Election 2020

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Pro-Trump Site Faces Lawsuit From Poll Workers
Falsely Accused
Poll Workers Sue
Giuliani, OAN

Falsely Accused Poll Workers Sue Giuliani, OAN

Two Georgia women already had filed against Gateway Pundit for defamation

(Newser) - Update: Two Georgia poll workers who sued a website have filed a new suit involving false claims that they committed ballot fraud in the 2020 election. Ruby Freeman and Wandrea "Shaye" Moss filed a defamation suit Thursday in Washington, saying One America News Network continued to accuse them of...

Man Sentenced to Prison After Threats to CNN Anchors

Robert Lemke also threatened members of Congress, including on Jan. 6

(Newser) - A California man is headed to prison for three years after threatening 50 people who stated that President Biden won the 2020 presidential election, including CNN anchors and members of Congress. "We have armed members near your home," 36-year-old Robert Lemke, who claimed to be part of a...

3 Republicans in Florida Accused of Voter Fraud

Authorities say retirees cast ballots in more than one state

(Newser) - Texas Lt. Gov Dan Patrick might have to cough up another voter fraud bounty : Three residents of a retirement community in central Florida have been arrested for allegedly voting more than once in the 2020 election, Orlando Weekly reports. Jay Ketcik, Joan Halstead, and John Rider are each accused of...

Judge Sanctions Pro-Trump Election Lawyers

9 attorneys, including Sydney Powell, had sued to block Biden's Michigan election victory

(Newser) - Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, and seven other lawyers who sued to block President Biden's election victory in Michigan have been sanctioned by a federal judge. The lawsuit filed by the pro-Trump lawyers sought to decertify Michigan's vote, charging that public officials had illegally manipulated ballots in order to...

'Backsliding Democracies' Now Include US

Group cites several factors, but the election fraud claim is the biggest

(Newser) - The US has been experiencing a "visible deterioration" in its relationship with democracy since 2019, a think tank says. And the organization saw a "decline in the quality of freedom of association and assembly" during the protests after the killing of George Floyd last year. But "a...

Iranian Men Charged With US Election Interference

Goals of online campaign were confusion and intimidation, officials say

(Newser) - Two suspected Iranian computer hackers have been charged with election interference, accused of trying to intimidate American voters ahead of last year's US presidential election by sending threatening messages and spreading disinformation, the AP reports. The effort attracted publicity in the run-up to the November 2020 election, when law...

Rupert Murdoch Speaks His Mind on Trump

Says former president should stop focusing on the past

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch doesn't often speak poorly—or, for that matter, at all—about former President Trump, but the News Corp founder let his opinion be known at the annual meeting of company stockholders Wednesday. Speaking of "the current American political debate," he said, "It is crucial...

Chris Christie Zings Trump Over 2020 Loss

'When I ran for reelection in 2013, I got 60% of the vote'

(Newser) - "I'm not going to get into a back-and-forth with Donald Trump," Chris Christie told Axios this week—although taunting the former president for losing last year's election seems like a guaranteed way to get into a back-and-forth with Donald Trump. "What I will say is...

Trump Lawyer Blamed Pence for Capitol Riot

John Eastman pressured legal aide on election results during the attack

(Newser) - John Eastman, a lawyer who was working with President Donald Trump to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, took a moment to scold the vice president's team while the US Capitol was being attacked. Greg Jacob, Mike Pence's chief counsel, had already emailed Eastman that a...

WSJ Responds to 'Parsons of the Press'

Editorial board defends printing Trump letter, 'even if his claims are bananas'

(Newser) - After an uproar over a letter to the editor from Donald Trump, the Wall Street Journal's opinion desk has fired back against what it calls the "progressive parsons of the press," a group that apparently includes members of the paper's newsroom. An editorial published Thursday defended...

WSJ Slammed for Printing Letter From Donald Trump
WSJ Reporters Aren't Happy 
About Letter From Trump

WSJ Reporters Aren't Happy About Letter From Trump

Paper's opinion side published election claims newsroom had debunked

(Newser) - Wall Street Journal reporters aren't happy about a letter to the editor from a certain Donald J. Trump of Palm Beach that was published Wednesday. CNN reports that the decision to publish the letter—which claimed the 2020 election was "rigged" and included a long list of debunked...

Republican's Conviction Earns Voter Fraud Bounty

Fund set up to back Trump claims pays in Pennsylvania case

(Newser) - This might not be quite how Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick imagined his voter fraud tip line would work. With former President Donald Trump rejecting the results of the 2020 presidential elections, Patrick announced last November that he'd set up a $1 million fund to reward tipsters who reported...

Arizona Audit Gives Biden 99 More Votes

'Was there massive fraud or anything? It doesn’t look like it,' spokesman says

(Newser) - A widely criticized partisan audit of the 2020 election results in Arizona's Maricopa County cost around $6 million—which, according to a draft report detailing its findings, works out to almost $60,000 for every extra vote it found for President Biden. The Arizona Republic reports that rather than...

Report: Trump Campaign Memo Debunked Claims on Dominion

Lawyers touted baseless claims after Nov. 14 memo declared them false, per 'NYT'

(Newser) - The Trump campaign knew claims that Dominion used its voting machines to rig the 2020 presidential election were baseless within days of the election, before lawsuits were filed to that effect and lawyers touted the claims as fact in a Nov. 19 televised press conference , the New York Times reports....

Book: 'Third Grade' Case for Voter Fraud Left Graham Cold

Giuliani's presentation after the election didn't convince senator, 'Peril' says

(Newser) - Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham sat through a presentation at the White House in January by Rudy Giuliani and his team billed as a demonstration of how former President Trump was cheated out of a second term in the 2020 election. But that's not what Graham saw. There were theories...

Right-Wing Activists Face $5M Fine for Election Disinformation

FCC proposes largest ever fine for TCPA violation for Jacob Wohl, Jack Burkman

(Newser) - Two conservative activists were trying to suppress minority voters in largely Democratic areas when they made more than 1,100 unlawful robocalls offering false claims about mail-in voting in the 2020 presidential election, according to the FCC , which hopes to levy its largest fine ever proposed for a robocall operation...

Court: Arizona Senate Can't Keep 'Audit' Records Under Wraps

It's a defeat for state Republicans, who plan to appeal

(Newser) - An appeals court on Thursday rejected an effort by the Arizona Senate to keep secret records of its ongoing review of the 2020 election in Maricopa County that are in the possession of the contractors conducting the recount. The Arizona Court of Appeals ruled that the documents sought by the...

MyPillow CEO Says He Was Attacked at Hotel

Mike Lindell's 'cyber symposium' was a bust

(Newser) - MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell says he was attacked Wednesday night at a hotel in South Dakota, where he has been holding a three-day "cyber symposium" on his election fraud claims. "I’m OK. It hurts a little bit," Lindell told attendees at the Sioux Falls event Thursday...

Voting Machine Company Files 3 More Big Lawsuits

Dominion goes after Newsmax, OANN, and former CEO of Overstock for $1.6B each

(Newser) - Add Newsmax and One America News Network to the list of people and companies Dominion Voting Systems is suing. The company already has sued Rudy Giuliani , Sidney Powell , Mike Lindell , and Fox News . Now it’s suing the two conservative networks, as well as Patrick Byrne, former Overstock.com CEO,...

Flutist Who Shared Conspiracy Theories Is Out of a Job

Baltimore Symphony fires Emily Skala

(Newser) - A flutist who courted controversy with online posts about everything from COVID to the 2020 election results is out of a job in Baltimore. The city's orchestra this week fired principal flutist Emily Skala, reports the Baltimore Sun . The move comes about six months after the orchestra publicly rebuked...

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