Jon Stewart

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Stars Rock '12-12-12,' Raise $30M for Sandy

Springsteen, McCartney, Bon Jovi come together for storm relief

(Newser) - Bruce Springsteen, Jon Bon Jovi, Paul McCartney, and Kanye West were just a few of the music and screen legends who raised millions for Sandy relief last night. Appearing on TV, radio, the Web, and in movie theaters, the 12-12-12 concert had a potential audience of some 2 billion, USA ...

Jon Stewart: I Nearly Quit Daily Show Over 'A--holes' on Staff

Stephen Colbert talks to him in NJ theater

(Newser) - Jon Stewart came this close to quitting The Daily Show—and after only one meeting with the show's staff, reports Third-Beat . "What I did not realize is, a lot of the people who worked there were a--holes," said Stewart during a sit-down last night with Stephen Colbert...

Stewart Bombs Fox's 'War on Christmas'

'Christmas is so big, it's eating other holidays'

(Newser) - It's that most wonderful time of year when Fox News starts drumming up the case for a "War on Christmas," and Jon Stewart isn't putting up with it anymore. Host Gretchen Carlson asked on air whether she was "nuts" to think the war was real,...

Stewart: McCain's Crusade Against Susan Rice Is BS

'Daily Show' host: Remember all the talk of WMDs?

(Newser) - John McCain and Lindsey Graham are very "troubled" by the idea of Susan Rice as secretary of state, but Jon Stewart on last night's Daily Show wasn't having any of their self-righteous anger, considering they're the very pair that helped march us into unnecessary war in...

Why Attacks on Broadwell&#39;s Clothes Are OK

 Why Attacks 
 on Broadwell's 
 Clothes Are OK 
ruth marcus

Why Attacks on Broadwell's Clothes Are OK

Her 'skimpy' outfits make a statement: Ruth Marcus

(Newser) - Ruth Marcus has received a flurry of criticism for attacking Paula Broadwell's wardrobe. "Beware the woman who goes on The Daily Show wearing a black silk halter top and flaunting her toned triceps," Marcus wrote earlier this month in the Washington Post . A reader hit back: "...

It&#39;s a Rough Day for Papa John&#39;s
 It's a Rough Day for Papa John's

It's a Rough Day for Papa John's

Company faces lawsuit, boycott

(Newser) - One large pepperoni, a text-message scandal, and a boycott on the side, please. Papa John's is in the middle of a big mess on two fronts, one in court and one in the media. Here's a look at both:
  • Papa John's is in the midst of a

Colbert Quits Super PAC Game
 Colbert Quits 
 Super PAC Game 

Colbert Quits Super PAC Game

But learns how to keep the money

(Newser) - Stephen Colbert spent a lot of time hawking his super PAC, but in the end, he admits it was all for naught. And after taking all that money from "anonymous, scary donors," Colbert feared repercussions, he said on last night's Colbert Report. After trying to blame his...

Stewart: Fox Had 'Avalanche on Bullsh** Mountain'

Kelly to Rove: Is that math, or Republican-friendly math?

(Newser) - Things went pretty smoothly for the networks on Election Night, Jon Stewart said on last night's Daily Show —with the screaming exception of the station he lovingly dubs "BMN: Bullshit Mountain News." Or as you know it, Fox News. Stewart runs down Fox pundits devoutly dismissing...

Jon Stewart Composes Debate 'Duet'

The 'Daily Show' blasts Mitt Romney for flip-flopping

(Newser) - To hear Republicans tell it, Barack Obama has been the weakest president on foreign policy since "Flinchington J. Craphispants," Jon Stewart pointed out on the Daily Show last night, so it was pretty shocking when Mitt Romney spent the entire foreign policy debate agreeing with Barack Obama. After...

Obama on Libya: &#39;I Wasn&#39;t Confused&#39;
 Obama on Libya: 
 'I Wasn't Confused' 
Daily Show Interview

Obama on Libya: 'I Wasn't Confused'

Jon Stewart asks about wiretapping, Congress

(Newser) - Barack Obama stopped by the Daily Show last night for the lightest of grillings on matters ranging from economic policy to the situation in Libya. Stewart pressed Obama on whether he thought Romney had a point about unemployment being too high. Obama defended his record, adding, "We could be...

Stewart's Guide to the Craziest Congressmen

Featuring Todd Akin, evolution-basher Paul Broun, and more

(Newser) - On last night's Daily Show , Jon Stewart took a break from the presidential race to focus on some of Congress' top nutjobs. Leading the pack of "magnificent bastards": Todd Akin of "legitimate rape" fame, who suggests that the female body has "magical powers." In fact,...

Jon Stewart on Big Bird: 'Let It Go!'

Host fed up with Obama's Sesame Street obsession

(Newser) - Jon Stewart has had exactly enough of this Big Bird stuff from the Obama campaign. From stump speeches to a campaign ad , the big yellow guy is everywhere these days, Stewart noted on last night's Daily Show . The tipping point for the host:'s appearance on...

Sesame Street to Obama: Take Down Big Bird Ad

Daily Show offers right-wing dream of Sesame Street

(Newser) - Mitt Romney knows who America's real economic scourge is, and he's big and yellow. A cheeky new Obama campaign ad pokes fun at Mitt Romney's attack on Big Bird and PBS at the debate by labeling the children's icon an "evil genius who towered over"...

Stewart, O'Reilly Trade Jabs in 'Rumble'

Pundits spar in 90-minute, zinger-laden debate

(Newser) - Bill O'Reilly and Jon Stewart rumbled "in the Air-Conditioned Auditorium" of George Washington University last night, and zingers flew, moderators were overrun, and Stewart occasionally zipped up and down on a mechanical platform that helped him bridge the 10-inch height difference between him and the Fox host. The...

Stewart on US Libya Response: Do You Guys Talk at All?

'Daily Show' host baffled by Obama administration

(Newser) - The Obama administration's behavior in the aftermath of the Libya consulate attack was so ridiculous, it pushed Jon Stewart to develop a new Daily Show segment last night: "Do You Guys Ever Talk to Each Other or…" Initially, the attack was blamed on a controversial anti-Islam video;...

Modern Family, Homeland Win Big at the Emmys

Plus, wins for 'Veep,' 'Game Change,' 'Two and a Half Men'

(Newser) - And they're off! Host Jimmy Kimmel opened the Emmys with jokes about Honey Boo Boo and politics ("Being a Republican in Hollywood is like being a Chick-fil-A sandwich on the snack table at Glee."), and noted that this is the first year none of the four...

Stewart: 47% Gaffe Turns Fox Into 'Bulls#%t Mountain'

Daily Show host asks who the real moochers are

(Newser) - Jon Stewart did what he does best on last night's Daily Show : Made fun of Fox News, or as he calls it, "Romney Campaign Headquarters." In a segment hilariously titled "Chaos on Bullshit Mountain," Stewart ran through the network's oft-contradictory attempts to spin Romney'...

Jon Stewart: Romney's Own Dad Wouldn't Vote for Him

George Romney spent early years on welfare

(Newser) - Jon Stewart weighed in on Mitt Romney's 47% controversy last night —or, as he described it, Romney "talking to rich people about poorer people in a manner you would imagine cartoon rich people talk about cartoon poorer people." The first problem with Romney's position: Almost...

Stewart, O'Reilly Plan Rumble —Er, Debate

Will be like a presidential debate, except not pompous: O'Reilly

(Newser) - Bill O'Reilly and Jon Stewart always make for an entertaining pair , so mark your calendars for Oct. 6. That's when they'll be debating issues including the national debt, America's relationship with the Muslim world, and gas prices, O'Reilly announced last night on his show. The...

25 Stars Who Need to Get on Twitter

Hello, Tina Fey? Why aren't you tweeting yet?

(Newser) - It seems as though every celebrity in the world is oversharing on Twitter, but some notable names remain conspicuously absent from the social networking site, and they're among the ones who would probably have the most entertaining feeds. With that in mind, the Stir lists 25 stars who really...

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