
Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>

Schwarzenegger Owes $80K in Taxes

Governator didn't pay his taxes in 2004, 2005

(Newser) - We’ve found the Governator’s weakness: paying taxes. Arnold Schwarzenegger owes Uncle Sam $79,064 in back taxes for 2004 and 2005, according to documents filed in LA County Superior Court. Those would be the first two full years of Schwarzenegger’s rule over California. TMZ checked with the...

Why a 'Botax' Is a Wrinkly Idea
 Why a 'Botax' Is a Wrinkly Idea 

Why a 'Botax' Is a Wrinkly Idea

Taxing plastic surgery could hurt the economy

(Newser) - Taxing Americans' breast implants isn't as hot an idea as it may seem. That's because our assumption that richie-richie New Jersey housewives are the ones getting it isn't quite right, writes Christopher Beam for Slate . This is an industry that services people who can't afford it—credit card is the...

Plastic Surgeons Make Faces Over Health Care Tax

Senate bill calls for 5% levy; critics cry sex discrimination

(Newser) - Plastic surgeons want to do a little work on the Senate health care bill, nipping off a 5% tax on elective cosmetic procedures. The tax, expected to raise as much as $6 billion, wouldn’t apply to anyone trying to repair a deformity caused by birth defect, injury, or disease....

GPS Will Track Dutch Drivers for Per-Mile Tax

Those who drive on congested roads at peak hours will pay more

(Newser) - The Dutch government plans to bring the polluter-pays principle into the home garage. Rather than an annual road tax for their cars, drivers will soon pay a small sum for every mile on the road—a plan aimed at breaking chronic traffic jams and cutting carbon emissions. GPS devices installed...

Nicolas Cage Selling Vegas Mansion to Cover Debt

Actor owes IRS $6.6M, is suing former manager

(Newser) - Nicolas Cage must sell his $10 million Las Vegas mansion to help cover the $6.6 million he owes to the IRS in back taxes and penalties. The Nevada estate is just the latest property Cage has been forced to put up for sale to cover his mounting debt, and...

Gay Marriage to Gambling: Key Ballot Initiatives

Two states vote on taxpayer bills of rights, to curb spending

(Newser) - Voters in six states will head to the polls next Tuesday to decide ballot initiatives on everything from medical marijuana to livestock care. The Atlantic lists some of the most interesting, and the most likely to reverberate across state lines.
  • Question 1, Maine. Maine voters are being given the chance

New Trouble for Rangel: Ethics Panel Widens Probe

Investigation will cover amended financial reports

(Newser) - The House ethics committee is expanding its yearlong investigation of Charles Rangel to look at amended financial disclosure forms he filed earlier this year. Rangel, who chairs the Ways and Means Committee, filed the reports in July to account for $600,000 in previously undisclosed assets, reports Politico. The development...

Island Rum Fight Fattens Rangel's Coffers

Campaign cash pours in from Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands

(Newser) - Charles Rangel’s campaign coffers are bulging with campaign cash from Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, but he insists that’s in no way influencing his decision on the competing rum tax bills each territory is pushing. “Besides Puerto Rico, you are the only one who has asked...

Social Security Faces Grim Forecast for 2010, 2011

Payouts will exceed tax receipts for first time since 1980s

(Newser) - Big job losses and a spike in early retirement claims from laid-off seniors will force Social Security to pay out more in benefits than it collects in taxes the next 2 years, the first time that's happened since the 1980s. The deficits—$10 billion in 2010 and $9 billion in...

Expanded Gambling Won't Be a Windfall: Silver

(Newser) - The many states hoping gambling will revive their troubled budgets are in for an unpleasant surprise, writes Nate Silver for Esquire. Gambling is supposed to be recession-proof, but that hasn’t been the case this time. "The year 2008 was the first time in history that total casino gaming...

Time May Be Right to Talk Raising Taxes

In poll, less than half of Americans say they pay too much

(Newser) - If the administration must raise taxes, now could be its big chance, NPR reports. Only 46% of Americans in a recent Gallup poll said their taxes were too high—the smallest fraction since 1961. “Americans, relatively speaking, are more satisfied with the amount of taxes they pay than they...

Geithner Won't Rule Out Middle Class Tax Hike

 Geithner Won't 
 Rule Out 
 Middle Class 
 Tax Hike 

Geithner Won't Rule Out Middle Class Tax Hike

Romer says the economy hasn't bottomed yet

(Newser) - President Obama’s top economic advisers fanned out across the Sunday talk shows today, with Tim Geithner leaving open the possibility that Obama would renege on a campaign promise not to raise taxes on the middle class. “We’re going to have to do what’s necessary” to revive...

Anti-Business? Didn't I Just Bail You People Out?
Anti-Business? Didn't I Just Bail You People Out?

Anti-Business? Didn't I Just Bail You People Out?

Obama rips financial- industry critics, refutes 'stereotypes' on Dems

(Newser) - President Obama says anyone calling him “anti-business” has an awfully short memory. “It was just three or four months ago when, at great political expense, we yanked them out of the fire,” he tells BusinessWeek in a lengthy interview. And of Chrysler and General Motors bondholders, “...

Oakland First City in Nation to Pass Pot Tax

Voters back levy on medical marijuana that could raise $1M

(Newser) - In a landslide, Oakland voters yesterday made their city the nation's first to levy a special tax on medical marijuana, the Los Angeles Times reports. By an 80% margin, voters backed a tax of $18 on every $1,000 in pot sales, a move that may catch on in other...

Health Care Surtax on the Chopping Block

Dems waffle on high-income tax; timetable cloudy

(Newser) - Democrats are growing queasy about their plan to tax the wealthy to help pay for health care reform, the New York Times reports. Nancy Pelosi yesterday suggested revising the contentious provision so that fewer households would have to pay the surtax. Under the current House draft, individuals earning more than...

Dems' Tax Plans Raise Fears of Rich Rebellion

(Newser) - Over the last few elections Democrats have captured House seats from the GOP in some of the wealthiest constituencies in the nation, from northern Virginia to suburban Denver. But as the White House and leaders in Congress look to tax hikes to fund the health care overhaul, recently elected congressmen...

Sanford Disappeared Last Year, Too, Emails Show

Commerce secretary didn't know where to reach guv

(Newser) - Mark Sanford’s recent Argentine excursion wasn’t the first time he had gone missing: His commerce secretary didn’t know where to reach him in June 2008, either, emails reveal. “Need contact number for (Sanford) ASAP,” the secretary wrote to a Sanford staffer on the 28th—a...

Obama Must Tax Employer Health Insurance
Obama Must Tax Employer Health Insurance

Obama Must Tax Employer Health Insurance

To pay for new system, he must tax old 'crazy' one: Reich

(Newser) - During the campaign, Barack Obama was scathing about John McCain’s plan to tax employer-provided health benefits. But Obama’s going to have to bite the bullet and tax them himself if he wants to pay for his own health care initiative, writes Robert Reich in Salon. Now that Congress...

Inspector Finds IRS Lax in Disposing of Sensitive Docs

Agency vows oversight of waste contractors

(Newser) - Sensitive documents that could be used to steal taxpayers’ identities were found in trash bins outside several Internal Revenue Service bureaus visited during a months-long government inspection, Reuters reports. Because of the findings, the IRS has increased oversight of the contractors responsible for its waste. Identity theft is an increasing...

Soda Tax Makes Good Sense
 Soda Tax Makes Good Sense 

Soda Tax Makes Good Sense

(Newser) - The soda tax is a great idea, and its probable death at the hands of lobbyists serves to highlight all the problems with our tax system, writes David Leonhardt in the New York Times. The current system doesn’t raise enough money, and it’s “complex in all the...

Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>