
Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>

Assange: I Was Smeared
 Assange: I Was Smeared 

Assange: I Was Smeared

But women stick by molest charges

(Newser) - Angry Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is blaming a conspiracy smear campaign for the rape charge that was filed against him last week, then quickly dropped, by Swedish authorities. "It is clearly a smear campaign," Assange told Al-Jazeera yesterday. "The only question is, who was involved?" One of...

Sweden Cancels Warrant for Wikileaks' Assange

He's no longer suspected of rape

(Newser) - The weirdest story of the day gets a little weirder: Swedish authorities have withdrawn their arrest warrant for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange on charges of rape and molestation."I don't think there is reason to suspect that he has committed rape," said a chief prosecutor, without elaborating on...

Assange: Rape Charge 'Without Basis'

Sweden issues arrest warrant

(Newser) - A Swedish tabloid reports today that an arrest warrant has been issued for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on suspicion of rape, and officials said they could confirm "media reports." Assange addressed the report on WikiLeaks' Twitter page, saying "the charges are without basis and their issue at...

'Pirate Party' to Host Wikileaks Servers

Sadly, this has nothing to do with Captain Hook

(Newser) - The Pirate Party, a Swedish pro-piracy political party, has agreed to host servers for Wikileaks . The party, which also runs The Pirate Bay , a popular file sharing site, says supporting Wikileaks is in line with its commitment to copyright and patent reform, notes Information Week . "We want to contribute...

Dragon Tattoo Cover a Good Story, Too

After dozens of attempts, artist arrived at distinctive design

(Newser) - It's everywhere you look—at the beach, on the subway, in the waiting room. Americans are devouring The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, and the bestselling novel's distinctive cover has a pretty good story of its own, reports the Wall Street Journal . Designer Peter Mendelsund went through dozens of possibilities,...

Waitress sues for boob job benefits (see video)
Waitress Sues
for Boob Job Benefits

Waitress Sues for Boob Job Benefits

Swedish woman denied sick leave payment

(Newser) - A Swedish waitress is suing her employer after they docked her earnings for the sick pay allowance she got while off work for two weeks having cosmetic breast enhancement surgery. Upon returning to work with the new and improved breasts, her employers noticed the difference and told her the boobs...

Swedish Crown Princess Marries Personal Trainer

Biggest royal wedding in Europe since Charles and Di

(Newser) - It was the biggest royal wedding since Charles and Diana, the Telegraph reports, as Swedish Crown Princess Victoria married her personal trainer, Daniel Westling, in Stockholm yesterday. The bride wore an ivory silk, off-the-shoulder gown designed by Par Engsheden, and the groom had cleaned up nicely, the paper reports, since...

Swedish Cartoonist's Home Is Attacked

Arson attempt fails, but Lars Vilks thinks he'll move

(Newser) - More trouble for the Swedish cartoonist who once depicted Muhammad as a dog: Police say arsonists tried to burn down his home in Sweden last night. Lars Vilks wasn't home, nobody was injured, and the damage turned out to be fairly minor, reports AFP via Deutsch Welle . Still, "Probably...

'Monster' Oarfish Found in Sweden
'Monster' Oarfish Found
in Sweden

'Monster' Oarfish Found in Sweden

Swedes haven't seen 'King of Herrings' since 1879

(Newser) - The incredibly rare fish known as the "King of the Herrings" has washed up on a Swedish shore for the first time in 130 years. A hiker found the 12-foot giant oarfish on the country's west coast, Der Speigel reports. The mysterious creature, usually only found in water much...

Muhammad Cartoonist Head-Butted at Lecture

Scuffle breaks out at Swedish university

(Newser) - Swedish artist Lars Vilks, famous for inciting Muslim rage over his depiction of the Prophet Muhammad as a dog, was assaulted yesterday as furious protesters interrupted his Uppsala University lecture about the limits of free speech. "A man ran up and threw himself over me. I was head-butted and...

German Court Fines Bishop for Holocaust Denial

Richard Williamson fails to show up

(Newser) - A German court has convicted a British bishop of inciting racial hatred and fined him $13,544 for denying the Holocaust in a 2009 TV interview. Richard Williamson wasn’t in the courtroom, the BBC reports. The court heard a tape of Williamson declaring that only “200,000 to...

Hotline Priest Nods Off During Suicide Call

Suicidal Swede regains will to live through anger

(Newser) - A troubled Swedish man went from suicidal to steamed when he realized the priest at the other end of his telephoned cry for help had fallen asleep. The man called emergency services because he was feeling "psychologically unstable" and was forwarded to the priest on duty, who dozed off...

Women in Healthy Nations Prefer Metrosexual Look

Macho look popular in disease-plagued countries

(Newser) - Whether a woman finds herself attracted to big-jawed macho types or softer, more feminine-looking men may be a question of health. A new study of women in 30 countries found that those in places where life expectancy is low and disease rates are high, like Mexico, preferred men with masculine...

Irish Police Arrest 7 Over Plot to Kill Swedish Artist

Al-Qaeda placed bounty on Lars Vilks over Muhammad drawing

(Newser) - Irish police arrested seven people today over an alleged plot to kill a Swedish artist who depicted the Prophet Muhammad with the body of a dog. Officials say the suspects are foreign-born Irish residents, mostly from Yemen and Morocco, who had been under surveillance since November and were identified based...

Sweden Takes Gold in Women's Curling
 Sweden Takes Gold 
 in Women's Curling 

Sweden Takes Gold in Women's Curling

Host Canadians make defending champs work overtime

(Newser) - Sweden defended its gold medal in women's curling tonight, working overtime to beat the home-favorite Canadian foursome tonight at the Vancouver Olympics. Anette Norberg played through the din of cowbells, nailing the last shot to give her team a 7-6 victory in an extra 11th end.

Stoner Goes to Cops After Girlfriend Morphs Into Dolphin

Swedish smoker lodges complaint over psychedelic hash

(Newser) - When a Swedish dope smoker's TV started talking to him and his girlfriend appeared to turn into a dolphin, he decided it was time to lodge a complaint. The befuddled 26-year-old went to his local police station to complain about the low quality of the hash he had been sold....

Canada Wins, Gets Russia in Hockey Quarters
 Canada Wins, 
 Gets Russia 
 in Hockey Quarters 

Canada Wins, Gets Russia in Hockey Quarters

One will be eliminated tomorrow, earlier than expected

(Newser) - The Canadian men’s hockey team squashed Germany, 8-2, tonight to advance to the quarterfinals of the Vancouver Olympic tournament—where the star-studded squad will face Russia in a matchup nobody expected this soon. Tomorrow’s meeting ensures one powerhouse will leave without a medal—a position the hosts put...

Why Scandinavia Stinks at Figure Skating
 Why Scandinavia Stinks 
 at Figure Skating 

Why Scandinavia Stinks at Figure Skating

Fault the Soviets, and other reasons for no medals since 1936

(Newser) - Though the Scandinavian nations generally fare well in the Winter Olympics, there’s a gaping hole in their success when it comes to figure skating (no medals since 1936), leading some bloggers to try to figure why. Some theories:
  • Blame the Soviets. During the Cold War, the Eastern Bloc sunk

Clinic Floor Collapses Under Weight Watchers

Nobody hurt after Swedish clinic buckles under strain

(Newser) - A group of 20 Swedish dieters got a clear indication of backsliders among their number at a recent Weight Watchers weigh-in. The floor of the clinic in southern Sweden began to rumble and then collapsed. Nobody was injured in the incident and the weigh-in resumed in the hallway, the Telegraph...

Sign Theft Linked to Neo-Nazi Bomb Plot

Extremists planned to blow up Sweden's parliament building

(Newser) - The brazen theft of a concentration camp sign has been linked to a bizarre neo-Nazi plot to blow up Sweden's parliament. The wrought iron plaque reading "Arbeit Macht Frei"—work sets you free—was found hidden in woods in Poland days after it was stolen from Auschwitz. Now...

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