President Trump

Stories 1981 - 2000 | << Prev   Next >>

China Will Make Big Demand of Trump
China Will Make Big
Demand of Trump

China Will Make Big Demand of Trump

Xi Jinping reportedly wants tariffs nixed and Huawei ban lifted to jump-start trade talks

(Newser) - There's a sliver of hope trade talks may resume between the US and China and that a trade war could soon be over, but China has some demands first. The Wall Street Journal reports Robert Lighthizer, the chief US trade representative, is set to meet with his Chinese equivalent...

Trump Jokes With Putin About Election Meddling

'Don't meddle in the election,' he tells him

(Newser) - With a smirk and a finger point, President Trump dryly told Russia's Vladimir Putin not to "meddle in the election" in their first meeting since special counsel Robert Mueller concluded that Russia extensively interfered with the 2016 campaign. It was the first time the leaders had met since...

Tillerson Says Kushner Froze Him Out

Transcript released of former secretary of state's comments about his tenure

(Newser) - In six hours of conversation with representatives of a House committee, Rex Tillerson detailed his relationship with the White House while he was secretary of state. There were issues. Tillerson expressed disdain and anger at times, Politico reports, toward Jared Kushner. The presidential son-in-law and adviser generally operated on a...

Megan Rapinoe Responds to Trump's Latest

'I stand by the comments that I made about not wanting to go to the White House—with the exception of the expletive'

(Newser) - Megan Rapinoe spoke at a press conference Thursday, and she was not backing down from her comments about the White House—well, other than one little part. "I stand by the comments that I made about not wanting to go to the White House—with the exception of the...

Trump Responds to 'Ridiculous' Census Ruling

POTUS suggests delaying census

(Newser) - President Trump has weighed in on the Supreme Court's decision on adding a citizenship question to the 2020 census, and, not surprisingly, he is not pleased. The high court blocked the addition of the question, for now, because it didn't find the White House's argument justified adding...

Friends of Trump Accuser Go Public, Back Up Her Account

Carol Martin and Lisa Birnbach talk to New York Times podcast

(Newser) - In her book excerpt recounting an alleged sexual assault by President Trump, E. Jean Carroll wrote that she confided in two friends at the time about what happened. Now those two women have come forward publicly to corroborate her account in the New York Times podcast The Daily , which also...

An Old Comment Keeps the Trump-Rapinoe Story Alive
Trump Has More to Say
About Megan Rapinoe
the rundown

Trump Has More to Say About Megan Rapinoe

After a line she uttered in May is shared, the president responds on Twitter

(Newser) - The war of words between President Trump and Megan Rapinoe got some new life breathed into it on Wednesday, thanks to a weeks-old comment. Things first got testy after the co-captain of the US women's soccer team carried her team to the World Cup quarterfinals on Monday. Trump was...

After Her Accusations, the Media Are All Over the Place

Articles pulled, coverage downplayed, 'eyebrow-raising' comments unreported

(Newser) - E. Jean Carroll has publicly accused President Trump of sexually assaulting her decades ago, and on Monday night she went on CNN to talk to Anderson Cooper about Trump's take on those allegations. She also commented on why she hesitates to use the word "rape"—preferring...

New White House Press Chief Is No Stranger to White House

Stephanie Grisham she'll stay on as Melania's rep

(Newser) - Stephanie Grisham's workload just got heavier. Melania Trump's spokeswoman was on Tuesday named White House press secretary and communications director—new positions previously held by Sarah Sanders and Bill Shine. She'll fill them while retaining her job of two years as well, reports CNN . Melania Trump announced...

Trump Responds to 'Insulting' Slam From Iran

He threatens 'obliteration' if an American target is hit

(Newser) - Iran on Tuesday mocked President Trump's new sanctions and called the White House "mentally retarded" or "mentally crippled," depending on the translation. In a series of tweets , President Trump has responded to the "very ignorant and insulting statement" with a threat. "Any attack by...

Trump Takes Issue With US Soccer's Rapinoe

Says her protest during national anthem is inappropriate

(Newser) - President Trump may "love watching women's soccer," but he's no fan of Megan Rapinoe's silent stance during the national anthem. Asked whether it was appropriate for the co-captain of the US women's soccer team to take that moment to protest inequality and injustice— standing...

Iran to US: Diplomacy Is Done After 'Stupid,' 'Idiotic' Sanctions

President Rouhani calls WH 'mentally retarded' as tensions escalate

(Newser) - Amid a series of escalations with the United States, Iran says it's throwing in the towel on finding a diplomatic way toward peace after the White House's latest round of sanctions, with name-calling thrown in for good measure. "Imposing useless sanctions ... is the permanent closure of the...

Trump Tightens Sanctions on Iran
Trump Imposes
New Iran Sanctions

Trump Imposes New Iran Sanctions

Signs executive order targeting Iran's supreme leader and his associates

(Newser) - President Trump has signed an executive order targeting Iran's supreme leader and his associates with financial sanctions, the AP reports. Trump says the supreme leader is responsible for Iran's hostile conduct. He says the United States does not seek conflict with Iran but will continue to increase pressure...

Knitting Site Announces It's Banning Support of Trump

Ravelry bans posts, projects supporting the president, his administration

(Newser) - The latest group to take a stand against President Trump comes from ... the fiber arts community. Ravelry, which BuzzFeed calls "the most popular online forum for knitting fans," has issued a ban against any and all content supporting Trump and his administration, including "forum posts, projects, patterns,...

Trump Admits to Having One Big Regret So Far

He also discusses Joe Biden and Iran with Chuck Todd

(Newser) - President Trump didn't seem to flinch when asked his biggest regret: "I would say if I had one do-over, it would be, I would not have appointed Jeff Sessions to be attorney general," he said in a interview with Meet the Press host Chuck Todd. "That...

Kim Jong Un Receives 'Excellent' Letter From Trump

North Korea says Kim will consider its content

(Newser) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has pronounced himself pleased with an "excellent" letter he received from President Trump, according to state media reports. That follows a "beautiful" letter Trump said he received from Kim earlier this month. Neither correspondent has said what's in the latest letter,...

Instead of Military Strike, US Hit Iranian Computers

Sources say that Trump authorized a cyberattack on Iran's military computers

(Newser) - US cyber forces launched a strike against Iranian military computer systems on Thursday as President Trump backed away from plans for a more conventional military strike in response to Iran's downing of a US surveillance drone, US officials said Saturday. Two officials told the AP that the strikes were...

Trump Puts Immigration Raids on the Shelf

He's apparently using it as leverage with the Democrats

(Newser) - President Trump has sidelined a plan to launch raids against undocumented families nationwide—but why he did so isn't quite clear, the New York Times reports. Slated for Sunday, the ICE raids were designed to deport roughly 2,000 migrant families who had court-ordered removals. Then the president hit...

Trump Says He 'Never Met' New Accuser. There's a Photo

Pic of Trump and columnist E. Jean Carroll, who says he sexually assaulted her in '90s, ran with her story

(Newser) - A bombshell cover story in New York magazine has forced a statement from President Trump, and in it he's denying sexually assaulting Elle columnist E. Jean Carroll in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room more than 20 years ago. "I've never met this person in my life,"...

Trump Orders ICE to Start Family Raids on Sunday

Operation is planned in up to 10 major cities

(Newser) - President Trump has ordered ICE to conduct a mass roundup of families in major cities that could begin before dawn Sunday. Agents are to take up to 2,000 families into custody that have received deportation orders, the Washington Post reports. Trump had tweeted on Monday that the raids would...

Stories 1981 - 2000 | << Prev   Next >>