Mike Pence

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Pence: Job No. 1 Is Repeal ObamaCare
Pence Talks ObamaCare,
Romney as SecState, Hamilton

Pence Talks ObamaCare, Romney as SecState, Hamilton

Repeal is job No. 1, says VP-elect

(Newser) - Priority No. 1 in Donald Trump's White House is making ObamaCare go away, says Mike Pence in his first interview as vice president-elect. "Decisions have been made by the president-elect that he wants to focus out of the gate on repealing ObamaCare and beginning the process of replacing...

Trump to Hamilton Cast: 'Apologize!'

'The theater must always be a safe and special place'

(Newser) - Last night, the cast of the smash musical Hamilton thanked Mike Pence for coming to the show and asked him to please "uphold [the] inalienable rights" of all Americans as vice president. Well, Donald Trump wasn't going to let that kind of "harassment" slide, USA Today reports....

Mike Pence Booed at Hamilton Performance

Cast member tells him they're worried about new administration

(Newser) - It wasn't quite the lion's den, but Mike Pence faced a largely hostile crowd when he took in hip-hop historical musical Hamilton on Friday night. The Guardian reports that boos outnumbered cheers when Pence entered the Broadway show and the audience realized the Republican vice-presidential elect was among...

20K People Just Trolled Mike Pence
20K People
Just Trolled
Mike Pence

20K People Just Trolled Mike Pence

They donated to Planned Parenthood in his name

(Newser) - Donald Trump has many fearing for the future of women's reproductive freedom, but last week's election outcome wasn't all bad for Planned Parenthood. The organization has seen an "unprecedented outpouring (of) support" in the days since in the form of 160,000 donations, including 20,000...

Pence Goes to Court to Protect Emails

Some legal experts are calling attempt to shield email a 'dangerous precedent'

(Newser) - In November 2014, when President Obama announced his plan to remedy American's "broken immigration system"—including deferring deportation for illegal immigrants who had been in the US for a certain amount of time or who had children born in this country—not everyone was happy about it....

Christie Ousted as Head of Trump Transition Team

Trump was reportedly upset Christie hadn't been more vocal in his support

(Newser) - Chris Christie headed Donald Trump's presidential transition team for months. Three days after voters decided that transition would actually happen, Trump replaced Christie with Mike Pence. The New York Times reports Trump wanted Pence's experience and Washington contacts. And according to NBC News , Trump was mad that Christie...

Clinton Campaign Assails FBI's 'Unprecedented' Move

Podesta wants answers from Comey, as Pence underscores that Clinton a 'risky choice'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman says FBI Director James Comey should explain the "unprecedented" step of announcing an agency review of new Clinton-related emails just days before a national election, reports the AP . John Podesta told CNN's State of the Union that Comey should have reviewed the information...

Nifty Bit of Engineering Helped Stop Pence's Plane

The 'EMAS' safety system slows planes that overshoot runways

(Newser) - Mike Pence had a bit of a close call Thursday when his campaign plane slid off the end of the runway at New York's LaGuardia airport. Luckily, no one was hurt, and the plane's progress was stopped quickly thanks to an FAA-mandated safety system installed at LaGuardia, Mashable...

Pence Fine After Plane Slides Off Runway

No injuries reported at LaGuardia

(Newser) - Mike Pence's campaign plane slid off a runway during a rainstorm at New York's LaGuardia Airport Thursday, tearing up two tracks of concrete before coming to rest on a patch of grass. Pence told reporters that no one had been injured, reports the AP . "We can see...

Pence: I&#39;m Not Going Anywhere
Pence: I'm Not
Going Anywhere

Pence: I'm Not Going Anywhere

Rumors he's leaving the ticket 'absolutely false'

(Newser) - Mike Pence may not be able to defend Donald Trump's 2005 comments about women, but he won't be stepping down as Trump's running mate. Rumors of him dropping off the ticket are "absolutely false," the Indiana governor said Monday, per Politico . Pence insisted during an...

&#39;Cool, Calm&#39; Pence Seen as Debate Winner
Poll, Pundits Call Pence
Winner of VP Debate

Poll, Pundits Call Pence Winner of VP Debate

He was the calm face of the Trump campaign

(Newser) - Like him or loathe him, choosing apprentices appears to be one thing Donald Trump definitely excels at. Numerous pundits are calling Trump running mate Mike Pence the winner of Tuesday night's vice presidential debate , thanks in part to his calm demeanor in response to an aggressive, interrupting Tim Kaine,...

Trump Live-Tweeted VP Debate
Trump Live-Tweeted VP Debate

Trump Live-Tweeted VP Debate

'Mike Pence won big,' he proclaims

(Newser) - Donald Trump live-tweeted the vice-presidential debate Tuesday night and he was relatively restrained in his comments, by the standards of Donald Trump's Twitter—possibly because, as the Washington Post notes, he watched the debate with four aides by his side. Before the debate began, Trump announced he was switching...

Top Moments of he VP Debate
Top Moments of the VP Debate

Top Moments of the VP Debate

Highlights of the Mike Pence-Tim Kaine faceoff

(Newser) - Moderator Elaine Quijano did her best to keep the candidates in check at Tuesday's vice presidential debate at Longwood University in Farmville, Va., and it was a night of plenty of interruptions, aggressive challenges, and spirited defenses as Indiana Gov. Mike Pence and Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine finally met...

Turn Off Your TVs, Pence Already Won the Debate
Turn Off Your
TVs, Pence
Already Won
the Debate

Turn Off Your TVs, Pence Already Won the Debate

According to erroneous early RNC post

(Newser) - Just a half-hour into the vice presidential debate out of Virginia's Longwood University, a winner had already been declared: Indiana Gov. Mike Pence. Not because he was creaming Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, but because the Republican National Committee put up a premature post on the GOP.com website . "...

What to Expect at VP Debate, aka, Clash of 'Low-Key, Middle-Aged Guys'

Mike Pence and Tim Kaine square off Tuesday night in Virginia

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump aren't just two of the most unpopular presidential candidates in history, they're two of the oldest, adding extra importance to Tuesday night's debate between VP candidates Tim Kaine and Mike Pence, which the AP describes as a clash between "two low-key,...

Team Trump: No, Gennifer Flowers Won't Be at Debate

(Newser) - For those looking forward to the spectacle of Hillary Clinton debating Donald Trump with one of Bill Clinton's alleged lovers in the front row cheering, well, you might have to find an actual reality show to watch Monday night, instead of the presidential debate. Team Trump is quickly backing...

Pence Will Release His Tax Returns, a 'Quick Read'

'The Pences have not become more wealthy as a result of 16 years in public service'

(Newser) - After Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine released their tax returns in a bid to force Donald Trump into doing the same, the Trump campaign responded by, well, announcing the release of Mike Pence's tax returns, reports Politico . "When my forms are filed and when my tax returns are...

Trump Under Fire for &#39;2nd Amendment&#39; Remark
 Trump Under Fire for 
 '2nd Amendment' Remark 

Trump Under Fire for '2nd Amendment' Remark

'Give me a break,' he says

(Newser) - Donald Trump's campaign is once again on damage control, this time over remarks that critics say hinted at Hillary Clinton's assassination . His comment that "Second Amendment people" could "maybe" do something about Clinton picking Supreme Court justices if she wins was widely condemned Tuesday, though he...

Trump May Not Endorse Paul Ryan, but Mike Pence Does

He says Trump 'strongly encouraged' him to do so

(Newser) - On Tuesday, Donald Trump said he wasn't ready to endorse Paul Ryan , who is running for re-election in Wisconsin. His running mate apparently doesn't have the same hangup. CNBC reports Mike Pence endorsed Ryan on Wednesday, saying both Ryan and Trump will "do great things." Pence...

Mike Pence Wades Into Trump-Khan Controversy

Fallen Muslim soldier is 'American hero,' says VP candidate

(Newser) - Vice presidential candidate Mike Pence appears to be trying to calm the controversy that erupted over the weekend in the wake of Donald Trump's back and forth with the parents of a fallen US Muslim soldier. "Donald Trump and I believe that Captain Humayun Khan is an American...

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