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After Brexit, Colin Firth Gets Italian Citizenship

Actor says it's 'sensible' in current political climate to become dual citizen

(Newser) - British actor Colin Firth says he has taken Italian citizenship as a "sensible" move amid global political uncertainty. Firth, who is married to environmentalist Livia Giuggioli, says he has become a dual UK-Italian citizen, and his wife is applying for British nationality. Their two sons already have dual citizenship....

UK: There Must Be No Border Posts With Ireland After Brexit

UK commits to free movement for British, Irish, and EU citizens

(Newser) - The British government has said repeatedly that it will end the free movement of people from the European Union when the UK leaves the bloc in 2019. On Wednesday it acknowledged that, in practice, it won't. Britain said there must be no border posts or electronic checks between Northern...

Scotland&#39;s New Brexit Worry: Whisky
Scotland's New
Brexit Worry: Whisky

Scotland's New Brexit Worry: Whisky

Minister wants UK to extend EU standards so inferior booze doesn't invade market

(Newser) - Scotland has found one more thing to fret about as Britain drags it toward a breakup with the European Union: Its precious whisky. Scotland has called for Scotch to be defined in UK law so its vital whisky industry—worth about $5.3 billion in exports—can be protected after...

Odd New Brexit Glitch: The Border With Ireland

Ireland wants the Irish Sea to be the new boundary, but Britain won't have it

(Newser) - Britain and the rest of the United Kingdom are supposed to exit the European Union in 2019, but the current round of Brexit talks is getting hung up on a geographic snag: how to create a border between Ireland and the UK. The Times of London reports that Ireland wants...

Banksy Unveils His Latest Mural
Banksy Unveils
His Latest Mural

Banksy Unveils His Latest Mural

This time, he's not happy with Brexit

(Newser) - Banksy has let the world know his take on Britain's decision to leave the European Union: The street artist has created a large mural in the British port of Dover showing a workman chipping away one of the 12 stars on the EU flag, per the AP . His representatives...

Theresa May Drops Political Bombshell

Calls for surprise early election in June

(Newser) - British Prime Minister Theresa May dropped what's seen as a political bombshell Tuesday with a surprise call for an early election in June. The next election had been scheduled for 2020, and May had repeatedly ruled out a snap election before then, but the fallout over Brexit has changed...

Geologists Find Evidence of a Real Brexit
Find Evidence
of a Real Brexit

Geologists Find Evidence of a Real Brexit

Britain cut off from Europe 150K years ago: study

(Newser) - "Without this dramatic breaching Britain would still be a part of Europe," says Sanjeev Gupta—and no, he's not talking about Brexit. In what he dubs "Brexit 1.0—the Brexit nobody voted for," the Imperial College London researcher reveals two massive floods were responsible...

Spain 'Surprised' by British Talk of War

Gibraltar debate is getting heated

(Newser) - The triggering of Brexit was expected to lead to some robust exchanges between Britain and other EU members—but not many people expected open talk of war within days. The BBC reports that on Sunday, former Conservative Party leader Michael Howard warned that if it has to, Britain will defend...

Old Worry: Brexit New Worry: &#39;Hard Brexit&#39;
As Brexit Is Triggered,
JK Rowling Has Wistful Tweet
the rundown

As Brexit Is Triggered, JK Rowling Has Wistful Tweet

Two-year clock is ticking to reach a deal on UK's exit from European Union

(Newser) - On March 29, 2019, Britain will no longer be a member of the European Union. That's the schedule, at least, now that Prime Minister Theresa May has notified the EU of the United Kingdom's decision to exit and set in motion a two-year clock to negotiate the details....

2-Year Clock Starts Ticking: Article 50 Triggered Today

UK begins process to leave the EU

(Newser) - The UK is preparing to say adios, au revoir, and auf wiedersehen to the European Union after 44 years of membership. Prime Minister Theresa May signed a letter Tuesday night invoking Article 50, and the EU received it Wednesday, formally triggering two years of negotiations leading up to Britain's...

UK Tabloid's Brexit Cover Is Being Ripped as Sexist

2 female leaders met on serious political matters; 'Daily Mail' showed off their legs

(Newser) - A Daily Mail editor looking for a clever phrase to sound like "Brexit" should've perhaps plumbed the rhyming dictionary a bit further. Instead, the UK tabloid's Tuesday front cover settled on "Legs-it!," which sounds somewhat like "sexist," which is how many are now...

March 29 Just Became an Important Date in UK History

Brexit to be officially triggered next week, kicking off 2-year EU withdrawal process

(Newser) - Britain's government will begin the process of leaving the European Union on March 29, starting the clock on the two years in which to complete the most important negotiation in a generation, the AP reports. Britain's ambassador to the 28-nation EU, Tim Barrow, informed European Council President Donald...

UK Parliament Paves Way for Brexit to Begin
UK Parliament Approves
Brexit Bill

UK Parliament Approves Brexit Bill

Paving the way for EU exit to begin

(Newser) - Britain lurched closer to leaving the European Union Monday when Parliament stopped resisting and gave Prime Minister Theresa May the power to file for divorce from the bloc, the AP reports. The European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill passed its final hurdle in Parliament's upper chamber, the House of...

Scotland's Leader: We'll Seek Another Independence Referendum

She wants to give Scotland another chance to leave UK after Brexit vote

(Newser) - Scotland's leader delivered a shock twist to Britain's EU exit drama on Monday, announcing that she will seek authority to hold a new independence referendum in the next two years because Britain is dragging Scotland out of the EU against its will. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said that...

The British Government Just Lost a Key Brexit Case

Court decides Parliament has to vote on EU exit

(Newser) - Britain's government must get parliamentary approval before starting the process of leaving the European Union, the Supreme Court ruled Tuesday, potentially delaying Prime Minister Theresa May's plans to trigger negotiations by the end of March. The ruling forces the government to put a bill before Parliament, giving pro-EU...

A Hard Brexit Is Confirmed
A Hard Brexit
Is Confirmed

A Hard Brexit Is Confirmed

UK will remain open to global trade: Theresa May

(Newser) - British Prime Minister Theresa May has made it clear : the UK will make a clean break from the European Union and leave its single market of some 500 million people. In her most direct remarks since the June 23 vote, May says Britain must regain control of its laws and...

Markets Fret, Trump Applauds as UK Signals 'Hard Brexit'

Trump says Britain 'so smart' to leave EU

(Newser) - Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May plans to make a big speech on Brexit on Tuesday and the country's currency is taking a beating amid signs she will set out plans for a "hard Brexit"—meaning a clean break from the European Union's single market. British...

They Want California to Secede, Opened Moscow 'Embassy'

Group would love to see 'an independent California joining the United Nations'

(Newser) - After Brexit , could "Calexit" be next? Leaders of a movement to turn California into an independent country hope so, and have now opened their own "embassy"—in Moscow. "Yes California" backers staked a claim in the Russian capital last weekend as part of a what they...

Huge Ruling: Prime Minister Can't Trigger the Brexit

High court rules parliamentary approval is needed

(Newser) - As Britain's lord chief justice puts it, "the most fundamental rule of the UK constitution is that parliament is sovereign." The Guardian's translation: It's a "setback" for Prime Minister Theresa May. The country's high court on Thursday ruled that only parliament has the...

UK Needs Re-Do of Brexit Vote: Tony Blair

Former UK prime minister wants a chance to reverse vote to leave EU

(Newser) - Britons may have acted a little hastily in voting for the Brexit, says Tony Blair, and they should get another crack at it. "The bizarre thing about this referendum is that we took a decision but we still don't know the precise terms," the former prime minister...

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