President Trump

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Trump: 'I Just Want to Find 11,780 Votes'

Washington Post has recording of the president's call to Brad Raffensperger

(Newser) - “So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes.” That’s what President Trump said to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on Saturday in an “extraordinary” hour-long phone call, the Washington Post’s Amy Gardner reports. The Post...

On COVID Toll, Trump Gets Pushback
On COVID Toll, Trump
Gets Pushback

On COVID Toll, Trump Gets Pushback

Fauci, Adams say the numbers are real after president tweets the CDC exaggerates

(Newser) - President Trump tried to discount the destruction caused by COVID-19, tweeting Sunday that government counts of cases and deaths are "far exaggerated in the United States." He blamed the way the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention compiles the statistics, adding, "When in doubt, call it COVID....

Pence Backs GOP Effort to Invalidate Biden's Win

Vice president, who will be presiding, 'welcomes the efforts' of congressional Republicans

(Newser) - The Republicans in Congress hoping to throw out President-elect Joe Biden's election victory this week still don't have enough votes—or evidence—to do that, but they'll evidently have the support of the official at the microphone. Vice President Mike Pence, who will be presiding over the...

Electoral Fight Adds GOP Votes
Electoral Fight
Adds GOP Votes

Electoral Fight Adds GOP Votes

11 senators sign on to object to Biden's electoral count

(Newser) - Acknowledging that their effort to keep President-elect Joe Biden from assuming office is unlikely to succeed, 11 Republican senators committed anyway Saturday to voting to reject Electoral College votes on Wednesday. The group said in a joint statement that a commission should be appointed by Congresss "to conduct an...

Senate Gets Tense as GOP Again Blocks $2K Payments

Schumer blames McConnell, who rips 'cash giveaways'

(Newser) - Time ran out Friday on winning congressional approval of raising coronavirus relief payments from $600 to $2,000, as senators spent the holiday arguing the issue. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blocked a vote on the increase for the fourth straight day, the Hill reports. Congress adjourns on Saturday. Saying it...

Lopsided Senate Vote Delivers Veto Override on Defense Bill

Lawmakers hold rare New Year's Day session to give Trump a defeat

(Newser) - The Senate wrapped up a defeat for President Trump on Friday, voting to override his veto of the defense authorization bill. Despite Republicans controlling the Senate, the vote wasn't close: 81-13, the Hill reports. The House had agreed, 322-87, earlier in the week. A veto override requires a two-thirds...

GOP Senator Slams Colleague's 'Dangerous Ploy'

Trying to block Biden win is 'playing with fire,' Sasse says

(Newser) - Republican Sen. Josh Hawley plans to challenge election results , forcing a vote when Congress meets to certify them next week—but his colleague Sen. Ben Sasse definitely won't be voting with him. In an open letter to constituents , the Nebraska Republican slams the "dangerous ploy" of attempting to...

Trump Makes Abrupt Change to NYE Plans

No official explanation has been given why president, first lady are heading back to DC

(Newser) - Usually on the morning of Dec. 31, President Trump and first lady Melania Trump are prepping for their annual New Year's Eve bash at Mar-a-Lago. This year, however, there's been a change of plans. Per Fox News , the White House on Wednesday evening suddenly released a schedule showing...

Trump's Call for Kemp to Resign a 'Distraction'

The president continues to claim that he won Georgia

(Newser) - Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp on Wednesday called a tweet by President Trump demanding his resignation a “distraction,” the AP reports, and said he was focused on the state's response to the coronavirus pandemic and upcoming runoff elections for two Senate seats. Trump said earlier in the day...

One Trump, One Obama Take Home 'Most Admired' Crowns

Donald Trump ends Barack Obama's 12-year winning streak, while Michelle Obama wins top spot for women

(Newser) - Donald Trump didn't beat Joe Biden in the election, but he can notch a win against Barack Obama. In its annual survey on the matter, Gallup pollsters asked 1,000 or so American adults to name, without being given choices, a man and a woman they most admire anywhere...

House Supports Handing Trump First Veto Override

Defense spending bill needs two-thirds support in the Senate to become law

(Newser) - For the first time, President Trump lost a congressional vote on a veto override on Monday. The House vote to enact the annual defense bill over Trump's veto was 322-87, well beyond the two-thirds support needed to pass the measure, the Hill reports. The vote the first time around...

House Approves $2K Payments. Senate Is Up Next

Schumer plans to bring the bill up Tuesday, but one senator could stop it

(Newser) - The House voted Monday to send Americans who qualify $2,000, agreeing with President Trump that the $600 called for in the recently approved pandemic stimulus package is inadequate. Trump had threatened to veto that legislation, which included money to keep the government operating, before signing it Sunday night. The...

Biden: Trump Is Obstructing the Transition

Some agencies are cooperating, president-elect says, while others have been 'hollowed out'

(Newser) - President-elect Joe Biden turned up his criticism of President Trump and his appointees' handling of the transition on Monday, saying they're putting up roadblocks. "Right now, we just aren't getting all the information that we need from the outgoing administration in key national security areas," Biden...

Trump Loses Another Big Voice in His Fight

'New York Post' tells him to 'stop the insanity' over election challenges

(Newser) - Another staunch ally of President Trump wants him to give up his fight over the election. The New York Post is out Monday with a headline blaring "Stop The Insanity" on its cover, reports the Hill . The editorial board refers to Trump's ongoing challenge of the results as...

Relief Checks Back on Track After Trump Signs Bill

Amount expected to be $600, though Congress will vote on raising it to $2K

(Newser) - After a delay of nearly a week , President Trump on Sunday night backed down, as many had begged him to do , and signed the COVID relief bill. That means the government won't shut down, as would have happened had he not signed by Monday night, Politico reports. It also...

Geraldo Rivera Has Some Harsh Words for Trump

Longtime ally says he's acting like an 'entitled frat boy'

(Newser) - Geraldo Rivera of Fox News has been respectfully urging President Trump to give up his election challenges for a few weeks now. The "respectfully" part appears to be over. In a tweet , the longtime presidential ally said Trump "has behaved like an entitled frat boy" since the election,...

Both Parties Push Trump to Sign Relief Bill
Sign the Bill,
Tell Trump

Sign the Bill, Lawmakers Tell Trump

Congress can approve more relief later, both parties say

(Newser) - Lawmakers of both parties pressed President Trump on Sunday to sign the COVID-19 relief and spending bill, after unemployment benefits for millions of Americans expired overnight. "What the president is doing right now is unbelievably cruel," said Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont. "So many people are hurting....

Limbo on COVID Relief Starts Hitting Home Saturday

Unemployment benefits for millions begin expiring

(Newser) - The impasse in DC on a COVID relief package begins to get very real on Saturday for millions of Americans. Two programs set up during the pandemic to provide benefits for the unemployed expire, reports CNBC . One helps self-employed and gig workers and the other provides $300 a week to...

Trumps Issue Christmas Message
Trumps Issue
Christmas Message

Trumps Issue Christmas Message

COVID vaccine is 'truly a Christmas miracle'

(Newser) - After what the AP calls "tossing a grenade" on a bipartisan COVID relief bill in a "final raised middle finger to Republicans," the outgoing president of the United States is safely ensconced in his Mar-a-Lago resort for the Christmas holiday. Trump spent Christmas Eve golfing at his...

Attempt to Increase COVID Relief Checks Fails in House

House Democrats side with Trump on bigger amount, but Republicans block measure

(Newser) - So how much will Americans get in COVID relief payments, and when will they get it? Check back Monday. House Democrats and Republicans engaged in a quick battle of legislative maneuvers on Thursday that effectively punted the issue into next week. The recap: Earlier this week, Congress passed legislation that...

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