
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Venture Capitalists Start to Regain Their Nerve

Confidence gradually rebounding with stimulus plan

(Newser) - Venture capitalists are starting to get their confidence back after an exceptionally timid year, the New York Times reports. A key index shows the administration's efforts to stabilize the economy have given investors glimmers of hope. "There is some degree of stability in the financial markets and that allows...

Google Launches $100M Venture Capital Fund

Investments will be in non-Internet fields

(Newser) - Google will launch a venture capital fund next year with an initial capitalization of about $100 million, reports the Wall Street Journal. Unlike other corporate funds that back companies in their own industries, Google Ventures will look beyond the Internet to also invest in biotech, health care, and environmental technology....

Help Jim Cramer&mdash;Arcade Style
 Help Jim Cramer—Arcade Style 

Help Jim Cramer—Arcade Style

New game lets you fend off Mad Money host's critics

(Newser) - Jim Cramer is facing his share of critics, from Jon Stewart to Fox Business, the San Jose Mercury News reports. Now you can help him defend himself in a new web video game: Jim Cramer’s Crashsteroids. Steer Cramer’s sneering mug as he takes aim at his detractors in...

Spend, Baby, Spend &mdash;or We're Sunk
 Spend, Baby, Spend 
 —or We're Sunk 


Spend, Baby, Spend —or We're Sunk

(Newser) - Our massive economy will remain stuck until hoarders open their wallets and "roll the dice" once again, Daniel Gross writes in Newsweek. Investors and consumers alike must regain their "penchant for gain and risk... some of the essence of what makes us American." Until that caffeinated, delirious...

Madoff Bust Stokes Anti-Semitism in Palm Beach

(Newser) - Bernard Madoff’s alleged mega-fraud and the large number of Jewish investors he apparently snookered is stoking anti-Semitic feeling in tony Palm Beach, ABC News reports. “It is a terrible thing to say, but some of the WASPs are delighted, they take great pleasure in this,” said an...

NYC Wants to Turn Laid-Off Bankers Into Entrepreneurs

Bloomberg unveils $45M program

(Newser) - With the Wall Street mess taking a heavy toll on New York City's economy, Mayor Bloomberg is launching a program to retrain laid-off investment bankers and make the city a mecca for entrepreneurs and foreign financial firms. The city plans to spend $45 million in federal and city money to...

Obama Signs $787B Stimulus
 Obama Signs $787B Stimulus 

Obama Signs $787B Stimulus

Liberals grumble over President's compromises

(Newser) - President Obama signed the economic stimulus bill into law today, the AP reports. In a Denver science museum chosen to underscore the bill’s investments in green technology and science education, Obama said he hoped the bill "will ignite our imagination once more, spurring new discoveries and breakthroughs that...

Watch Out for These Economic Recovery Signs
Watch Out for These Economic Recovery Signs

Watch Out for These Economic Recovery Signs

Keep an eye out for slowing pasta sales

(Newser) - We knew the economy was toast when the GDP dropped 3.8% in the last quarter. But such data lags behind the real economy, writes Dan Kadlec in Time, so watch out for these indicators of a turnaround:
  • Home sales. They started the downturn, so any upswing is a good

Divorcé Sues Ex in Bid to Share Madoff Losses

Lawyer wants some of ex-wife's millions now that his are worthless

(Newser) - Bernie Madoff’s scam isn’t just affecting pockets—now it’s poking its nose into personal matters, too. A New York lawyer who says he lost millions to Madoff is suing his ex-wife in a bid to share the pain, the New York Post reports. Steven Simkin paid Laura...

Madoff Scandal Turns Up Heat on Financial Advisers

Loophole lets Madoff types profit from bad advice, they say

(Newser) - Wall Street advisers and brokers are tussling over the details of a looming regulatory overhaul as Washington takes steps to prevent another Bernard Madoff scandal, Bloomberg reports. Advisers want brokers who counsel clients to be subject to the same oversight they’re under; currently, their brokerage counterparts can profit by...

Biotech Boom Finally Fizzles
 Biotech Boom Finally Fizzles 

Biotech Boom Finally Fizzles

Riskiest sector hit by downturn

(Newser) - In the bullish market, biotechnology was flush with investment, even though one drug might take many as 15 years and as much as a billion dollars to produce—but those days are over for the riskiest technology sector. Portfolio reports that 45% of publicly traded biotech companies will run out...

Publishers Rush to Meet Need for Financial Advice

Bevy of new books strikes more somber, conservative tone

(Newser) - Book publishers and sellers are rushing to meet demand for personal-finance titles as the unrelenting economic crisis combines with New Year’s resolutions to prompt consumers to seek professional advice, the Wall Street Journal reports. However, the thrown-together texts might not prove very helpful: Many authors fail to provide specifics...

NYT Courts Investment From Mexican Billionaire

Telecom magnate may get preferred stock in arrangement for battered newspaper

(Newser) - The New York Times is in talks with Mexican telecom billionaire and current shareholder Carlos Slim about making a significant investment in the beleaguered newspaper, reports the Wall Street Journal. One possibility under discussion is a preferred-stock arrangement, which would be similar to a loan. Slim's investment would earn him...

Florida 'Mini-Madoff' Missing With $350M

Police searching for fund manager after clients complain of missing millions

(Newser) - A Florida hedge fund manager is missing along with hundreds of millions of dollars of his clients' money, the Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports. Art Nadel, 75, was reported missing Wednesday after his wife found a suicide note. Stunned investors have been told that Nadel's funds, thought to have totaled $350 million,...

Bail Out America's Brains
 Bail Out America's Brains 

Bail Out America's Brains

To stay afloat, we need more Gateses and Jobses

(Newser) - Building roads and bridges will give our economy a short-term boost—but we need to look farther into America’s future on the global stage, writes Thomas Friedman in the New York Times. That means investing to make sure the next Microsofts and Googles are home-grown. How? For a start,...

Dow and Dirty: Investor Pushes Porn Hedge Fund

AdultVest, claiming 50% growth, sinks money into porn for iPod, among other things

(Newser) - Looking for a conservative investment? Forget bonds and go for bondage—or, at least, that’s the pitch for AdultVest, a hedge fund its CEO tells the Atlantic is an adult-entertainment industry first. The spiel: AdultVest is up 50% in the past year (based on “very conservative” appraisals), and...

Madoff Victims Peddle Jewels to Pay Bills
 Madoff Victims Peddle 
 Jewels to Pay Bills 


Madoff Victims Peddle Jewels to Pay Bills

Brokers report heavy traffic in heirlooms, other baubles, to recoup losses in investment scandal

(Newser) - Victims of investment scammer Bernard Madoff are selling off the family jewels—and sometimes their houses, too—to stay solvent. Jewelry buyers report steady traffic since the scandal, from a Beverly Hills woman sacrificing a 9-carat diamond to pay her bills to Palm Beach residents unloading more than $250,000...

Madoff Got $10M Investment Days Before Arrest: Suit

Funds were businessman's first Madoff deal

(Newser) - A New York businessman is suing to recover $10 million he handed over to Bernard Madoff 6 days before the alleged Ponzi schemer was arrested, the Wall Street Journal reports. Martin Rosenman wired the funds to a JP Morgan Chase account controlled by Madoff, who told the first-time investor that...

Battered Markets Crawl Into 2009
 Battered Markets
 Crawl Into 2009 

Battered Markets Crawl Into 2009

2008 finishes as the worst year for the Dow since 1931

(Newser) - Weary relief that 2008 was finally over greeted the final bell at the New York Stock Exchange yesterday, but shaken investors worry about what 2009 holds, the New York Times reports. The final tally confirmed that the year was the worst for stockholders since the Great Depression. Stock plunges across...

Conn. Firm Collected $500M From Madoff's Marks

Fairfield Greenwich didn't deliver promised oversight to clients

(Newser) - With its clients having lost $7.3 billion in Bernard Madoff’s Ponzi scheme, a Connecticut hedge-fund advising firm wants the public’s sympathy—but in fact, the Fairfield Greenwich Group took almost $500 million in fees alone from the money Madoff shepherded. And, the New York Times reports, it’...

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