cell phones

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Driver in Texting Death Can't Have Phone in Car

It's part of plea deal struck for probation

(Newser) - A modern punishment to fit a modern plague: A California woman who killed an 80-year-old pedestrian last year while she was driving and texting will no longer be able to have a cell phone in her car, reports the Glendale News Press . It's part of a plea deal struck...

BART Shuts Service Amid Protests

Cellphone signals aren't blocked, stations reopen

(Newser) - San Francisco officials didn't block cellphone signals this time around during a BART protest, but they did halt transit service at all four downtown stations. Hundreds of commuters were forced to the street to find other ways to get home during rush hour. Some 50 protesters who gathered on...

Amazon CEO's Latest Idea: Cellphone Airbags

Jeff Bezos files patent application for phone protection system

(Newser) - Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos' next big idea is one for the klutzes of the world: cellphone airbags. According to a patent application obtained by Geekwire, the bags would deploy if the phone sensed, using radar, that it was falling (say, out of your pocket, where you really shouldn't keep...

San Francisco Subway Cuts Cell Service to Foil Protest

Move apparently worked, but backlash is growing

(Newser) - This one could get interesting: Transit authorities in San Francisco temporarily cut cell phone service to four subway stations yesterday to prevent protesters from organizing, reports CNET . It seemed to work: The protest—over the fatal shooting of a man by a BART police officer last month—never materialized. But...

Cell Phone, Smartphone Survey: Sex or Texts?
 33% of You 
 Would Ditch 
 Sex for Phones 
survey says

33% of You Would Ditch Sex for Phones

Respondents weigh a week of sacrifice

(Newser) - If you’d prefer a sexless week to a phoneless one, you’re in good company: A third of Americans agree with you, a survey finds. Some 70% of Americans would turn down alcohol for a week rather than leave their phones behind, and 55% would kick their caffeine habits,...

Philly Targeting People Who Text ... While Walking

Safety program focuses on distracted pedestrians

(Newser) - Police in Philadelphia are stepping up their campaign against bad behavior on the city's thoroughfares—and distracted pedestrians are as much a target as distracted drivers and sidewalk cyclists, officials say. Officers enforcing the "Give Respect, Get Respect" program in the city center will be looking out for...

Homeless Guy Arrested for Charging Cell Phone

Shaun Fawster charged with 'theft of services'

(Newser) - Police have brought charges against a homeless man in Maine who helped himself to an outdoor electrical outlet to charge a pair of cell phones. A Bangor cop checking downtown businesses discovered 23-year-old Shaun Fawster charging his cell phones in an outlet hidden behind some flowers. Fawster was charged last...

Victim Snaps Rapist's Pic on Cell Phone

Oakland, Calif. woman shot video of the man who raped her, stole her electronics

(Newser) - A sexual assault victim in Oakland, Calif., used her cell phone to capture images of her attacker as he stole her possessions, police say. The 28-year-old woman was raped Tuesday morning by the man, who also stole her electronics during the attack, reports the Oakland Tribune. The woman used her...

Relax, Your Cell Phone Won't Kill You

People are overreacting to WHO panel's report: Farhad Manjoo

(Newser) - While much of the techno-savvy world screamed "WTF?" at a WHO panel's announcement that cell phones might have something to do with cancer, Slate 's Farhad Manjoo simply LOL'd. "When you dig into this issue, the decision seems to be an over-cautious interpretation of the...

Cell Phones May Be 'Carcinogenic': Scientists

WHO cancer agency ranks them in same category as DDT

(Newser) - The evidence linking cell phones and other wireless devices to cancer seems to be getting stronger: An international team of scientists has concluded cell phones are "possibly carcinogenic to humans," reports AFP . After reviewing scores of published studies on the issue, the International Agency for Research on Cancer—...

Emergency Alerts Coming to Your Phone

FCC to bring emergency broadcast network to your pocket

(Newser) - The FCC will announce a new plan today for a system that will send warnings of impending emergencies to people’s cell phones. Dubbed the Personal Localized Alerting Network (PLAN, get it?), the system will be able to send geographically targeted messages to people who are in the paths of...

Introducing the PaperPhone
 Introducing the PaperPhone 

Introducing the PaperPhone

New phone is just millimeters thick

(Newser) - Just when you thought it didn't get any cooler than an iPhone, here comes the PaperPhone. Researchers from the E-Ink Corporation teamed with two universities to create the flexible phone made from electronic paper, the Daily Telegraph reports. Users control the phone by bending it, writing on it, or...

ACLU Wants Information on How Often Michigan Police Take Data Off Drivers' Cell Phones
Michigan Cops Scan Your
Cell Phone Data: ACLU
in case you missed it

Michigan Cops Scan Your Cell Phone Data: ACLU

State police have device that extracts information from mobiles

(Newser) - The ACLU is worried that Michigan state troopers are violating 4th Amendment rights by using a gizmo that quickly scans drivers' cell phones during routine traffic stops and extracts information, reports The Truth About Cars blog . The group accuses the state of dodging Freedom of Information requests on how often...

Beware: Your Cell Phone Is Watching You

Wireless firms track users' every move

(Newser) - Your cell phone knows when you're sleeping, when you're awake, and whether you prefer air or land travel. German politician Malte Spitz recently took Deutsche Telekom to court to determine exactly how much it knows about his whereabouts, the New York Times reports. Data in hand, he saw that Deutsche...

Cell Phone Radiation Affects Brain Activity: Study

Authors say it's not cause for alarm, just more long-term research

(Newser) - The debate on the health risks of cell phones is probably going to get noisy for a few days. A prominent new study shows that if you use the phone for about an hour, the area of your brain nearest the antenna shows increased activity, reports Wired . “We have...

This Text Message Will Self-Destruct in 60 Seconds

Vanishing text service new friend to the stars

(Newser) - It's too late to help Tiger Woods cover his tracks, but the creators of a text message auto-delete service say other celebrities trying to keep their lives private are among its half-million users. TigerText—no connection to the golfer—sends texts that disappear from both a user and sender's phone...

Egypt Shutting Down Cell Phone Networks

But Google's helping people get around Internet blocks

(Newser) - Egypt is again targeting communication networks ahead of a million-man protest planned today. Mobile phone networks will be shut down over the next few hours, CNN reports. Google has announced on its official blog that it has set up a "speak-to-tweet" service to help Egyptians get around Internet blocks....

Android World's No. 1 Smartphone Platform

Passes Symbian; iPhone at No. 3

(Newser) - Google’s Android is now the world’s most popular smartphone platform, having edged past Nokia’s Symbian in the fourth quarter of 2010. Vendors shipped 33.3 million Android-based phones that quarter, beating Symbian’s 31 million, a report out today finds. That’s good news for Android phone...

Yes, Your Phone Could Mess With the Plane

 Yes, Your Phone 
 Could Mess With 
 the Plane 
in case you missed it

Yes, Your Phone Could Mess With the Plane

Experts suspect gadgets in a number of incidents

(Newser) - Show of hands: How many people actually turn off all their electronic devices on an airplane? Well, maybe you should next time, because experts say they might—just might—actually interfere with the flight. “It’s a good news-bad news thing,” one Boeing engineer tells the New York ...

Butt Dialer Sends SWAT Team to Middle School

Garbled phone call leads wife to believe husband is in danger

(Newser) - Butt dialing: We all know it’s annoying, but apparently it can also be kinda dangerous. When a husband unknowingly called his wife as he was driving home from his job at a school Monday, “he was listening to music and he had, I don't know, hip-hop … or...

Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>