Trump impeachment

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Impeachment Articles Charge 'Incitement of Insurrection'

They may be introduced as soon as Monday

(Newser) - Impeachment, Part II, may be coming to the US House of Representatives as early as Monday. A four-page impeachment resolution drafted by a group of House Democrats charges President Trump with “incitement of insurrection,” for “willfully inciting violence against the government of the United States” after a...

Murkowski: Trump Should Resign, 'Has Caused Enough Damage'

She's first Republican senator to issue that call

(Newser) - In the wake of the deadly violence in DC this week at the hand of Trump supporters, after being incited by the president himself, the first Senate Republican has issued a call for him to step down, per CNN . "I want him to resign. I want him out,"...

Rep. Says She Is Drawing Up Articles of Impeachment
Democrats Call
for Trump's Removal

Democrats Call for Trump's Removal

Rep. Ilhan Omar says she is drawing up articles of impeachment

(Newser) - US Representative Ilhan Omar said Wednesday that she is drawing up articles of impeachment against President Trump, the Guardian reports. "Donald J. Trump should be impeached by the House of Representatives & removed from office by the United States Senate," the Minnesota Democrat tweeted . "We can't...

Pelosi Won't Rule Out Another Impeachment

The House Speaker says 'we have arrows in our quiver' for Supreme Court battle

(Newser) - Another Trump impeachment? Or one of William Barr? Nancy Pelosi refused to rule them out Sunday on ABC 's This Week with George Stephanopoulos should the Senate try to push through a Supreme Court nominee during the lame duck session. "Well, we have our options," Pelosi said....

Vindman Ends Military Career, Cites White House 'Retaliation'

His lawyer says key impeachment witness believes his military future 'will forever be limited'

(Newser) - Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman is calling it quits on his 21-year military career, and his lawyer says it's because Vindman believes his future in the US Army "will forever be limited" due to political retaliation at the hands of President Trump and his allies. Vindman says he found...

Senator: I'm Ready to Block Over 1K Military Promotions

Sen. Tammy Duckworth stands up for a key Trump whistleblower

(Newser) - Sen. Tammy Duckworth is drawing the line. The Illinois Democrat announced Thursday she'll hold up over 1,100 military promotions unless the Pentagon promises it won't block the promotion of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who testified in in the House impeachment inquiry of President Trump, USA Today reports....

Here's Who John Bolton Is Not Voting For

Trump—or Biden

(Newser) - You probably could have guessed that John Bolton won't be voting for President Trump come November—but in an interview with ABC News on Sunday night, the former national security adviser says he won't be voting for Trump's main rival, either. "I don't think he'...

Bolton: Trump Did Bad Things to Help Reelection Chances

Former national security adviser had refused to testify against Trump in impeachment inquiry

(Newser) - John Bolton makes serious accusations in his new book, including charges that President Trump did things to help him be reelected that could have been impeachable. But some Democrats don't want to hear it, Politico reports. "John, we begged you to testify in impeachment," said Norm Eisen,...

He Defied Trump on Ukraine Complaint. Now, a Dismissal

President Trump has fired Intelligence Community IG Michael Atkinson

(Newser) - He alerted Congress to an intel official's complaint about Trump's July 25 phone call to the Ukrainian president, which jump-started the probe that led to the president's impeachment. Now, Michael Atkinson, the inspector general of the Intelligence Community, is out of a job. Politico , the AP , and...

Trump Supporter Charged With Threatening to Kill Adam Schiff

He told FBI he was trying to protect 'his president'

(Newser) - A Connecticut man has been charged with threatening to kill House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff via the Democrat's website. Investigators say Robert Michael Phelps, 62, sent a meeting request to Schiff's office on Nov. 12, saying "I want to kill you with my bare hands...

House Wins Access to Secret Mueller Grand Jury Docs

Federal appeals court says Justice Department must turn testimony over

(Newser) - The Justice Department must give Congress secret grand jury testimony from special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday, giving the House a significant win in a separation-of-powers clash with the Trump administration. The three-judge panel said in a 2-1 opinion that the House Judiciary...

A Bolton Predecessor Gives Him a Hard Time

Ex-national security advisers face off

(Newser) - Two former national security advisers faced off at a Vanderbilt University event Wednesday, with the Obama administration's Susan Rice taking former Trump staffer John Bolton to task for not testifying in the impeachment process against President Trump. NBC News reports that Bolton scoffed at the idea his testimony regarding...

Trump: Military Could Punish Vindman for Testimony

Security adviser claims brothers weren't fired

(Newser) - There were dueling messages on Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman from the White House on Tuesday, with President Trump suggesting the impeachment witness might be disciplined by the military and national security adviser Robert O'Brien insisting he had not been retaliated against—or even fired. Vindman, the National Security Council'...

George Conway: 'Friday Night Massacre' Should Be Impeachable

Kellyanne's husband says we might have to impeach the president again

(Newser) - After President Trump's so-called "Friday night massacre," in which he fired two impeachment witnesses plus the twin brother of one of those witnesses, at least one person is suggesting the president be impeached again: George Conway, the famously anti-Trump husband of Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway. The president...

CPAC Chair: If Romney Came, I&#39;d Worry About His Safety
CPAC Chair Has
Warning for Romney

CPAC Chair Has Warning for Romney

Matt Schlapp says he'd worry about senator's 'physical safety' if he were to attend conference

(Newser) - A sign of how Mitt Romney's vote to convict President Trump on impeachment is playing in conservative circles: The chair of CPAC says he would be afraid for the GOP senator's "physical safety" were he to attend the group's annual conference later this month, reports the...

Trump Fired Sondland Despite Warnings From GOP Senators

Collins and others feared a backlash over ousting impeachment witness

(Newser) - Gordon Sondland, ambassador to the EU, was in talks to head off into the sunset with the impeachment trial over. Leave it at that, several Republican senators urged President Trump: Let him leave quietly to avoid looking like you're purging the administration of House impeachment witnesses. The senators lost...

Second Impeachment Witness Is Ousted

Diplomat Gordon Sondland removed from his post

(Newser) - First, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman of the National Security Council got the boot . And now diplomat Gordon Sondland , ambassador to the European Union, is gone. The White House on Friday removed Sondland from his post, making him the second official who testified in the House impeachment inquiry to lose his...

White House May Boot Vindman From NSC
Is Escorted
Out of the
White House

Vindman Is Escorted Out of the White House

Ukraine expert testified in Trump impeachment hearings

(Newser) - One of the most explosive testimonies during President Trump's impeachment hearings came from Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who listened in on the July 25 phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Now, Vindman's days as director for European affairs on the National Security Council are...

Report: Ukraine Wants Money Back From US on 6 More Deals

Kyiv reportedly put down payments on $30M arms, ammo deals held up by US for at least a year

(Newser) - The impeachment of President Trump revolved around a midsummer phone call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and the holdup of almost $400 million in US military aide to the country in its war with Russia. But according to three Ukrainian officials and an ex-US senior official who talked to BuzzFeed...

Big Lines From Trump&#39;s News Conference
Trump Unloads at White House:
'We Went Through Hell'
the rundown

Trump Unloads at White House: 'We Went Through Hell'

President celebrates his acquittal, criticizes opponents going back to Russia investigation

(Newser) - President Trump lashed out at his impeachment foes and trumpeted his acquittal Thursday morning, and he kept up the themes during a public appearance in the afternoon at the White House. "This is not really a news conference," said Trump, per Politico . "It's a celebration."...

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