghdadi's Replacement

Statement says new leader is a veteran jihadist fighter and religious scholar

(Newser) - ISIS announced a new leader to replace Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who died in a raid by US forces last weekend. The terrorist organization said Thursday that his replacement is Abu Ibrahim al-Hashemi al-Qurashi, an identity that's probably a nom de guerre, the BBC reports. A seven-minute audio statement said...

Video, New Details of Baghdadi Raid Released

Compound 'looks like a parking lot now'

(Newser) - The Pentagon has released dramatic video and new details of the raid that caused the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Footage released by the military shows figures approaching the compound in Syria where the ISIS leader was hiding out, the Guardian reports. The military also released video that...

Trump Tweets Fake Photo of Military Dog Getting Medal

'Conan' is going to visit White House next week

(Newser) - "AMERICAN HERO," President Trump tweeted Wednesday with a faked photo of himself awarding an honor to the dog injured in the raid that led to the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The photo, originally posted by the Daily Wire conservative website, was an altered version of...

Before ISIS Raid, an Underwear Theft

Syrian Kurds say their spy got the briefs and a blood sample to help confirm identity

(Newser) - Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's downfall began when a spy planted in his inner circle managed to steal the ISIS leader's underwear. That's according to a commander of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, which fought ISIS alongside the US. Gen. Mazloum Abdi tells NBC News that an informant serving...

President Declassifies Photo of Raid Hero

The name of the dog wounded in attack remains a secret

(Newser) - The nation got its first look at the military dog wounded in the US raid that ended in the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi when President Trump tweeted a photo Monday. But one mystery remains, CBS reports. "We have declassified a picture of the wonderful dog (name not declassified)...

Military Has Disposed of Baghdadi's Remains

US took two men into custody during the raid

(Newser) - Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's remains have been disposed of, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said Monday. "Baghdadi's remains were transported to a secure facility to confirm his identity with forensic DNA testing," Gen. Mark Milley said, "and the disposal of his remains has...

Trump: I May Release Video of ISIS Raid
Trump Defends Decision
Not to Loop In Democrats
the rundown

Trump Defends Decision Not to Loop In Democrats

Says he feared leaks before ISIS raid; he also may release part of the video

(Newser) - President Trump likened watching video of the ISIS raid that killed the group's commander to watching a movie. Now he says the White House might release the video, or at least a portion of it. "We're thinking about it," he told reporters Monday, reports ABC News...

WaPo Catches Flak for Baghdadi Headline

Describing terrorist as 'austere religious scholar' shouldn't have happened, says 'Washington Post' rep

(Newser) - The weekend's news was dominated by the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, but one headline garnered extra attention. In its obituary for the 48-year-old Islamic State leader, the Washington Post originally topped the story with a headline most Americans wouldn't argue with, per USA Today : "Abu Bakr...

Family of Kayla Mueller Happy ISIS Leader Is Dead
Family of Kayla Mueller
Happy ISIS Leader Is Dead

Family of Kayla Mueller Happy ISIS Leader Is Dead

Raid was a 'lifeline' for embattled Trump

(Newser) - The parents of Kayla Mueller say they are "so grateful" to President Trump and the special forces soldiers who took part in the raid that led to the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi . Mueller, an aid worker from Arizona, was kidnapped by ISIS in 2013 and the...

White House Releases Trump Team 'Raid Pics'
How the US Found Baghdadi
the rundown

How the US Found Baghdadi

Seems one of his wives and a courier told all

(Newser) - President Trump grabbed the world's attention Sunday with major news: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi was dead . Now details are emerging about the US military raid against the Islamic State leader. Turns out one of Baghdadi's wives and a courier were arrested this summer and revealed his location in a...

Trump: ISIS Leader 'Al-Baghdadi Is Dead'

President confirms that ISIS honcho killed himself during US raid in Syria

(Newser) - After tweeting ominously Saturday night that "Something very big has just happened," President Trump confirmed on Sunday morning what was widely reported in the interim : "Last night the United States brought the world's No. 1 terrorist leader to justice. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead." Trump...

US Thinks It Took Out ISIS Chief in Raid

Baghdadi believed killed in coalition raid in northern Syria; president will make announcement at 9am

(Newser) - Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the shadowy leader of the Islamic State who presided over its global jihad and became arguably the world's most wanted man, is believed dead after being targeted by a US military raid in Syria. A US official told the AP late Saturday that al-Baghdadi was targeted...

ISIS Leader Urges Followers to Free Detainees

He says Muslim women are being held in 'prisons of humiliation run by Crusaders'

(Newser) - Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi urges his followers to "do their utmost" to free detainees in a purported new message from the ISIS leader. In the 30-minute audio recording released by Al-Furqan, the group's media branch, al-Baghadi asks how Muslims can enjoy life when Muslim women are being held in...

ISIS Chief Appears in Video for First Time in 5 Years

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi says group will 'take revenge' for lost members

(Newser) - Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, whom Al Jazeera refers to as the "elusive chief" of ISIS and the AP calls "shadowy," has appeared in a propaganda video for the first time since 2014. The extremist group's Al Furqan media network published the video message Monday, though it's...

ISIS Releases New Recording of Leader

Al-Baghdadi slams US, refers to current events

(Newser) - ISIS has released a new audio recording, purportedly of its shadowy leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, his first in almost a year. In the audio, al-Baghdadi—whose whereabouts and fate remain unknown—urges followers to "persevere" and continue fighting the group's enemies everywhere. The 54-minute audio entitled "Give...

ISIS Says Leader's Young Son Killed

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's young son, Huthaifa al-Badri, was apparently an elite fighter

(Newser) - The Islamic State says the son of its leader has been killed fighting Syrian government forces. The announcement of the death of the young son of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi appeared on the group's social media accounts late Tuesday, reports the AP . It included a picture of a young boy...

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