classified information

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Obama May Release Top-Secret 9/11 Pages

Ex-senator leading push to declassify says 'all the evidence' points to Saudis

(Newser) - It's long been speculated that Saudi Arabia played a major role in 9/11, and the so-called "28 pages" that have been locked up for years in the Capitol's basement may soon shed light on the matter if they are released by President Obama—a move that's...

Clinton Emails Went Beyond 'Top Secret': IG

Clinton camp says State official shared a news article on drones

(Newser) - Intelligence officials say Hillary Clinton's private email server included information that went a step beyond top secret. In a Jan. 14 letter obtained by Fox News , an inspector general tells the Senate Intelligence and Foreign Relations committees that "several dozen emails" contained information declared by an unnamed intelligence...

Clinton Finally Apologizes for Private Server

In latest ABC interview

(Newser) - Four days after declining to apologize for her use of a private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has changed course. "That was a mistake," she said, referring to her use of a personal email account to send work-related emails, during an interview...

CIA: Clinton's Email Had Classified Information

But State Dept. rep says 'classification is rarely a black and white question'

(Newser) - Since July, Hillary Clinton's team has been fighting findings by the intelligence community's inspector general that she housed classified information on her private email server. But a special intelligence review by the CIA and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency just bolstered the original proclamation, finding that two emails she...

Judge Adds Fuel to Clinton Email Controversy

Says Hillary didn't comply with government policy regarding her private account

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton says no classified info was ever kept on her personal email account, but a federal judge said yesterday she didn't comply with government policy by using that account, the New York Times reports. "We wouldn't be here today if the employee had followed government policy,...

Petraeus Pleads Guilty, Avoids Jail

He gets 2 years' probation, fine of $100K over classified leak

(Newser) - After a monumental scandal and a two-year FBI investigation that sullied the reputation of David Petraeus, the case ended today in unspectacular fashion: He pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor and avoided jail time, reports the Los Angeles Times . The former CIA director got two years' probation and a $100,000...

Why Assange Won't Face Charges: 'NYT Problem'

If the Justice Dept. goes after him, it has to go after media, too: officials

(Newser) - Looks like Julian Assange is in the clear, at least as far as US charges over WikiLeaks go. The Justice Department has "all but concluded" it won't press charges, officials tell the Washington Post , and a big part of the reason why boils down to what insiders are...

3 Views on Manning&#39;s Verdict
 3 Views on Manning's Verdict 

3 Views on Manning's Verdict

Including one that suggests we'll need to wait 50 years to truly assess him

(Newser) - Bradley Manning's acquittal today on the most serious charge against him, aiding the enemy, may not mean much in terms of his freedom—he could well spend the rest of his life in prison anyway. But that specific decision still has huge implications for the nation. A sample of...

Army Censors NSA Stories on Bases

The goal is to prevent soldiers from seeing classified info

(Newser) - Anyone in America can read the Guardian's blockbuster reporting on the NSA's surveillance programs—except, apparently, US soldiers. The Army has restricted access to the British newspaper at all of its bases nationwide, the Monterey County Herald has learned. While soldiers can visit the paper's US site,...

5M Americans Can Access Classified Info

'Top secret' info available to 1.4M

(Newser) - If all the Americans cleared to access classified information lived in the same US city, it would be second only to New York City in population, USA Today finds in the wake of the NSA's leaked surveillance program . More than 4.9 million people have some kind of government...

Panetta Leaked bin Laden Raid Details: Report

Zero Dark Thirty writer heard classified info at event

(Newser) - If the Justice Department is worried about leaks, it might want to place a call to a certain former CIA director/secretary of defense. Leon Panetta revealed a variety of classified info about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden—including the names of the ground commanders involved—at an event...

Obama to Give Congress Classified Drone Info

White House to hand over rationale on when it's OK to target Americans

(Newser) - President Obama has directed the Justice Department to give Congress' intelligence committees access to classified legal advice providing the government's rationale for drone strikes against American citizens working with al-Qaeda abroad, a senior administration official said today. A drumbeat of demands to see the document has swelled on Capitol...

The CIA&#39;s Hypocrisy on Secrets
 The CIA's Hypocrisy on Secrets 

The CIA's Hypocrisy on Secrets

Author Ted Gup says the agency's only secretive when it wants to be

(Newser) - On Thursday, ex-CIA deputy director Jose Rodriguez publicly protested that agents had only used water bottles when waterboarding detainees, not the buckets shown in Zero Dark Thirty. Disclosures like that must chafe John Kiriakou , the ex-agent facing 30 months in prison for passing info to a reporter. "The contrast...

Air Force's Secret Robot Space Plane Blasts Off

For an unknown mission

(Newser) - Who says America doesn't have a space program anymore? Sure the shuttle's gone, but the military is keeping the dream alive—and classified. The Air Force today launched its top-secret unmanned space shuttle alternative into orbit on a mysterious mission, the AP reports. The vessel, dubbed the X-37B,...

Did Petraeus Tell Staff to Hand Over Classified Info?

Probe reviewing whether aides were told to give Broadwell the records

(Newser) - A new twist in the Petraeus-Broadwell saga. Federal investigators are now reviewing whether David Petraeus ordered his staff to hand his biographer-with-benefits classified information. The two have thus far maintained that Petraeus himself did not provide her with such info. But sources tell the Washington Post that Broadwell repeatedly asked...

Broadwell's Computer Full of Classified Data: Insiders

Petraeus mistress, Jill Kelley lose security clearance

(Newser) - Paula Broadwell's computer was packed with classified material that should have been better safeguarded, officials tell Reuters . David Petraeus' former mistress had access to such information thanks to her position as a reserve officer in military intelligence, the sources say, noting that the amount of sensitive data calls for...

FBI Looking Into How Broadwell Got Classified Files

Wants to know the source of the documents seized from her home

(Newser) - The latest in the ongoing and complex David Petraeus sex scandal: The FBI is investigating how Paula Broadwell got her hands on classified files found in her home during a late-night search Monday, reports the Washington Post . Officials say there's no evidence that Petraeus was the source of the...

Pentagon: SEAL's Book Contains Top Secret Info

But military won't try to block sales of bestseller

(Newser) - Former Navy SEAL Matt Bissonnette may have damaged national security by publishing a firsthand account of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden without running it by government censors first, the Pentagon warns. No Easy Day leaks "sensitive and classified information," and its author violated non-disclosure agreements, says...

Price of Keeping US Secrets: $11B

...Or at least, that's the price that's not classified

(Newser) - It's not cheap keeping the vast number of secrets the US government does. These days, Uncle Sam spends a whopping $11 billion guarding classified info, twice what it spent a decade ago, the New York Times reports—and that's just the secrets it will tell us about. The...

Obama&#39;s Exploitation of Navy SEALs Is Dangerous
Obama's Exploitation of
Navy SEALs Is Dangerous

Obama's Exploitation of Navy SEALs Is Dangerous

White House must stop revealing mission details: Leif Babin

(Newser) - President Obama has trotted out the story of how Navy SEALs took down Osama bin Laden quite a few times, and now his administration is doing the same thing with the story of the SEALs rescuing hostages from Somali pirates. It's a disturbing exploitation of the elite unit done...

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