Justice Department

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US Sues Bank of America for $1B in 'Hustle' Scheme

Prosecutors says bank foisted bum mortgages on Fannie, Freddie

(Newser) - The Justice Department has filed a $1 billion lawsuit against Bank of America over an alleged mortgage scheme known as the "Hustle" invented by its Countrywide unit. According to Manhattan US Attorney Preet Bharara, Bank of America and Countrywide developed a procedure to rapidly generate thousands of toxic loans...

Feds Sue JPMorgan for Mortgage Bond Fraud

Suit: Bear Stearns ignored problems

(Newser) - The mortgage task force of the Justice Department, including New York's attorney general, has launched its first lawsuit—against JPMorgan, charging wide-scale misconduct by Bear Stearns in the selling of mortgage securities. The complaint accuses Bear Stearns, bought by JPMorgan Chase in 2008, of defrauding investors who purchased mortgage...

FBI Agent Spent Thousands on Brothels: Court Filing

He allegedly spent $1.6K on single night in club that hires underage girls

(Newser) - An undercover FBI agent spent "thousands of dollars" on brothels and clubs frequented by prostitutes, including places that hired underage girls, a lawyer charged in court documents yesterday. The agent was reimbursed $14,500 for entertainment, cocktails, and tips over a period of less than a year in 2010...

Report on Botched Sting Clears Eric Holder

But 2 are out and more than a dozen face discipline over 'Fast and Furious'

(Newser) - The Justice Department's internal watchdog today faulted the agency for misguided strategies, errors in judgment, and management failures during a bungled gun-trafficking probe in Arizona that resulted in hundreds of weapons turning up at crime scenes in the US and Mexico. The report did not criticize Attorney General Eric...

DOJ: NC Sheriff Targeted Latino 'Taco Eaters'

He's under investigation for illegally targeting Latinos to have them deported

(Newser) - North Carolina's Alamance County Sheriff Terry S. Johnson is a the center of a scathing Justice Department report, which alleges that he and his deputies routinely targeted Latinos at traffic stops in a "deeply rooted" culture of discrimination, reports Fox News . According to the report, Johnson told his...

Holder: We Won't Prosecute Harsh Interrogations

Attorney general closes last two cases from Afghan, Pakistan

(Newser) - It's official: The US won't level any criminal charges over harsh interrogation techniques. Attorney General Eric Holder yesterday closed the final two cases involving the deaths of prisoners in Afghanistan and Pakistan in 2002 and 2003, the New York Times reports. The move brings a three-year Justice department...

Federal Court Shoots Down Texas Voter ID Law

Says it puts 'strict unforgiving burdens on the poor'

(Newser) - Three federal judges unanimously rejected Texas' voter ID law today, saying that it imposes "strict, unforgiving burdens on the poor." Since racial minorities are more likely to be poor, the judges ruled that the law violated the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The judges, who were appointed by...

Charges Unlikely in MF Global Collapse

Investigators decide loss was caused by recklessness, not fraud

(Newser) - If you're holding your breath waiting for criminal charges in the MF Global case, you're probably never going to breathe again. Heading into the home stretch of their probe into the collapse, criminal investigators have all but concluded that while the firm may have been reckless, it didn'...

New Sandusky Allegation: Child Porn

Feds reportedly find images on his computer

(Newser) - As if the Jerry Sandusky child-rape scandal were not bad enough, now the US Postal Service and Justice Department are investigating whether the former Penn State assistant coach was involved in a child-porn ring, reports CBS News . Investigators have apparently dug up child pornography on Sandusky's computer, although they...

Watchdog Slams Justice Dept. 'Nepotism'

Single division cited 3 times in 8 years: inspector general

(Newser) - Workers at a division of the Justice department have been hiring based on nepotism, the department's inspector general says. In a new report, eight employees—career workers, not political appointees—are cited for seeking jobs for their kids and other relatives, according to NPR . The Justice Management Division, the...

New Orleans, Feds Unveil Sweeping Police Reforms

Justice Department will watch NOLA for four years

(Newser) - The Justice Department and the city of New Orleans yesterday unveiled an $11 million, 492-point plan to clean up the city's notorious police department, in what Eric Holder called the most sweeping such reform the federal government had ever been involved with. For the next four years, the NOPD...

Phone Company Fights FBI Records Demand

Rare act of defiance sets up landmark-yet-secret legal case

(Newser) - Every year, the FBI sends phone companies thousands of "national security letters," secret demands for customer data, and companies almost always silently comply with them. But one company is doing something extraordinary: It's fighting the letter in court, arguing that the demand itself, and the gag order...

Feds Eye Criminal Charges in Libor Scandal

Justice Department building case that could jail bankers

(Newser) - At long last, an investigation into a major financial scandal appears to be going criminal, as the Justice Department is building a case against several banks involved in the Libor rate-rigging scandal . Sources say Justice could file criminal charges against at least one bank by the end of the year,...

Forensics From 10K Criminal Cases to Get New Review

Cases as far back as 1985 to get a second look by Justice Dept, FBI

(Newser) - The Justice Department and FBI have launched the FBI's biggest-ever post-conviction review, taking a second look at thousands of cases to determine whether defendants were wrongly convicted because of faulty forensic analysis. The review will examine all cases involving FBI Laboratory hair and fiber examiners going back to at...

Talks Fail, House GOP Moves on Holder's Contempt Vote

John Boehner says House will move forward with vote

(Newser) - The White House's last-ditch effort to avoid a contempt of Congress vote against Eric Holder has failed and John Boehner says the House will move forward with the vote, the AP reports. The Obama administration had offered to show congressional investigators some of the documents related to Fast and...

Upping the Ante, Issa Says Obama Conspired With DOJ

Congressman's letter escalates Fast & Furious battle

(Newser) - Darrell Issa is upping his attack on President Obama following the president's use of executive privilege in an attempt to bail out Eric Holder. A letter to Obama released today minces no words: "Either you or your most senior advisors were involved in managing Operation Fast & Furious...

Many Innocent NC Men Sit in Jail on Gun Charges
'Innocent' NC Men Sit in Prison on Gun Convictions

'Innocent' NC Men Sit in Prison on Gun Convictions

Justice Department won't release scores who didn't technically break law

(Newser) - The Justice Department refuses to release scores of North Carolina inmates that it acknowledges are innocent—lack of guilt that many of the inmates themselves aren't even aware of. A USA Today investigation identified more than 60 men who essentially became innocent overnight last year, when an appeals court...

Feds Suspect Cable Firms of Stifling Online Videos

DoJ conducting antitrust probe, sources say

(Newser) - Federal authorities suspect cable companies worried about competition from online video have acted improperly to quash their emerging rivals, sources tell the Wall Street Journal . The Department of Justice has opened a wide-ranging investigation, and officials have spoken to online video providers and cable companies, including Time Warner and Comcast,...

Florida Gov Slams Feds' Lawsuit Against Voter Purges

Rick Scott: 'It doesn't make any sense'

(Newser) - Florida Gov. Rick Scott is showing no signs of backing off his showdown with the federal government, giving Fox & Friends today an earful over the feds' lawsuit to stop the Sunshine State's noncitizen voter purges . "We want to make sure that our voters get to vote and...

Feds Suing Florida Over Voter Purge
Feds Suing Florida Over Voter Purge

Feds Suing Florida Over Voter Purge

...while Florida sues feds over denied access to database

(Newser) - The Department of Justice is taking Florida's Board of Elections to court for disregarding its warnings and continuing to purge its voter lists . Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez has told Florida officials that the state's attempt to purge people it believes are noncitizens from the rolls needs to...

Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>