Election 2020

Stories 941 - 960 | << Prev   Next >>

Selma Churchgoers Turn Their Backs on Bloomberg

He failed to address stop-and-frisk policy in speech at historic black church

(Newser) - They haven't forgotten "Bloody Sunday" in Selma, Alabama—and they haven't forgotten Michael Bloomberg's policies as mayor of New York, either. At a service in a Selma church Sunday to commemorate the bloody 1965 crackdown on civil rights marchers, some parishioners turned their backs on Bloomberg...

Pete Buttigieg Has Bad News for Campaign Staff

The 2020 candidate is dropping out

(Newser) - Democrat Pete Buttigieg is ending his campaign for president. Three people with knowledge of Buttigieg’s decision tell the AP he is informing campaign staff. They were not authorized to speak publicly and requested anonymity. His campaign says Buttigieg will speak Sunday night in South Bend, Indiana. Buttigieg rose to...

Tom Steyer Ends His 2020 Campaign
Tom Steyer Ends
His 2020 Campaign

Tom Steyer Ends His 2020 Campaign

Billionaire calls it quits after South Carolina results

(Newser) - Third place wasn't good enough: Billionaire Tom Steyer ended his 2020 campaign Saturday night after the results in the South Carolina primary became clear. As the Hill notes, Steyer invested large in South Carolina, but he finished well behind winner Joe Biden and couldn't take second place from...

Biden Romps to a Crucial Victory in South Carolina

In early returns, Sanders was in a much-distant second and Steyer third

(Newser) - South Carolina was seen as a must-win state for Joe Biden, and it turned out to be just that. In fact, it wasn't even close. Major outlets including CNN , ABC , and NBC called the race for the former VP as soon as polls closed at 7pm. Bernie Sanders was...

David Brooks Really Doesn&#39;t Want Sanders to Win
David Brooks Really Doesn't
Want Sanders to Win

David Brooks Really Doesn't Want Sanders to Win

But a critic says his 'freakout' op-ed isn't grounded in actual evidence

(Newser) - David Brooks feels pretty strongly that Bernie Sanders should not win the Democratic nomination, let alone the White House. The not-so-subtle clue is the headline to his op-ed in the New York Times : "No, Not Sanders, Not Ever." Brooks is generally conservative, but he wrote a previous column...

A New Poll Has Troubling News for Elizabeth Warren
A New Poll Has Troubling
News for Elizabeth Warren

A New Poll Has Troubling News for Elizabeth Warren

She's trailing in her home state of Massachusetts

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren didn't see the results she wanted in Iowa , New Hampshire , and Nevada , and it remains to be seen how she'll fare in the South Carolina primary on Saturday, though it doesn't look promising there , either. With Super Tuesday coming up in a few days, Warren'...

She Wants Her Boss' Job, Has Her Badge Pulled

She Wants Her Boss' Job, Had Her Badge Pulled

(Newser) - A deputy of South Carolina's largest sheriff's office has been stripped of her badge, uniform, and guns after expressing a desire to run for her boss' job. Al Cannon, 73, has been sheriff of Charleston County since 1988 and intends to remain in the job after the November...

AP Won't Declare Winner After Iowa Recount

Buttigieg still on top in final results

(Newser) - The New Hampshire primary and Nevada caucuses have passed, and South Carolina’s vote is just a day away—but there’s still no winner of the Iowa caucuses, according to the AP . Final results of the first contest to decide the Democratic Party's nominee to challenge President Trump...

Biden Gets the Endorsement He Needed Ahead of Saturday

Rep. Jim Clyburn backs the VP for president

(Newser) - South Carolina has been described as a "must-win" state for Joe Biden , and he just got a major boost in his quest to take the state's primary on Saturday. Rep. Jim Clyburn, the House majority whip and a longtime Biden ally, has endorsed the former vice president. Clyburn...

Winners, Losers From Democratic Debate
Winners, Losers From
the Democratic Debate

Winners, Losers From the Democratic Debate

Biden had the good night he needed, analysts say

(Newser) - Tuesday night's Democratic debate in Charleston, SC, was a raucous affair—so much so that Vox declares chaos to be the only true winner. In the last debate before the state's Saturday primary—and Super Tuesday—candidates desperate for speaking time talked over each other and shouted at...

Sanders Faces Onslaught in South Carolina Debate
Sanders Faces Onslaught
in South Carolina Debate

Sanders Faces Onslaught in South Carolina Debate

7 candidates clashed in fiery debate

(Newser) - Seven Democrats took part in a fiery debate in South Carolina on Tuesday night—one more than in last week's primary debate. Tom Steyer joined Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg, and Michael Bloomberg in the Charleston debate, co-hosted by CBS News and the Congressional...

Nearly Every 2020 Candidate Unloads on Bernie Prior to Debate

Expect lots of attacks on the current frontrunner Tuesday night

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders' Democratic rivals prepared to unleash a new wave of attacks against the party's presidential front-runner in a high-stakes debate Tuesday night. It's likely to be the final prime-time opportunity for several candidates to change the direction of the 2020 nomination fight, the AP reports. Almost all...

Fear a Socialist in the White House? You're Too Late

Catherine Rampell argues that Trump is a 'proven socialist' himself

(Newser) - In a Washington Post op-ed, Catherine Rampell writes that there's a decent chance a "proven socialist" will be in the White House after the 2020 election. No, not Bernie Sanders. "I'm referring to the one who already occupies the White House," writes Rampell. Yes, she...

Bernie Better Fix This &#39;Big Mistake&#39;
Bernie Sanders Is
Flirting With a 'Big Mistake'

Bernie Sanders Is Flirting With a 'Big Mistake'

He's disrespecting voters outside his base, writes David Leonhardt

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders is on a roll, and the Democratic nomination might be his to lose at this point, writes Rick Klein at ABC News . But if Sanders hopes to win the White House, he better fix what David Leonhardt of the New York Times sees as a "big mistake....

Biden Needs a Win, and He May Get a Big Endorsement

South Carolina 'kingmaker' Jim Clyburn will announce his pick Wednesday

(Newser) - Joe Biden is riding momentum from his second-place finish in Nevada as he heads into what Politico sees as a "must-win" state for him, South Carolina. It now appears that Biden will get the influential endorsement of longtime ally Rep. Jim Clyburn, the House majority whip. Clyburn will announce...

Marianne Williamson Makes Her Endorsement

'It's time for us to take a stand with Bernie'

(Newser) - "Love will prevail," Marianne Williamson said when she dropped out of the Democratic race on Jan. 10. On Sunday, she said Bernie Sanders will also prevail. Williamson endorsed Sanders for president during a surprise appearance at his rally in Austin on Sunday, CNN reports. Williamson—who endorsed Sanders...

After Nevada, an Undisputed Frontrunner
After Nevada,
an Undisputed

After Nevada, an Undisputed Frontrunner

Bernie Sanders pulled together a diverse coalition of voters to lift him to victory

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders' caucus romp Saturday night in Nevada is putting the word "undisputed" in front of "frontrunner" in many news accounts, and the candidate himself was so confident of victory that he headed out to campaign in other states before results were even announced. Unlike Iowa and...

Nat'l Security Adviser: Russia's Not Trying to Help Trump Win

Robert O'Brien denies report that Moscow is working to throw the 2020 election

(Newser) - There's no indication that Russia has its fingers in the 2020 election or is working to get the president re-elected, says a top Trump official. “The national security adviser gets pretty good access to our intelligence," National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien told ABC's This Week ...

Bernie Has Message for Putin After Revelation on Meddling

Briefed 'about a month ago' on interference to help him, Sanders says, 'Stay out of American elections'

(Newser) - First the Washington Post and New York Times reported Russia is interfering to help President Trump win reelection , per US intel. Now the papers are adding a new scoop: that Russia is similarly trying to help Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primaries. Sanders told reporters Friday that he received a...

Trump Sees 'Hoax No. 7' Underway in DC

He slams report of Russian meddling in the 2020 election

(Newser) - Reports that intelligence officials informed Congress that Russia is meddling on President Trump's behalf in the 2020 election have caught Trump's attention, and he's not happy with the news—specifically that the lawmakers were informed about it. Sources told the New York Times and Washington Post that...

Stories 941 - 960 | << Prev   Next >>