Chief Justice

16 Stories

Roberts Makes a Federal Case of 'OK, Boomer'

Chief justice used the phrase in a question during arguments

(Newser) - In case you're wondering whether the phrase "OK, boomer" is over yet, the chief justice of the United States has used it in a sentence. John Roberts worked it into oral arguments in an age discrimination case at the Supreme Court on Wednesday, Vice reports. "Let's...

Roberts Warns of Disinformation Spreading Online

Chief justice said lack of civics education is a problem

(Newser) - As false information and rumor spread instantly online, John Roberts said, it's even more important that Americans understand how their government works. But civics education has "fallen by the wayside," the chief justice said in his annual report on the federal judiciary, and Americans "have come...

Chief Justice Wins Praise for Wishing 'Pain' on Students

Unconventional commencement speech notes lessons come with hardships

(Newser) - Commencement addresses are typically filled with well wishes. Chief Justice John Roberts went the opposite route in a June 3 speech getting attention this week after the Washington Post published excerpts. Roberts told students at an elite boarding school for boys in New Hampshire that he hoped their future would...

Wait, John Roberts Wrote the Dissent, Too?

That's what a court source tells Salon

(Newser) - Give this man a raise: John Roberts not only wrote the majority opinion that upheld ObamaCare, but most of the dissent as well, according to Paul Campos at Salon . His report, based on an unnamed "source within the court," says that Roberts drafted the first three-quarters of the...

Roberts Did Flip on ObamaCare: Sources

Fellow conservatives then battled for his support for entire month

(Newser) - John Roberts hadn't always planned to give ObamaCare the green light—but once he'd changed his mind, no amount of convincing from Anthony Kennedy could bring him back, sources tell CBS News in an in-depth account of the decision-making process. Kennedy—himself long seen as a potential swing...

John Roberts: I'm Headed to 'Island Fortress'

He jokes about going to Malta, ducks ObamaCare questions

(Newser) - Don't hold your breath for any personal revelation by Chief Justice John Roberts about his pivotal role in the ObamaCare decision . When asked at a conference today how his vote might fit into his legacy, he responded, "Well, I won't answer anything that has to do with...

Roberts to US: Killing ObamaCare Is Your Job, Not Mine

He hates the law, but he's worried about court's reputation: Krauthammer

(Newser) - ObamaCare must surely offend John Roberts' conservative sensibilities, writes Charles Krauthammer, so why the stunning court ruling? Because as chief justice, Roberts "sees himself as uniquely entrusted with the custodianship of the court's legitimacy," Krauthammer theorizes in the Washington Post . If the justices struck down the law,...

Oops: Huckabee Defends Gay Marriage

By complaining about troubles of out-of-wedlock kids: Ruth Marcus

(Newser) - In attacking gay marriage, Mike Huckabee inadvertently offered an excellent defense of it, writes Ruth Marcus. He went from criticizing President Obama’s decision not to defend the gay-marriage ban to pointing out the difficult “economic reality of out-of-wedlock children.” The fact is, “gays and lesbians are...

Chief Justice Rips Obama's 'Very Troubling' Court Rebuke

Roberts irked by 'pep-rally' mood at State of the Union

(Newser) - Chief Justice John Roberts says it's "very troubling" that President Obama criticized a Supreme Court decision amid a "pep-rally" atmosphere at his State of the Union address. Obama said in the speech that the decision to allow corporations to spend freely on campaign ads "opened the floodgates...

Chief Justice John Roberts Quitting? Um, No

Gossip site RadarOnline spreads rumor, then retracts

(Newser) - RadarOnline briefly tantalized readers with a juicy rumor saying Chief Justice John Roberts was "seriously considering" resigning for "personal reasons." It then posted an update declaring that he was staying on the court. The original didn't have any sourcing or specifics. The Huffington Post weighed in...

Now Pitching for the Court: Chief Justice Roberts

Start collecting your baseball trading cards of the Supremes

(Newser) - On the heels of Supreme Court justice bobblehead dolls comes, of course, baseball trading cards. The first depicts Chief Justice John Roberts as the pitcher in the stance of famed fellow Indiana native Mordecai “3 Fingers” Brown, with legal stats on the reverse. Why? “First, it's fun,”...

Roberts Labors to Bring Divided Court Together
Roberts Labors to Bring Divided Court Together

Roberts Labors to Bring Divided Court Together

Chief scores 2 big 8-1 decisions last week, but Supremes still split

(Newser) - John Roberts told the Senate in 2005 that the Supreme Court was too polarized, and as chief justice he promised to encourage harmony between the court's left and right blocs. Last week he delivered, with two 8-1 decisions on the Voting Rights Act and the strip-search of a 13-year-old girl....

Judge's Restoration Is Cause for Joy, Hope in Pakistan

(Newser) - Pakistan’s chief justice has been reinstated, inspiring not only celebration but renewed hope among that country’s citizens, the New York Times reports. Happy lawyers—central to the popular effort—and others camped out on the lawn of Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry’s home today, but his victory is seen...

Obama: Don't Blame Roberts for Oath Hiccup

(Newser) - President Obama is not among those blaming Chief Justice John Roberts for their little oath glitch today. “We’re up there, we’ve got a lot of stuff on our mind, and he actually helped me out on a couple of stanzas there,” Obama told ABC News. Roberts...

Youth, Ambition Will Meet Over Lincoln's Bible

Roberts to swear in the man who voted against his confirmation

(Newser) - The first person to call Barack Obama “Mr President” will be John Roberts, appointed chief justice of the Supreme Court in 2005. Today marks the first inauguration for Roberts, who invited Obama to visit the Court last week; both are Harvard Law grads, ambitious men who attained the highest...

Chief Justice Checks Out of Hospital

Roberts 'doing fine' after suffering seizure at vacation home

(Newser) - Chief Justice John Roberts left a Maine hospital today in good condition, a day after suffering a seizure of unknown cause. The 52-year-old jurist told President Bush he was doing just fine, reports the AP. He waved as he scooted out of the hospital and headed back to his vacation...

16 Stories