Ilhan Omar

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Bogus Image of Ilhan Omar Puts Critic in Hot Water

ND's Oley Larsen tweets photo purporting to show her at al-Qaeda camp; it's not her

(Newser) - Rep. Ilhan Omar has condemned a Republican state senator from North Dakota who posted a long-debunked photo on his Facebook page that purports to show the Minnesota Democrat holding a weapon at an al-Qaeda training camp. The photo was taken before Omar was even born. Omar, a naturalized US citizen...

AOC Has Picked Her Candidate: Report

And it's Bernie Sanders

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders said at Tuesday night's Democratic debate that he will be joined by a "special guest" at his "Bernie's Back" rally in Queens on Saturday. Anybody expecting Paul Simon will be disappointed: Sources tell the Washington Post that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will appear at the...

Amid Affair Rumors, a Divorce Filing by Ilhan Omar

Minnesota congresswoman splits from husband Ahmed Hirsi, has denied affair allegations

(Newser) - She recently denied both an affair and the end of her marriage, but now the latter is getting some confirmation. Rep. Ilhan Omar filed for divorce on Friday from Ahmed Hirsi in Minnesota, reports the New York Post , which was also the first to report on an alleged affair between...

Trump Shares Fake Video of Ilhan Omar

The president retweets video of her dancing, but it wasn't on the 9/11 anniversary

(Newser) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday used Twitter to share an edited video made by a conservative comedian that falsely accused Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar of dancing and partying last week on the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the AP reports. The inaccurate video provoked new Twitter criticism of...

Alabama GOP Goes After Omar, So She Goes After It

'Maybe don't nominate an accused child molester as your Senate candidate'

(Newser) - Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar fired back at Alabama Republicans on Tuesday after they approved a resolution calling on her to be removed from office. The resolution requests that Alabama's congressional delegation "proceed with the expulsion process in accordance to Article 1, Section 5 of the U.S....

Trump Has Harsh Words for Jews Who Vote Democrat
Trump Unloads on Jews
Who Vote Democrat

Trump Unloads on Jews Who Vote Democrat

The president says it might be a case of 'disloyalty'

(Newser) - Showing a fresh willingness to play politics along religious and racial lines, President Donald Trump said Tuesday that American Jewish people who vote for Democrats show "either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty." Trump's claim triggered a quick uproar from critics who said the president...

Rep. Tlaib: Maybe People Should Boycott Bill Maher

She fires back after HBO host calls anti-Israeli boycott movement a bogus 'purity test'

(Newser) - Bill Maher has weighed in on the controversy over Israel's decision to bar two congresswomen from visiting that nation—and he's not on the side of the two congresswomen. In the latest episode of his HBO show, Maher called the boycott of Israel supported by Reps. Ilhan Omar...

After Trump Pressure, Israel Cancels Lawmakers&#39; Visit
After Trump Pressure, Israel
Cancels Lawmakers' Visit
the rundown

After Trump Pressure, Israel Cancels Lawmakers' Visit

Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, critics of Israel, planned to visit the country

(Newser) - Last week, 41 Democratic members of Congress visited Israel, and 31 Republicans are currently there now, reports the Jerusalem Post . Such routine visits don't generate much attention. By contrast, the proposed visit of two more members of Congress very much surfaced as a source of international headlines—because those...

No Chants of 'Send Her Back' at Latest Trump Rally

Ohio crowd stuck to 'Lock her up'

(Newser) - President Trump used a revved-up rally Thursday in Cincinnati to tear into the Democrats he has been elevating as his new political foils, attacking four liberal congresswomen and their party's urban leaders, while also training fire on those he could be facing in 2020. But the president mostly avoided...

Lone Black Republican in House Is Retiring

Hurd departure seen as sign of GOP pessimism

(Newser) - After next year's election, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott might be the only black Republican in Congress. Rep. Will Hurd, the only black Republican in the House, has announced his retirement, the Hill reports. "I have made the decision to not seek reelection for the 23rd Congressional District...

Rand Paul Floats Controversial Idea for Ilhan Omar

Says he'll help buy a plane ticket for her to visit Somalia so she can better appreciate US

(Newser) - Rand Paul has been staunchly on the side of President Trump during Trump's public feud with Rep. Ilhan Omar and others progressive members of "the Squad." Now, the Kentucky senator has ramped up his defense with a provocative statement about the Somalia-born Omar, reports the Louisville Courier-Journal ...

Rep. Omar: Trump&#39;s Rally a &#39;Defining Moment&#39; for US
Rep. Omar Calls Trump
Racist in New Op-Ed

Rep. Omar Calls Trump Racist in New Op-Ed

She writes that the 'send her back!" chant will be a 'defining moment' in US history

(Newser) - The rally during which supporters of President Trump chanted "send her back!" wasn't just a blip on the political radar, writes Rep. Ilhan Omar in the New York Times . It "will be a defining moment in American history," writes the Somalia native, who was actually...

GOP Group Sorry for 'Jihad Squad' Post

'Political jihad is their game,' Illinois group said of Democratic lawmakers

(Newser) - An Illinois Republican group has apologized and removed from its Facebook page a post that showed images of four Democratic congresswomen who have been criticized by President Trump and referred to them as the "Jihad Squad." The post appeared Friday night on the Republican County Chairman's Association...

ESPN Issues Reminder After Anti-Trump Blast

Dan Le Batard criticized President Trump and his recent racist tweets

(Newser) - ESPN is reminding employees of the network's policy to avoid talking about politics after radio talk show host Dan Le Batard criticized President Trump and his recent racist comments and ESPN itself on the air this week, the AP reports. (See Le Batard's commentary here .) The reminder...

Trump Shifts Tone, Calls Rally Crowd 'Patriots'

Praise comes a day after he said he wasn't happy with 'send her back!' chant

(Newser) - Earlier this week, President Trump criticized some of his own supporters for breaking out in a "send her back!" chant at a North Carolina rally. On Friday, however, the president shifted tone and said the crowd was made up of "incredible patriots," reports USA Today . Trump...

Trump Criticizes 'Crazed' Media Coverage of Chant

Says mainstream media in 'sick partnership' with the left

(Newser) - On Thursday, President Trump said he wasn't happy that supporters broke out in a "send her back" chant at his political rally in North Carolina. On Friday, Trump said he wasn't happy with media coverage of the controversy, either. "It is amazing how the Fake News...

After 'Send Her Back' Chants, Rep. Omar Welcomed Home

Supporters met her at Minneapolis airport

(Newser) - Rep. Ilhan Omar went back to where she comes from Thursday—and they were delighted to see her. A crowd of cheering supporters, some with signs saying "Welcome back," greeted the Democrat when she landed at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports. "Home sweet...

Trump: I'm 'Not Happy' With That New Chant

He disavows 'send her back' and says he will stop supporters next time

(Newser) - In the face of media criticism and some negativity in his own party, President Trump is disavowing his supporters' chant of "send her back," Politico reports. "I was not happy with it. I disagree with it," Trump said Thursday of those who unleashed the chant about...

Rep. Omar Responds to 'Send Her Back!' Chant

'I am where I belong,' she says after Trump rally

(Newser) - When President Trump spoke about Rep. Ilhan Omar at a rally in North Carolina Wednesday, supporters broke out in a chant of "Send her back!" The freshman lawmaker from Minnesota took notice. "I am where I belong, at the people’s house and you’re just gonna...

Trump: &#39;I Don&#39;t Have a Racist Bone in My Body!&#39;
House Readies Vote, as
Trump Denies Racism
the rundown

House Readies Vote, as Trump Denies Racism

'I don't have a Racist bone in my body!' he writes

(Newser) - The controversy over President Trump's tweeted criticism of four progressive lawmakers was poised to ratchet up even more Tuesday as the House prepared to vote on a resolution condemning his words as racist. Before the vote, however, Trump shot back against that accusation. Details and developments:
  • The resolution: NPR

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