illegal immigration

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>

Man Being Deported Cuts Own Throat on Plane

Jamaican makes desperate attempt to stay in UK

(Newser) - In a desperate attempt to avoid being deported from Britain, a Jamaican man slashed his own throat on board a plane that was about to take off. The illegal immigrant, who had smuggled a small razor on board, was treated for what authorities describe as "superficial injuries" before being...

Mexico Hops on Suit Over Georgia Immigration Law

10 other countries also sign on

(Newser) - Mexico and 10 other countries have filed amicus briefs in a lawsuit that asks a judge to declare Georgia's new immigration law unconstitutional and block it from being enforced. The lawsuit was filed two weeks ago by civil liberties groups, who are asking US District Judge Thomas Thrash to...

Obama Escalates Raids for Illegal Immigrants

US Chamber of Commerce is displeased

(Newser) - The Obama administration has notified 1,000 businesses in all 50 states that it’ll be scouring their hiring records for signs of illegal immigrant employees, in a surge of so-called “silent raids,” the Wall Street Journal reports. ICE wouldn’t identify the targets, but did say that...

Alabama Enacts Harshest Illegal Immigration Law Yet

Arizona, eat your heart out

(Newser) - Arizona’s controversial SB 1070 law has nothing on the sweeping law Alabama Governor Robert Bentley signed yesterday. HB 56 prevents illegal immigrants from going to college, applying for jobs, or renting apartments, the LA Times reports. It requires anyone registering to vote to pass a citizenship check. And, like...

Illegals Can Get In-State Tuition: Supreme Court

Supreme Court rules that California policy can stay

(Newser) - The Supreme Court ruled today that California's policy of granting in-state college tuition to illegal immigrants can remain, thus leaving intact similar laws in 11 other states. Lawyers for a conservative immigration-law group challenged the policy, arguing that California was violating federal immigration law by giving "preferential treatment"...

Supreme Court: States Can Punish Firms Hiring Illegals

Justices uphold law allowing Arizona to yank licenses

(Newser) - The Supreme Court today upheld an Arizona law that proscribes a so-called “business death penalty” for companies that knowingly hire illegal immigrants. In a 5-3 decision, the court said that states are free to take action against employers on immigration—which augurs well for supporters of Arizona’s more...

Santana to Georgia: You Should Be Ashamed of Yourself

Blasts state for 'cruel law,' and has harsh words for Arizona, too

(Newser) - Carlos Santana is not happy with Georgia's new immigration law —or the Arizona law it's modeled on, for that matter. "The people of Arizona, and the people of Atlanta, Georgia, you should be ashamed of yourselves," the musician said at yesterday's annual baseball Civil...

Tough Immigration Bill Becomes Law in Georgia

Governor signs Arizona-style measures into law

(Newser) - Georgia Governor Nathan Deal has signed some of the country's toughest anti-illegal immigration measures into law. The Georgia law—largely modeled on Arizona's—allows local police to question certain suspects about their immigration status, penalizes people who knowingly transport illegal immigrants, and makes using fake ID to get...

Arizona: Please Donate to Help Build Border Fence

Gov. Jan Brewer signed bill launching the plan

(Newser) - If the federal government won't complete Arizona's border fence, then gosh darn it, the state is going to do it itself. Arizona lawmakers have a plan that would get the fence built using online donations and 50-cents-an-hour prison labor, and Gov. Jan Brewer recently signed a bill setting...

Gaga Smacks Ariz. Crackdown
 Gaga Smacks Ariz. Crackdown 
Also, headed to 'Idol'

Gaga Smacks Ariz. Crackdown

Singer is no fan of immigration law, will join 'American Idol'

(Newser) - Gay rights champion Lady Gaga is now taking on illegal immigration and Arizona's controversial crackdown in particular: The singer, in Mexico City for two shows, smacked the law yesterday, saying, "I don't stand by many of those unjust immigration laws in my country." She said she...

Border Patrol Fights Boredom as Illegals Plummet

Agents struggling to stop ennui creeping in

(Newser) - Border Patrol agents hired to keep illegal immigrants out are having trouble keeping boredom and sleepiness from creeping in. Illegal border crossings have plummeted to record lows in many areas, thanks to the US recession and tougher enforcement, leaving some agents with little to do but "watch the fence...

Jan Brewer: White House 'Snubbed' Me

Arizona guv would have appreciated invite to immigration reform meeting

(Newser) - The White House must've, er, forgotten to invite Jan Brewer—champion of Arizona's controversial immigration law—to its roundtable on immigration reform yesterday, and she considers that "truly a snub." Said Brewer last night on Fox News: "You would have thought one of the governors...

Georgia Passes Arizona-Style Immigration Bill

Governor Nathan Deal noncommittal about signing

(Newser) - Georgia lawmakers passed a bill in the mold of Arizona’s controversial illegal immigration measure yesterday, over strident objections from immigration advocates and the state’s powerful agriculture industry. The bill will force employers with 10 or more workers to check new hires’ immigration status, and give police the power...

Ariz. Sheriff: Border Patrol Told Not to Make Arrests

Border patrol commander vigorously denies rumor

(Newser) - Are US Border Patrol agents intentionally avoiding arresting illegal immigrants on orders from higher-ups? That’s the rumor being spread by Arizona sheriff Larry Denver, who tells Fox News that he heard it from a top Border Patrol official. “The senior supervisor agent is telling me about how their...

GOP Wants Plan to Stop Every Illegal Immigrant

They want more fencing, agents, and drones as part of 5-year strategy

(Newser) - Congressional Republicans are working on a hardline anti-immigration bill that would call for more border fencing, more sensors, more border patrol agents, and aerial drones in an all-out attempt to prevent all illegal entry into the country. The bill is unlikely to pass the Senate, the LA Times observes, so...

Iowa Plans Terror Drill With Immigrant-Hating Gunmen

Anti-illegal immigration groups say exercise builds prejudice

(Newser) - Anti-illegal immigration groups are furious over an anti-terrorism exercise planned in Iowa that will pit Pottawattamie County's finest against a pair of teenage white supremacists. The drill, which is scheduled for tomorrow, is built around a fictional scenario in which an 18-year-old, angered by the influx of minorities—both citizens...

Arizona Senate Shoots Down Immigration Bills

Lawmakers reject 'anchor baby' bill

(Newser) - The Arizona Senate has rejected a package of controversial immigration bills , including measures aimed at forcing the US Supreme Court to rule against granting birthright citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants. Other rejected measures would have made it a crime for illegal immigrants to drive a vehicle, and would...

Proposed Texas Bill: No Hiring Illegal Immigrants ... Unless They're House Workers or Yard Workers
Proposed Texas Bill:
No Hiring Illegals, Unless...

Proposed Texas Bill: No Hiring Illegals, Unless...

One big exception is getting attention in Texas

(Newser) - Under House Bill 1202, one of a number of proposed Texas bills that addresses illegal immigration, anyone who "intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly" hires an illegal immigrant would face up to two years in jail and a fine as high as $10,000 ... unless, of course, he or she is...

Ariz. Bills Would Bar Illegals From Driving, Marriage

Committee also peels back 'birthright' citizenship

(Newser) - An Arizona Senate committee passed a new immigration bill yesterday that would prevent illegal immigrants from driving or buying a car, getting married, or sending their children to school. They also passed a bill ending “birthright citizenship,” in defiance of the 14th Amendment. Under that bill, Arizona will...

Why Arizona Is 'Crazy Town' on Immigration

Senate President Russell Pearce now has big clout

(Newser) - Last year, Arizona made waves with its law requiring immigrants to carry documentation with them everywhere; now, a raft of new immigration measures in the state’s legislature may be even more controversial. What is it about Arizona that drives such “extreme legislation”? asks Eliza Gray in the...

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>