
7 Stories

Hepatitis Takes Hold, Polio Emerges in Gaza

UN says diseases are surging among displaced Palestinians amid Israel's war against Hamas

(Newser) - A disease mostly eradicated throughout the world is making a comeback among the wretched conditions throughout Gaza, where nearly all 2.2 million residents have been displaced. The New York Times reports that on Friday, World Health Organization chief Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus revealed that a poliovirus variant has turned...

Oldest Sentence in Oldest Alphabet Names a Modern Scourge

The wealthiest ancients had a problem with head lice, too

(Newser) - The purpose of the ancient double-edged ivory comb unearthed in Israel is made clear by its inscription: "May this tusk root out the lice of the hair and the beard." In the eyes of researchers, that seemingly ordinary sentence hinting at the scourge of head lice is anything...

Lice May Have Indirectly Killed Girl, Parents Charged

Grand jury to consider 2nd-degree murder charges against Mary Horton and Joey Yozviak

(Newser) - A 12-year-old Georgia girl may have died as an indirect result of a severe lice infestation that may have gone on for years, investigators said. The new details on the August death of Kaitlyn Yozviak were discussed during a preliminary hearing Monday after which Wilkinson County Superior Court Judge Brenda...

In Case of Black Death, Rats May Be Innocent
Don't Blame Rats for
Europe's Black Death

Don't Blame Rats for Europe's Black Death

Human-carried parasites might be true culprits: study

(Newser) - Those poor, misjudged rats? According to infectious disease experts in Norway and Italy, rats aren't to blame for the spread of the Black Death, which has previously been referred to as the species' most infamous crime. In fact, humans might've been directly involved, reports the CBC . While studying...

Chemical Used to Kill Lice Linked to Kids' Bad Behavior

Study on pyrethroids is 'cause for concern,' says a child psychiatrist

(Newser) - Here's something else not to like about lice, mosquitoes, and fleas. An insecticide used to kill them—pyrethroids—might be linked to behavior issues in children as young as 6, a French study suggests. The researchers, noting the effects the chemical had on the nervous systems of insects, wondered...

If You Get Lice, Hope That It's In This State
If You Get Lice, Hope
That It's In This State

If You Get Lice, Hope That It's In This State

Michigan is the only one of 30 where lice don't show drug resistance

(Newser) - Head lice might be a bit harder to nit, er, nip in the bud this year: A study out of Southern Illinois University-Edwardsvillle finds the pests have developed resistance to popular over-the-counter medications in at least 25 states. Kyong Yoon, who helped discover ultra-resistant strains, collected 109 samples of lice...

Police: Home Lice Remedy Kills Baby Girl

Family put plastic bag on 1-year-old's head

(Newser) - A baby girl died this weekend when family members spread mayonnaise on her scalp and placed a shopping bag on her head—a home remedy for head lice, the Republican reports. Police in Springfield, Mass., say the 1-year-old child was left alone for hours and apparently suffocated under the bag....

7 Stories