
Stories 181 - 198 | << Prev 

Palin Hasn't Let Science Stall a Good Hunt
Palin Hasn't Let Science Stall
a Good Hunt

Palin Hasn't Let Science Stall a Good Hunt

Alaska gov. makes killing wolves from aircraft a bullet point

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has spent her Alaska governorship aggressively pushing to expand aerial wolf hunting, contrary to the advice of wildlife experts, reports Salon. The practice consists of shooting wolves from low-flying aircraft. Palin believes wolves compete with human hunters for moose and caribou, and has encouraged the curbing of the...

Treats Banned, Komodo Dragons Get Nasty

Ban on food offerings 'angers' hungry lizards

(Newser) - Komodo dragons in an Indonesian park are increasingly attacking humans, and villagers who share their habitat say environmentalist policies are to blame, reports the Wall Street Journal. Inhabitants of Komodo National Park have traditionally left deer and sheep for the carnivorous lizards, the largest in the world. But new laws...

Hunters Battle Invasion of Hungry Hogs

Tough, wily, feral swine are spreading fast through the US

(Newser) - Hog hunters are finding their services in demand as the wild beasts spread across the country, reports the New York Times. The porkers—descendants of pigs brought by Spanish explorers, escaped swine from farms, and wild boar released by hunters—weigh up to 400 pounds and cause around $800 million...

Wolves, Back From Brink, Are Targets Again

Environmental groups sue after feds remove species' protected tag

(Newser) - A success story is at risk of turning into a bloodbath as gray wolves, newly removed from the US endangered-species list, are no longer protected from being hunted outside national parks. A coalition of environmental groups is suing the Bush administration, claiming that the wolves still need protection in the...

Alaska Suing to Bounce Bears Off Threatened List

They're just fine, governor insists

(Newser) - The state of Alaska will sue to challenge the federal government's decision to place polar bears on the endangered species list, reports CBC News. The Department of the Interior  cited the bears' diminishing sea ice habitat as a reason for listing them as threatened, but Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin fears...

Humane Hunters Hound Foxy Humans

'Drag-hunt' runners are hounds' new prey

(Newser) - England banned fox hunting with hounds three years ago—but riding clubs unwilling to give up centuries of tradition or the thrill of the chase are recruiting human prey, ABC News reports. The runners drag along a dead animal—road kill—to leave a trail for the hounds, and are...

Hunters Take Aim at Gray Wolf
 Hunters Take Aim at Gray Wolf 

Hunters Take Aim at Gray Wolf

Animal no longer under federal protection in northern Rockies

(Newser) - Hunters in the northern Rockies will soon take aim at a rare target—the gray wolf. The animal lost its protected species status in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming yesterday, and wildlife agencies in the region are looking to reduce the population by granting hunting licenses for the first time since...

32 Bison Shot to Death in Colorado
32 Bison
Shot to Death
in Colorado

32 Bison Shot to Death in Colorado

State authorities investigating possibly illegal hunt

(Newser) - Hunters shot to death more than 30 bison on a Colorado ranch, and state authorities are  investigating whether they had the right to do so, the Denver Post reports. It's legal in the state to hunt bison on private land with the owner's permission, but the scope of the carnage...

States Aim for Young Hunters
States Aim for Young Hunters

States Aim for Young Hunters

W. Virgina passes law OKing hunting classes in school, others may follow

(Newser) - West Virginia is trying to reverse a decline in hunting by bringing it into the classroom, the New York Times reports. The state, which has seen a 20% drop in hunting permits in the last decade, has passed a bill allowing hunting education in schools where enough students express interest....

Elmer Fudd, Have You Tried the Raccoon?

Illinois foodies 'overcome inhibitions,' dine on masked critter

(Newser) - Sweet raccoon meat is in vogue in the nation’s heartland, where the masked critters have been selling as fast as some hunters can snag them, the Chicago Tribune says. One Illinois dealer says he’s sold about 2,500 to more than 50 customers in the last 10 weeks....

Dog Shoots Goose Hunter
Dog Shoots Goose Hunter

Dog Shoots Goose Hunter

Texas math teacher dies in freak hunting accident, as dog jumps on shotgun

(Newser) - A Texas man died after his dog stepped on a loaded shotgun, the Houston Chronicle reports. The teacher, 46, shot down a goose, put the gun in back of the truck, and was about to let the dog out to retrieve it when the gun went off, blowing through the...

Hunters Supply Food Banks as the Need Grows

Hard-pressed charities welcome protein as they face reduced shortages

(Newser) - Food banks facing shortages are welcoming game meat from hunters. Using the meat isn’t new, but this year the need is greater, as charities report more clients and reductions in their supplies, reports AP. One food bank in Montana received 7,500 pounds of game in 2006 and nearly...

Boorish Boars Overrun Texas
Boorish Boars Overrun Texas

Boorish Boars Overrun Texas

Feral swine win out in war against humans

(Newser) - Everything's bigger in Texas, and the pig population is no exception. They aren't cute porkers, either—wild boars wreck crops and cause some $52 million in annual damages in the state. For some, that means an opportunity for heavy-duty huntin', but the solo efforts aren't enough to slow a wave...

Harry, Pal Eyed in Shooting of Rare Birds

Protected hen harriers killed on royal estate

(Newser) - Prince Harry and a pal were grilled by police after two rare birds of prey were killed last week on an estate belonging to the British royal family. The prince was out shooting when witnesses saw two hen harriers hit, a crime punishable by six months in prison or a...

Hunters Take Aim in Wyoming
Hunters Take Aim in Wyoming

Hunters Take Aim in Wyoming

Hunters look to thin once-endangered population

(Newser) - Hunters take aim at a symbol of the American West today, as Wyoming’s National Elk Refuge opens the first buffalo season in almost a decade. Officials say they need to lower the population from 1,200 to 500 because of overgrazing and disease. But killing the once-endangered species has...

Bad News Plagues Bears
Bad News Plagues Bears

Bad News Plagues Bears

As ice caps melt, trophy hunters take aim, polar bears belong on endangered list

(Newser) - It's bad enough when 40% of your habitat will disappear by mid-century, but add trophy hunters taking advantage of a loophole in US law, and it's not a good time to be a polar bear, the Independent on Sunday reports. The bears are not listed as endangered so 950 pelts...

Net Hunting: The Nonexistent Menace
Net Hunting: The Nonexistent Menace

Net Hunting: The Nonexistent Menace

States jump to outlaw something nobody actually does

(Newser) - States are rushing to ban internet hunting—despite the fact that nobody does it. Since hunting by remote control gun over the internet was floated as a business plan, a Humane Society campaign spread outrage, and 33 states have banned the practice—a bill has even been introduced in Congress....

Eagle Flies Off 'Threatened' List
Eagle Flies Off 'Threatened' List

Eagle Flies Off 'Threatened' List

After 40 years, national symbol returns from brink of extinction

(Newser) - The national bird is no longer threatened with extinction, an achievement the Interior Department celebrated today by letting a bald eagle frolic in the skies above the Jefferson Memorial. Thanks in large part to conservation laws, the number of nesting pairs has grown more than 20-fold since 1963; the bird...

Stories 181 - 198 | << Prev