Russia-Ukraine war

Stories 661 - 680 | << Prev   Next >>

Topless Anti-Russia Protester Crashes Cannes

Woman accuses Russian soldiers of rape

(Newser) - A woman who stripped off her clothes to reveal a message against rape by Russian soldiers crashed the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival on Friday. The unidentified woman tore off her clothes to reveal the message “Stop raping us” written across her torso next to the blue...

Russia May Be Upending Military Command

Zelensky says Donbas 'completely destroyed'

(Newser) - Russia has shaken up its military leadership after some high-profile failures in Ukraine, though the changes may not lead to more battlefield success, according to a British intelligence assessment. Britain's Ministry of Defense tweeted Thursday that senior commanders had been fired or suspended as punishment for setbacks including the...

Senate Clears Ukraine Aid After Rand Paul's Block

$40B package on its way to president's desk

(Newser) - The Senate overwhelmingly approved a $40 billion infusion of military and economic aid for Ukraine and its allies on Thursday as both parties rallied behind America’s latest, and quite possibly not last, financial salvo against Russia’s invasion, per the AP . The 86-11 vote gave final congressional approval to...

Dubya Makes 'Freudian Slip of the Century'

Former president slips up during speech, condemns invasion of Iraq instead of Ukraine

(Newser) - It's been awhile since we were treated to a Bushism , but the internet is once again delivering. The Hill reports that former President George W. Bush was speaking at an event in Dallas on Wednesday when he started slamming Russia's electoral system and how the country persecutes political...

In Battered Mariupol, Surrender at Last

1K holdout fighters have surrendered at steel plant; unclear if more remain inside

(Newser) - The battle that turned Mariupol into a worldwide symbol of defiance and suffering drew toward a close as Russia said Wednesday that nearly 1,000 last-ditch Ukrainian fighters who held out inside a pulverized steel plant had surrendered, the AP reports. The Ukrainian fighters who emerged from the ruined Azovstal...

He Wore a 'Z' After Medaling. Now, a Ban

Russian gymnast Ivan Kuliak sported letter, symbol of Russian invasion, while next to Ukrainian

(Newser) - The letter "Z," a letter proudly tied by the Russians to their invasion of Ukraine, has been spotted everywhere from military tanks to warmongering politicians. One of the country's gymnasts, however, is now paying the price for defiantly wearing his own version of it after medaling in...

Ukraine to Hold First War Crimes Trial of a Captured Russian
Captured Russian on
His Guilt: 'Yes. Fully Yes'

Captured Russian on His Guilt: 'Yes. Fully Yes'

Soldier is accused of gunning down unarmed 62-year-old civilian

(Newser) - Update: A Russian soldier on Wednesday pleaded guilty to charges of killing a Ukrainian civilian just four days after the war began. Sgt. Vadim Shyshimarin pleaded guilty to shooting a 62-year-old man on a bicycle in Chupakhivka in what is being called the first war crimes trial related to the...

Finland, Sweden Officially Want Their NATO Cards
Finland, Sweden
Apply to Join NATO

Finland, Sweden Apply to Join NATO

Spurred by Russian invasion of Ukraine, countries make big move

(Newser) - NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said Wednesday that the military alliance stands ready to seize a historic moment and move quickly on allowing Finland and Sweden to join its ranks, after the two countries submitted their membership requests. The official applications, handed over by Finland's and Sweden's ambassadors...

The Fall of Mariupol Appears to Be at Hand

Ukraine abandons defense of steel plant

(Newser) - Mariupol appeared on the verge of falling to the Russians on Tuesday as Ukraine moved to abandon the steel plant where hundreds of its fighters had held out for months under relentless bombardment in the last bastion of resistance in the devastated city. The capture of Mariupol would make it...

Retired Colonel Says What Kremlin Doesn't Want to Hear

He urged fellow panelists on state TV not to 'drink information tranquilizers' about invasion

(Newser) - If nothing else, it will be interesting to see whether Mikhail Khodarenok ever appears again on 60 Minutes, the twice-daily Russian state TV program that normally “promotes the Kremlin line on absolutely everything," according to the BBC. Khodarenok, a retired colonel and military analyst, crossed that line in...

Ukraine Ends Battle Over Mariupol Plant

Zelensky says it's time to evacuate 'Ukrainian heroes'

(Newser) - The battle of the Azovstal steel complex in Mariupol is over, Ukraine announced Monday. The mission has turned to one of evacuation, President Volodymyr Zelensky said: "We hope to save the lives of our boys." He praised the troops who withstood the Russian attack for weeks while protecting...

Sweden Ends 200 Years of Neutrality, Knocks on NATO&#39;s Door
Sweden: We Want
to Join NATO, Too

Sweden: We Want to Join NATO, Too

Government, like Finland's, will apply for membership

(Newser) - Sweden's prime minister announced Monday that Sweden will join Finland in seeking NATO membership in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a historic shift that comes after more than 200 years of military nonalignment in the Nordic country, per the AP . The move, which is likely to...

Ukraine War Apparently Not Going Russia&#39;s Way
Ukraine War
Apparently Not
Going Russia's Way

Ukraine War Apparently Not Going Russia's Way

Numerous reports indicate its operation in Ukraine has stalled

(Newser) - The tide may be turning in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and not in the direction Russia wants it to be. A number of recent reports indicate things don't seem to be going so well for Russia:
  • NATO's take: "Russia's war in Ukraine is not going as Moscow

Finland Makes Bid for NATO Official

Sweden's ruling party reverses on opposition to joining alliance

(Newser) - NATO moved closer to expansion on Sunday, as Finland confirmed its intention to apply for membership and Sweden's ruling party dropped its opposition to that nation joining. Both countries have long been militarily nonaligned, and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said their joining the organization will constitute a "...

G7 Sends Blunt Message to China About Aiding Russia

Foreign ministers warn that urgent action is needed to avoid food, energy shortage

(Newser) - China's refusal to join the call for a ceasefire in Ukraine brought the Communist country an unusually stern rebuke Saturday from the G7 nations, including a warning not to do anything to assist Russia with its invasion. "We call on China not to assist Russia in its war...

GOP Senators Make Unannounced Trip to Kyiv

Zelensky welcomes display 'of bipartisan support'

(Newser) - The latest unannounced trip to Ukraine by US politicos was made Saturday by four Republican senators, including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. President Volodymyr Zelensky welcomed the visit as "a strong signal of bipartisan support for Ukraine," the Washington Post reports. The meeting was announced Saturday by Zelensky's...

Rand Paul Stalls Passage on $40B Ukraine Aid Package

Military, humanitarian aid bill has been delayed until next week at the earliest

(Newser) - A $40 billion package of military, economic, and humanitarian aid for Ukraine has strong bipartisan support—but it was delayed in the Senate Thursday because it does not have the support of Republican Sen. Rand Paul. The senator from Kentucky single-handedly delayed the aid package by calling for a last-minute...

Videos Surface to Support Claims of Attacks on Civilians

BBC and 'Wall Street Journal' have separate investigations

(Newser) - Two news outlets are out with separate accounts alleging Russian attacks on Ukrainian civilians. Both stories are backed up by video, but note that the contents may be disturbing to watch:
  • Bicycle shop: The BBC has CCTV footage that it says "clearly shows" Russian soldiers shooting two unarmed Ukrainians

Ukrainian Soldier Creates Twitter Account Just to Contact Musk

'Help us get out of Azovstal,' the commander tweets from besieged steel plant in Mariupol

(Newser) - Serhiy Volyna only recently created a Twitter account, and he's so far tweeted just once and is following just one person. That person is Elon Musk, who was also the subject of the Ukrainian commander's one tweet, reports the AFP . "People say you come from another planet...

Dolphins May Be Surprise Victims of Russia's War

More than 100 have been found dead on Black Sea shores, with some pointing to noise pollution

(Newser) - Dolphins are turning up dead in the Black Sea, which experts say could be a consequence of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Since war began in February, Turkey has recorded a rise in dolphin deaths across its Black Sea coast. More than 100 dolphins had been found dead before the...

Stories 661 - 680 | << Prev   Next >>