Joe Biden 2020

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Tweet From Hillary Clinton Foreshadows Announcement
Hillary Clinton Makes
Her Endorsement

Hillary Clinton Makes Her Endorsement

'Think of what it would mean if we had a real president'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has made her endorsement for the 2020 election—and, unsurprisingly, she's not getting on board the Trump train. The 2016 Democratic nominee endorsed Joe Biden at a virtual "Women's Town Hall" event discussing the coronavirus crisis Tuesday, CBS reports. "Just think of what a...

For Democrats, This Biden Situation Is a &#39;Grievous Mess&#39;
In This Biden Mess, 
No Good Way Forward

In This Biden Mess, No Good Way Forward

Rebecca Traister looks at the awful predicament assault allegations have created

(Newser) - The Tara Reade allegations against Joe Biden—that he sexually assaulted her in the 1990s—seem to be gaining credibility by the day, writes Rebecca Traister at the Cut . As a result, Democrats now have a "grievous mess" on their hands. The growing corroboration of the Reade allegations "...

2 Women Come Forward to Back Joe Biden Accuser's Story

Former neighbor, colleague say Tara Reade talked to them about alleged harassment

(Newser) - Two more people have come forward to say Tara Reade , the woman who says Joe Biden sexually assaulted her when she was his aide in 1993, talked to them about the alleged incident at the time. "This happened, and I know it did because I remember talking about it,...

New York Makes Unprecedented Primary Move

It has canceled the Democratic primary

(Newser) - New York's Democratic presidential primary has been axed—making it the first state to make such a move. The two Democrats on the New York State Board of Elections said it wasn't worth the risk of spreading the coronavirus just to hold "essentially a beauty contest,"...

Stacey Abrams: I&#39;d Say Yes
Stacey Abrams:
'Willing to Serve'

Stacey Abrams: 'Willing to Serve'

She's in if she's Joe Biden's VP pick

(Newser) - Count Stacey Abrams in. "As a young black girl growing up in Mississippi, I learned that if I didn’t speak up for myself, no one else would, so ... my mission is to say out loud if I’m asked the question, 'Yes, I would be willing to...

Biden&#39;s New Podcast Guest Raises VP Speculation
VP Pick
Democrats' Big
2020 Question
in case you missed it

VP Pick Illustrates Democrats' Big 2020 Question

Politico: Should Democrats focus on white, working class voters or push for minority vote?

(Newser) - For those still keeping track, chalk up another state victory for Joe Biden. The presumptive nominee won Wyoming's mail-in Democratic primary, the party said Sunday. Biden got 72% of the vote to Bernie Sanders' 28%, giving him 10 of the state's pledged delegates to Sanders' four, reports the...

Biden on Election: I Think Trump Will Try to Delay It

Trump campaign fires back, calls Biden comment a 'conspiracy theory'

(Newser) - On Nov. 3, the country will vote for the next US president—though Joe Biden is worried the current president may attempt to postpone that process. "Mark my words, I think he is going to try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it...

Biden to Louis CK: Here's Your $2.8K Back

Donation from disgraced comedian to Biden's presidential campaign is refunded

(Newser) - Joe Biden doesn't want Louis CK's money, thank you very much. A spokesman for the former vice president's presidential campaign said Wednesday that a $2,800 donation from the comedian, made on March 4, had been refunded, per the AP . Like Biden , Louis CK has faced allegations...

Gore Endorses Biden Against 'Face of Climate Denial'

'This is not rocket science,' he says

(Newser) - Democratic former vice presidents including Hubert Humphrey, Walter Mondale, and Al Gore haven't had much success running for president—but Gore hopes Joe Biden will be able to break the streak. Gore tweeted his endorsement of Biden ahead of an Earth Day event Wednesday, the New York Times reports....

Biden Wants Michelle Obama on Board: Report

The de facto Democratic candidate wants her support

(Newser) - Michelle Obama, the VP pick? Probably not, but Fox News reports that Joe Biden's camp is talking to the former first lady about getting her endorsement and drawing her into his campaign. "We know what pretty much everyone in America does: Michelle Obama is probably the most beloved...

Biden, Trump Blame China, Each Other

Big buys in battleground states make pandemic response the issue

(Newser) - With the Trump administration increasingly blaming the pandemic on China, the president's reelection campaign has broadened the attacks to include Joe Biden. America First Action, the main super PAC supporting President Trump, spent $10 million on TV ads to run in battleground states that say China "stole American...

Biden Weighs Unusual Move Involving Cabinet Picks

He might do so before the election

(Newser) - The presumptive Democratic nominee is stuck at home in Delaware—but he's still preparing to be president. Joe Biden said during a virtual fundraiser Thursday that he started putting together his transition team soon after his Super Tuesday primary wins, the Hill reports. The team will help him with...

Amy Klobuchar Makes a Lot of Sense as VP
Here's Why
Joe Biden
Should Pick
Amy Klobuchar

Here's Why Joe Biden Should Pick Amy Klobuchar

For one thing, she's 'ideologically simpatico'

(Newser) - Oddsmakers like Kamala Harris . Elizabeth Warren has made clear she'd be open to a spot on the ticket. But at the Washington Post , David Byler lays out the case for Amy Klobuchar to be Joe Biden's pick for vice president. Yes, an all-white ticket isn't ideal in...

Elizabeth Warren Doesn't Hesitate on VP Question

Says she'd be Biden's running mate: 'We both want the same thing'

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren is ready to step into the role of vice presidential candidate if asked. The Massachusetts senator on Wednesday told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow that she would accept the role of Joe Biden's running mate should he offer it to her, per NBC News . "We both want...

Another Big Endorsement Comes in for Joe Biden

Sen. Elizabeth Warren has now given her blessing

(Newser) - First Bernie , then Obama , and now a third big endorsement for Joe Biden. reports that Elizabeth Warren has offered her thumbs-up for the former vice president, making her announcement Wednesday morning with a nearly four-minute video. "In this moment of crisis, it's more important than ever...

Joe Biden About to Get Biggest Endorsement of All
Biden Receives Biggest
Endorsement Yet

Biden Receives Biggest Endorsement Yet

Obama backs him for president

(Newser) - On Monday, Joe Biden picked up the endorsement of Bernie Sanders . On Tuesday, an even bigger one came his way. Barack Obama formally backed Biden's 2020 bid in a video . "These aren't normal times," said Obama in the opening of his 12-minute message. The coronavirus pandemic...

Biden's Lead Over Trump May Be Weaker Than It Appears

The two probably are running close in the battleground states

(Newser) - Joe Biden seems to be in a good position at the moment to unseat President Trump. The former vice president is up by an average of 6 percentage points nationally among registered voters. But we still have the Electoral College, and Nate Cohn points out in the New York Times...

Bernie Sanders Endorses Biden
Bernie Sanders
Endorses Biden

Bernie Sanders Endorses Biden

Senator wants all Americans to help defeat 'dangerous' Trump

(Newser) - Joe Biden just scored a big endorsement—that of his last vanquished Democratic rival. Bernie Sanders on Monday formally backed the former vice president in the 2020 race, reports the Hill . During a Biden online forum about the coronavirus, Sanders made an appearance and asked all Americans to rally behind...

Accusations Against Joe Biden Gaining Steam

Tara Reade is talking to more outlets about her sexual assault allegations

(Newser) - More is coming out from the former aide to Joe Biden who has accused the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee of sexually assaulting her during the early 1990s when he was a senator. Biden’s campaign denies the charges. In two recent interviews with the AP , Tara Reade alleged the assault...

Now the Big Biden Question: Who Is VP?

Kamala Harris is seen as a top contender to be his running mate

(Newser) - Now that Bernie Sanders has dropped out , focus is turning to the VP pick of presumptive nominee Joe Biden. The former vice president already has pledged to pick a woman as his running mate, and Aaron Blake of the Washington Post ranks the "most logical" candidates. No. 1 on...

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