trash balloons

7 Stories

Trash Balloons Caused 413 Minutes of Airport Shutdowns

South Korea releases numbers

(Newser) - So far, the trash balloons released by North Korea have proved more of a headache than a hazard for the South. But aviation data shows just what a headache they've become. Reuters cites a South Korean lawmaker who said Wednesday that runways at the country's Incheon and Gimpo...

Latest Batch of North Korean Trash Hits a Prime Target

Because this time around, trash from one fell on South Korea's presidential compound

(Newser) - Trash from at least one North Korean balloon fell on the South Korean presidential compound Wednesday, raising worries about the security of key South Korean facilities from North Korean provocations. The rubbish that fell on the ground at the compound in central Seoul contained no dangerous material and no one...

South Korea Points Loudspeakers Across Border

In the past, propaganda broadcasts have brought fire from North Korea

(Newser) - South Korea said Friday it has restarted anti-Pyongyang propaganda broadcasts across the border in response to North Korea's resumption of trash-carrying balloon launches. South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement that its frontline loudspeaker broadcasts were conducted between Thursday evening and Friday morning in areas...

1.5K Trash Balloons Have Descended on South Korea

Hundreds arrived with favorable winds this week

(Newser) - Flights in and out of Incheon, South Korea, were paused for hours early Wednesday when balloons presumably sent by North Korea began descending on the city's airport. More than 1,500 balloons carrying trash, excrement , dirt, worms, and "slashed 'western' clothes" have landed across the country since...

After Balloon Battle, S. Korea Says North Is Setting Up Speakers

Says North Korea is installing its own propaganda loudspeakers along the border

(Newser) - South Korea's military on Monday said it's detecting signs that North Korea is installing its own loudspeakers along their heavily armed border, a day after the South blared anti-Pyongyang propaganda broadcasts for the first time in years as the rivals engage in Cold War-style psychological warfare. The South'...

Neighbors Again Trade Balloons
Neighbors Again Trade Balloons

Neighbors Again Trade Balloons

North Korea's launch follows neighbor's leaflet dump

(Newser) - North Korea resumed flying balloons on Saturday in a likely attempt to drop trash on South Korea again, South Korea's military said, two days after Seoul activists floated their own balloons to scatter propaganda leaflets in the North. Animosities between the two Koreas have risen recently because North Korea...

North Korea: We've Made Our Point With Balloon Drop

The 260 large white balloons held bags said to contain excrement

(Newser) - A top defense official said North Korea will "temporarily halt dropping trash over the border" in balloons after South Korea promised "unendurable measures" in retaliation. "We've let the South Koreans experience enough of how dirty it feels and how much joint effort it takes to clean...

7 Stories