Mike Pence

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The 'Conservative Woodstock' Kicks Off

What to watch for at CPAC

(Newser) - The Conservative Political Action Conference—which Politico calls "the conservative Woodstock" and the Christian Science Monitor calls "the Super Bowl of conservative activism"—is currently under way in National Harbor, Md. What to watch for during the 41st annual CPAC—this one, Politico notes, is "the...

Scott Walker: I Don't Know If Obama Loves His Country

'I've never asked him,' says Wisconsin governor

(Newser) - As Rudy Giuliani takes heat for comments questioning President Obama's love for his country , Scott Walker, a leading Republican 2016 contender, says he doesn't know how Obama feels. "You should ask the president what he thinks about America," the Wisconsin governor tells the AP. "I'...

Indiana: We Can't Afford to Reduce Prison Rape

State decides it's better off losing federal grants

(Newser) - Indiana's governor says the state will not be implementing federal guidelines for reducing prison rape because the cost is too high and it has other spending priorities. State officials say complying with the Prison Rape Elimination Act passed in 2003 and signed into law by George W. Bush would...

25% of Republicans Defied Boehner on Budget Vote

Speaker could be in trouble with conservatives

(Newser) - John Boehner got the budget deal he negotiated through the House yesterday, but it wound up feeling a bit like a defeat for the House speaker, the New York Times observes. Fifty-nine Republicans—roughly a quarter of his caucus— rejected the bill , sending a message to Boehner that they were...

Jon Stewart Takes on Budget Mess, Near-Shutdown on 'The Daily Show' (Video)
 In Budget Mess, 
 Everyone Sucked 
jon stewart

In Budget Mess, Everyone Sucked

But at least the federal government is open for business

(Newser) - It's great that we managed to avoid a government shutdown, but Jon Stewart isn't very happy with anyone involved. Last night , he excoriated everyone: the media that breathlessly counted down from 179 hours to two, the previous Democratic-controlled Congress that didn't pass a budget because they live in "Sucksylvania....

Congresswoman on Abortion: 'I Lost a Baby'

Jackie Speier delivers impassioned speech

(Newser) - Congresswoman Jackie Speier gave a shockingly personal floor speech in defense of Planned Parenthood yesterday, telling her fellow legislators about her own abortion. “I had a procedure at 17 weeks pregnant with a child who moved from the vagina into the cervix,” said the California Democrat. “I...

Mike Pence Wages War on Planned Parenthood

Lawmaker trying yet again to cut off funding

(Newser) - The biggest threat to Planned Parenthood isn’t that 'sting' video , it’s Mike Pence. The Indiana Republican is on a one-man mission to cut off all the group’s federal funding. For three years in a row, he’s introduced legislation to ban any entity performing abortions from receiving...

Mike Pence Won't Run for President

Indiana congressman looks to governor's mansion

(Newser) - Scratch one off the list: Mike Pence says he won't run for president in 2012. The conservative congressman from Indiana told supporters of his decision in a letter, reports the Indianapolis Star . "In the choice between seeking national office and serving Indiana in some capacity, we choose Indiana,"...

Tax Deal Is First Debate of 2012 Presidential Race: Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney Face Off Against Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, Others
First Debate for
GOP 2012: Tax Deal

First Debate for GOP 2012: Tax Deal

Tea Partiers hate it, mainstream contenders support it

(Newser) - There’s still a while to go before the official 2012 debates begin—but we have the first unofficial one on our hands, in the form of President Obama’s tax deal. Despite strong support in a vote Monday (only five Republican senators voted against it), 2012 contenders are drawing...

Mike Pence in 2012? Conservatives Love It
Mike Pence in 2012?
Conservatives Love It
George Will

Mike Pence in 2012? Conservatives Love It

George Will: The Indiana congressman deserves a serious look

(Newser) - George Will gives a glowing recap today of Mike Pence's conservative bona fides and suggests the Indiana congressman would make a fine candidate for the Oval Office in 2012. Throughout his six terms, Pence has opposed big-government initiatives such as TARP and the stimulus bill and all manners of "...

GOP Dark Horses for 2012
 GOP Dark Horses for 2012 

GOP Dark Horses for 2012

Candidates who could challenge the frontrunners

(Newser) - The American electorate loves a dark horse—the candidate that comes out of nowhere and, against the odds, becomes a serious contender. Barack Obama can claim that distinction, as can Mike Huckabee, whose 2008 bid presaged Tea-Party enthusiasm. But who will it be in 2012? Chris Cillizza has some ideas...

Poll: Palin Would Come in 4th in Alaska GOP Primary

Palin, Huckabee, Romney, and Gingrich frontrunners for 2012

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's Alaska would choose Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, or Mitt Romney over her in a GOP primary for 2012, according to a recent series of Public Policy Polling surveys. The four candidates were the top four choices in 17 of the 18 states surveyed, with Palin coming first in...

'Values' Voters Like Mike Pence for President

Indiana congressman wins straw poll at summit

(Newser) - A straw vote suggests that social conservatives favor Indiana Rep. Mike Pence to head a Republican presidential ticket in 2012. In voting at the Family Research Council's Values Voter Summit, the Indiana Republican finished a surprise first (24%), ahead of Mike Huckabee (22%), Mitt Romney (13%), Newt Gingrich (10%), and...

Biden: Dems Will 'Shock Heck Out of' GOP in Nov.

 Biden: Dems 
 Will 'Shock 
 Heck Out of' 
 GOP in Nov.

Biden: Dems Will 'Shock Heck Out of' GOP in Nov.

Don't anyone listen to that gloomy Robert Gibbs

(Newser) - It's not every day gaffe-prone Joe Biden gets sent in to rescue the official White House mouthpiece, so savor this one: The veep forcefully backpedaled on Robert Gibbs' assertion last week that Dems could lose the House, saying, "I think we're going to shock the heck out of everybody....

Clyburn: 'Elephant Dung' All Over SC Race
 Clyburn: 'Elephant Dung' 
 All Over SC Race  

Clyburn: 'Elephant Dung' All Over SC Race

Axelrod says Alvin Greene not a 'credible candidate'

(Newser) - Never shy, Jim Clyburn continued his campaign against South Carolina's surprise Senate candidate, Alvin Greene, telling State of the Union that "I saw in the Democratic primary elephant dung all over the place." David Axelrod chimed in, reports Politico, telling Meet the Press that "How he won...

GOP Must Throw Rand Paul Under the Bus
GOP Must Throw Rand Paul
Under the Bus

GOP Must Throw Rand Paul Under the Bus

Civil Rights Act comments could hurt libertarians everywhere

(Newser) - If Republicans are smart, they'll kick Rand Paul to the curb so fast he won't know what hit him. Paul's statements opposing the public accommodations provision of the Civil Rights Act make him absolutely radioactive, argues David Bernstein of the Boston Phoenix . “I think that Dr. Paul truly does...

Ron Paul Wins CPAC Straw Poll for 2012

Romney is second, followed by Palin, Pawlenty, and Pence

(Newser) - Ron Paul today emerged as the surprise winner of the presidential straw poll at CPAC. Conservatives at the conference picked the Texas congressman with the libertarian bent as their favorite candidate with 31% of the vote, ahead of Mitt Romney (22%), the only other politician in double digits. Trailing them...

GOP Revels in US Setbacks
 GOP Revels in US Setbacks 
piling on

GOP Revels in US Setbacks

1-2 punch of job stats, Olympic decision gets a third stage

(Newser) - From worse-than-expected unemployment numbers to Chicago’s foiled Olympic bid, today was a lousy day for America, but Republicans reacted as if Christmas had come early. Soon after the jobs numbers hit, Glenn Thrush of Politico got a slew of GOP press releases. “Rep. Mike Pence literally hit the...

Huckabee Wins Conservative Straw Poll

Palin lags behind with Pawlenty, Romney, Pence

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee easily won a presidential straw poll today at a conference for social conservatives, Politico reports. The former Arkansas governor garnered 28% of 597 votes at the annual Values Voter Summit in Washington, DC. Tying for second, each with about 12% of the vote, were former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt...

Thousands of DC Protesters Blast Obama Policies

Demonstration stretches for blocks along Pennsylvania Avenue

(Newser) - Tens of thousands of people marched to the US Capitol today, carrying signs with slogans such as "Obamacare makes me sick" as they protested the president's health care plan and what they say is out-of-control spending. The line of protesters spread across Pennsylvania Avenue for blocks, all the way...

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