Donald Trump tweets

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Trump Responds to NYT Report on His Inheritance

'Very old, boring'

(Newser) - Those waiting for President Trump's response to the New York Times investigation into what it says was the $413 million inheritance (in today's dollars) he received and the alleged "dubious tax schemes" around it got it mid-morning. The president tweeted , "The Failing New York Times did...

Trump Won't Back Down From Denial of Hurricane Death Toll

President's Friday tweetstorm praised FEMA, railed against Puerto Rico death toll from Hurricane Maria

(Newser) - President Trump spent much of Friday evening digging into a claim he'd made the previous day that spurred instant backlash. On Thursday, Trump accused Democrats of inflating the death toll in Puerto Rico from Hurricane Maria, which a recent George Washington University report updated from 64 to 2,975....

Trump Rages Online Against Woodward's 'Made Up' Quotes

President calls journalist's new book a 'scam'

(Newser) - He's already gone after Bernstein —now he's taking on Woodward full force. Piggybacking on his previous online criticism of the Washington Post journalist from earlier this week, President Trump on Friday once more attacked Woodward's new book, Fear , which contains explosive claims about dysfunctional life inside...

Trump Fires Back at 'Discredited' Woodward

He accuses journalist of being 'Dem operative'

(Newser) - Bob Woodward might be feeling a sense of deja vu today: An angry Republican president is attacking his credibility and accusing him of being a Democratic operative. President Trump laid into Woodward in a series of tweets Tuesday night after the publication of explosive details from Fear , Woodward's new...

Trump Warns NFL Players: 'Find Another Way to Protest'

President isn't happy some players kneeled, did other protests during anthem in preseason games

(Newser) - Is it football season already? It must be, based on President Trump's tweets from Friday morning. After reports filtered out about some NFL players kneeling, raising their fists, and taking part in other forms of protest during preseason games on Thursday evening, Trump once more railed against those who...

Trump's Claim on Calif. Wildfires 'Boggles the Mind'

No, the state's water is not being dumped in the Pacific, an expert says

(Newser) - President Trump on Sunday addressed the devastation wrought by the latest California wildfires , the Hill reports. "California wildfires are being magnified & made so much worse by the bad environmental laws which aren't allowing massive amount of readily available water to be properly utilized," he tweeted . "...

Trump Insults Intelligence of LeBron, Don Lemon on Twitter

'Dumbest man on television' made LeBron James 'look smart,' president tweeted after CNN spot

(Newser) - LeBron James was interviewed by CNN's Don Lemon on Monday, and that interview re-aired Friday night, per CNN . One person who was apparently up late watching it: President Trump. Shortly before midnight, he made his thoughts known on what he thought of the LeBron-Lemon conversation. "Lebron James was...

Trump Thanks Kim for 'Nice Letter,' Teases Meeting

President also expresses gratitude to NK leader for his 'kind action'

(Newser) - President Trump teased an upcoming meeting with Kim Jong Un on Thursday as the White House confirmed the North Korean leader sent him a letter "aimed at following up on their meeting in Singapore." In a tweet , Trump thanked Kim for the "nice letter" and for keeping...

Trump: NYT Publisher and I Met, Talked 'Fake News'

Says he and Sulzberger sat down at White House and discussed 'Enemy of the People'

(Newser) - President Trump has met with the head of one of his favorite whipping boys, per one of a flurry of tweets early Sunday: "Had a very good and interesting meeting at the White House with A.G. Sulzberger, Publisher of the New York Times. Spent much time talking about...

Trump Directs New Heat to Harley-Davidson

Says White House working to bring foreign motorcycle companies to US

(Newser) - President Trump isn't letting up on Harley-Davidson: In another tweet on the subject, Trump expressed more frustration with the motorcycle-maker's decision to move some production overseas. "(My) Administration is working with other Motor Cycle companies who want to move into the U.S.," Trump wrote Tuesday....

Oil Prices Are Rising. Trump Claims He Made a Saudi Deal

In Saturday tweet, president says King Salman has vowed to boost oil production

(Newser) - After a couple of early morning tweets that defended ICE, President Trump followed that up Saturday with an unrelated announcement: that he'd received assurances from Saudi Arabia's King Salman that the kingdom will increase oil production, "maybe up to 2,000,000 barrels," in response to...

Trump Tweets as SCOTUS Deals Big Blow to Labor Unions

Government workers can't be forced to contribute to labor unions that represent them

(Newser) - The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that government workers can't be forced to contribute to labor unions that represent them in collective bargaining, dealing a serious financial blow to organized labor. The justices are scrapping a 41-year-old decision that had allowed states to require that public employees pay some fees...

Trump Tweets About 'Vicious' Facelift Rumor, Mika Notices

President takes to Twitter to slam media's coverage of Melania

(Newser) - Melania Trump stepped back into the public eye Monday after a more than three-week absence, and President Trump took to Twitter two days later to address the at-times fervent coverage surrounding the "missing" Melania. He first tweeted that "the Fake News Media has been so unfair, and vicious,...

Trump Blames Sessions' Recusal for 'So Many Lives Ruined'

President also demanded 'transparency' on DOJ report on probe into Clinton's email server

(Newser) - The president's impatience with Robert Mueller's Russia probe once more reared its head on Twitter Tuesday, with Jeff Sessions getting special mention. "The Russian Witch Hunt Hoax continues, all because Jeff Sessions didn't tell me he was going to recuse himself," Trump tweeted , per the...

Trump: Why Does Samantha Bee Still Have a Job?

President weighs in after comedian's remarks about Ivanka

(Newser) - The buzz around Samantha Bee and the insult she hurled at Ivanka Trump on her show Wednesday night has, not surprisingly, caught the attention of Ivanka's father, CNN notes. On TBS' Full Frontal, Bee had called the younger Trump a "feckless c---" while discussing how "oblivious" she...

Trump Announces Surprise Pardon to Conservative Figure
Trump Flexes His 
Pardoning Muscles
the rundown

Trump Flexes His Pardoning Muscles

Dinesh D'Souza is a yes, Martha Stewart a maybe; may commute sentence of Blagojevich

(Newser) - President Trump made big news Thursday through his power to issue pardons and commute sentences. First, he announced that he would issue a full pardon to conservative firebrand Dinesh D'Souza, who once pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations. Hours later came two higher-profile names: Trump told reporters on Air...

Trump Tweets About What He 'Wished' He Had Done

His beef with Jeff Sessions is Twitter fodder once again

(Newser) - President Trump on Wednesday took to Twitter to once again air his displeasure with Attorney General Jeff Sessions. In a trio of tweets, Trump mainly quoted from a CBS This Morning interview with House Oversight Chair Trey Gowdy, writing in part that Gowdy said, "If I were the President...

Trump Calls FBI Informant Report &#39;Bigger Than Watergate&#39;
Trump Embraces
FBI Spy Theory

Trump Embraces Controversial FBI Spy Theory

Allegations of informant inside campaign being used to discredit Mueller investigation

(Newser) - It's something Trump has said would be "bigger than Watergate" and the "all time biggest political scandal" ever if it pans out to be true. What he's referring to: a report in the New York Times this week that the FBI planted an informant to spy...

&#39;Congratulations America&#39;: A Sarcastic Trump Marks Day
'Congratulations America':
A Sarcastic Trump Marks Day
the rundown

'Congratulations America': A Sarcastic Trump Marks Day

President notes 'witch hunt' has been going on for a year

(Newser) - Thursday is the one-year anniversary of the start of Robert Mueller's investigation, and President Trump is among those marking the occasion. His tweet, however, drips with sarcasm. "Congratulations America, we are now into the second year of the greatest Witch Hunt in American History ... and there is still...

Trump Announces Site of Summit With Kim Jong Un

They will meet in Singapore on June 12

(Newser) - The time and date are set: President Trump will meet with North Korea's Kim Jong Un in Singapore on June 12. "We will both try to make it a very special moment for World Peace!" Trump tweeted Thursday morning, providing details for the first time about the...

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