sleep study

3 Stories

For Some, Hitting the Snooze Button Has Benefits
For Some,
Hitting the
Snooze Button
Has Benefits

For Some, Hitting the Snooze Button Has Benefits

Small study finds snoozing past alarm can alleviate sleep inertia without much loss

(Newser) - There's a good chance you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock this morning. It's a common habit and, though little understood, may actually help you wake up, according to new research. In a survey of more than 1,700 people, researchers found almost 70% routinely hit...

Best Temperature for Sleep? Try 70 to 74 Degrees
Set Your Thermostat
to This for Best Sleep
new study

Set Your Thermostat to This for Best Sleep

A study finds that older adults had the best sleep in 70 to 74-degree bedrooms

(Newser) - Bedrooms that are too hot or too cold disrupt sleep, a new study has found, and now we know what temperature is considered "just right." According to the Washington Post , new research revealed that seniors experienced optimal sleep when temperatures fell within 70 to 74 degrees Fahrenheit. The...

Half of Us Say We Interact With Dead Loved Ones
Lots of People Say
They Talk With Ghosts
NEW survey

Lots of People Say They Talk With Ghosts

About half of respondents in Pew survey say they interact with dead loved ones in some way

(Newser) - For many Americans, the connections we share with deceased family members goes beyond the grave, according to a study released by Pew Research Center . And per CNN , certain groups are more likely to say they've been visited by loved ones in dreams and other ways. Of the 5,079...

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