President Trump

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Audio Clip on Trump Appears to Contradict McCarthy's Claim

He talks about calling then-president after Capitol riot to recommend Trump resign

(Newser) - House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy might be in some hot water politically over a newly released audio clip. On Thursday morning, the New York Times reported that McCarthy told other House GOP leaders a few days after the Capitol riot that he would call then-President Trump and encourage him to...

McCarthy Cautions Republicans About Trying to Impeach Biden

House GOP leader says Democrats used impeachment for political reasons

(Newser) - If Republicans win control of the House in this year's midterm elections, GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy has plans. His members will concentrate on "holding this administration accountable," he told Maria Bartiromo of Fox Business on Sunday. But McCarthy cautioned Republicans against a politically motivated impeachment of President...

Trump: I Regret Not Marching to the Capitol

Former president blames Nancy Pelosi for not containing the day's violence

(Newser) - Donald Trump tells the Washington Post he wanted to march to the Capitol with his supporters on Jan. 6, 2021, but Secret Service wouldn't allow it. "I would have gone there in a minute," he says in the interview. Trump criticized the violence that ensued and, as...

Trump Utters 5 Interesting Words in Call With Historians

'I didn't win the election,' he says at one point

(Newser) - In an online meeting with historians, Donald Trump uttered a string of words that has raised some eyebrows: "I didn't win the election," he said at one point in the wide-ranging discussion, reports the Guardian . The newspaper begins its story about all this with the line, "...

Vehicles Must Hit 40 MPG by 2026 Under New Rules

Rules reverse Trump's rollback, but some environmental groups wanted more

(Newser) - New vehicles sold in the US will have to average at least 40 miles per gallon of gasoline in 2026, up from about 28mpg, under new federal rules unveiled Friday that undo a rollback of standards enacted under President Trump. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said that its new...

Trump's Jan. 6 Phone Log Has a 7-Hour Problem

Records of his conversations turned over to House panel have a gap of 457 minutes

(Newser) - House investigators hoping to learn what then-President Trump was saying and thinking as the Capitol riot unfolded have a problem, one that stretches for 457 minutes. That is the length of the gap of Trump's phone logs on Jan. 6, 2021, report Bob Woodward and Robert Costa in a...

Judge: 'More Likely Than Not' Trump Committed Crimes

Ruling marks a big win for Jan. 6 House panel

(Newser) - A federal judge on Monday ordered the release of more than 100 emails from Trump adviser John Eastman to the House committee investigating the insurrection at the Capitol, asserting it is “more likely than not” that former President Trump committed crimes in his attempt to stop the certification of...

Cowboys for Trump Founder Guilty on One Count Over Riot

Couy Griffin convicted of illegally entering Capitol grounds, cleared on other charge

(Newser) - A federal judge on Tuesday convicted an elected official from New Mexico of illegally entering restricted US Capitol grounds but acquitted him of engaging in disorderly conduct during the riot that disrupted Congress from certifying Joe Biden’s presidential election victory, per the AP . US District Court Judge Trevor McFadden...

Trump: Pence Acted Like a 'Human Conveyor Belt'

Former president signals he wouldn't run with Pence on the ticket again

(Newser) - Former President Trump has made pretty clear that a Trump/Pence ticket isn't in the cards for 2024. In a Tuesday night phone interview with the Washington Examiner in which he also extensively discussed Vladimir Putin , Trump likened Pence to a "human conveyor belt" in presiding over the Jan....

In Video, Stone Calls Trump America's Worst Mistake

Longtime adviser was heated at the time over lack of a pardon: Washington Post

(Newser) - Roger Stone is a longtime adviser to Donald Trump and is pushing hard for Trump to run again in 2024. But some documentary film footage reviewed by the Washington Post shows Stone laying into Trump in particularly harsh fashion. This came on the day of Joe Biden's inauguration, when...

January 6 Committee: Trump Violated Multiple Laws

Panel files in federal court to get lawyer John Eastman's emails

(Newser) - The House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol says it has evidence that then-President Donald Trump and his campaign "engaged in a criminal conspiracy to defraud the United States" and illegally attempted to obstruct the counting of electoral votes and certification of the...

William Barr to GOP: Time to Let Trump Go

Former attorney general slams his former boss in new memoir as unfit to lead

(Newser) - The latest book on the presidency of Donald Trump comes from an inside source, and it surely won't please Trump. Former Attorney General William Barr's soon-to-be-released memoir is called One Damn Thing After Another , and various outlets are highlighting passages in which Barr lays into his former boss...

Trump's Take on Putin's Move: 'Pretty Savvy'

He also dubbed him 'smart'

(Newser) - Donald Trump may no longer be the president responding to Vladimir Putin's moves, but his comments on the Russia-Ukraine situation swiftly grabbed headlines. In a Tuesday interview on the conservative Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show (full interview here ), Trump spoke about Putin's decision to recognize two...

Court Filing Causes Ruckus in Trump, Clinton Camps

Conservatives say John Durham development suggests spying on the White House

(Newser) - A new narrative has emerged in the orbit of former President Trump, one that accuses the Hillary Clinton campaign of essentially spying on the former president. It's a tangled story that involves special counsel John Durham and Democratic-allied lawyer Michael Sussmann, who was previously charged with lying to the...

Report: Archives Wants DoJ to Investigate Trump Records

Former president is accused of 'flagrant' violations of federal records law

(Newser) - Update: Former President Trump's apparent mishandling of his administration's records could be the subject of a federal investigation. Sources tell the Washington Post that the National Archives has asked the Justice Department to look into whether federal law was violated. Archives officials say 15 boxes of Trump administration...

Editorial: Pence Is Right, and Trump Is a 3-Time 'Loser'

'Wall Street Journal' editorial page praises former VP for standing up to his ex-boss

(Newser) - Consider the conservative editorial page of the Wall Street Journal on the side of Team Pence. In an editorial Monday, the editors praised Mike Pence for his public rebuke of former President Trump's view that Pence could have overturned the 2020 election results. "Mr. Pence stands out as...

There's a Weird Problem With Some of Trump's Papers

They had to be taped back together after the former president tore them up

(Newser) - Some of Donald Trump's presidential papers being examined by a House panel are harder to read than others for an odd reason: They had to be taped back together after being torn into tiny pieces by the then-president. The National Archives confirmed the quirk on Monday, reports CNN . The...

Trump Asked DHS, Barr to Seize Voting Machines

But former president heeded Guiliani's advice to keep the military out of it, according to reports

(Newser) - The New York Times is out with a story asserting that then-President Trump was trying harder than has been previously known to have voting machines seized in the aftermath of the 2020 election. Key points in the story and related coverage:
  • Homeland Security: Six weeks after the vote, Trump had

Jan. 6 Panel Wants Ivanka to Discuss Trump-Pence Call

Committee asks her to sit for interview on what she saw and heard in regard to the Capitol riot

(Newser) - The House panel investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot wants Ivanka Trump to answer questions about what she saw and heard at the White House. The special committee sent Ivanka Trump a letter inviting her to sit for an interview in early February, reports the Hill . “The Committee would...

NPR Host Shows How to Interview Trump
This Is the Way
to Interview Trump

This Is the Way to Interview Trump

Margaret Sullivan: NPR host wrapped misinformation in truth, until the former president hung up

(Newser) - Politicians and other newsmakers often are allowed to set the narrative when they're being interviewed, Steve Inskeep says. The NPR host points out that that narrative sometimes is skewed. When he interviewed former President Trump this week , Inskeep tweaked the form, enabling him to keep control of the information...

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