
Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>

Study Says Alcohol Should Be Limited to 1 Drink a Day
Want Long Life? No More
Than 1 Drink a Day

Want Long Life? No More Than 1 Drink a Day

More than that risks heart problems, researchers say

(Newser) - Here's some sobering news: A large international study says adults should average no more than one alcoholic drink per day, meaning drinking guidelines in many countries may be far too loose. The study found that people who down more than seven drinks a week can expect to die sooner...

In Ireland, Good Friday Brings 91-Year First

Pubs can sell booze for first time since 1927

(Newser) - For the first time in 91 years, thirsty Irish folk can get a pint in a pub on Good Friday. Since 1927, a law has required bars to keep closed on the holiday, which has traditionally seen drinkers gather in homes or on booze-selling trains. In January, however, Ireland's...

Drinks Thrown Back by US Binge-Drinkers: 17.5B Annually
A Big Number for US
Binge-Drinkers: 17.5B

A Big Number for US Binge-Drinkers: 17.5B

That's how many drinks they throw back each year, the CDC reports

(Newser) - If we're going by the numbers, the latest one emerging from the CDC is a big one: 17.5 billion, signifying the number of binge drinks quaffed annually by US adults during such binges, per Live Science . That figure, published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine , comes from...

NIH's Wooing of Alcohol Execs Raises Questions About Study

10-year trial paid for by the industry is expected to find that moderate drinking is a good thing

(Newser) - A 10-year government study now in the works is expected to reach a conclusion that smaller-scale studies have suggested is true: Moderate drinking has health benefits. The problem? Most of the $100 million study is being paid for by the world's biggest alcohol companies, including Anheuser Busch InBev and...

Coke's Newest Offering Has Booze in It

But you'll have to go to Japan to sample Chu-Hi

(Newser) - Coke: the pause that intoxicates. At least in Japan, where the Coca-Cola Co. will now offer a boozy carbonated beverage called Chu-Hi. The Telegraph reports this "alcopop" will be made up of fizzy water, flavoring, and a distilled Japanese alcohol called shochu, which Forbes has described as "the...

There&#39;s Another Reason to Avoid Heavy Drinking
There's Another Reason
to Avoid Heavy Drinking

There's Another Reason to Avoid Heavy Drinking

Study finds it's a risk factor for dementia

(Newser) - A new study suggests that heavy drinking raises a person's risk for dementia, especially the early-onset variety. The research, published in Lancet Public Health , looked at 1.1 million French hospital patients diagnosed with dementia from 2008 to 2013. Of those patients, 16.5% of the men and 4%...

Johnnie Walker May Soon Have a Lady Friend

Parent company Diageo has reportedly filed trademark documents for Jane Walker

(Newser) - Tarzan had his Jane, and so, too, will Johnnie. Thanks to the "Me Too" and "Time's Up" movements, gender equality is gaining new awareness in the workplace, and now perhaps in your whisky: TMZ reports that Diageo, parent company of the Johnnie Walker brand, put in the...

UK Considers 'Drunk Tanks' to Ease Strain on Health Services

People who just need place to 'sleep it off' are hogging emergency rooms, ambulances

(Newser) - British health officials are considering turning to so-called drunk tanks to ease the strain on emergency rooms and ambulance services caused by heavy drinkers, the AP reports. NHS England said Friday that researchers are looking at whether Alcohol Intoxication Management Services, commonly known as drunk tanks, may be rolled out...

Addicts on Dr. Phil Say They Were Given Booze, Drugs
Addicts on Dr. Phil
Say They Were
Given Booze, Drugs

Addicts on Dr. Phil Say They Were Given Booze, Drugs

STAT/'Boston Globe' probe reveals 'callous and inexcusable exploitation,' per one critic

(Newser) - Dr. Phil McGraw prides himself for pulling people out of addiction, but a new report from STAT and the Boston Globe alleges he may have put some at-risk guests right back into it. Ex-guests on McGraw's syndicated talk show, including a former winner of TV's Survivor, say as...

Frat Party So Off the Hook Even the Air Was Buzzed

Police say air in Maryland fraternity tested positive on Breathalyzer

(Newser) - We've all heard of a contact high, but a Maryland fraternity's recent "Tequila Tuesday" was so saturated with booze that it raised the possibility of a contact buzz. USA Today reports that when police raided the Sigma Alpha Epsilon party in November, the very air registered a...

Opossum Breaks Into Liquor Store, Gets Drunk on Bourbon

She sobered up at a wildlife center

(Newser) - An opossum that apparently drank bourbon after breaking into a Florida liquor store sobered up at a wildlife rescue center and was released unharmed. Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge officials say the opossum was brought in by a Fort Walton Beach, Fla., police officer on Nov. 24, the AP reports. A...

Different Alcohols Really Are Tied to Different Emotions
How to Set the Right
Mood With Alcohol

How to Set the Right Mood With Alcohol

Red wine for relaxation, spirits for confidence: survey

(Newser) - The desired mood of your Thanksgiving meal should determine what type of alcohol you serve: red wine for a sleepy, relaxed atmosphere or spirits for a sexy, confident air. That's the conclusion of a new survey analyzing how different types of alcohol make people feel. The reasons behind the...

After Deadly Crash, US Troops in Japan Banned From Drinking

Police say Marine in Okinawa was 3 times legal limit

(Newser) - US military personnel in Okinawa have been restricted to base and banned from drinking alcohol after a Marine was arrested over a crash that killed a Japanese man. Police on the southern Japanese island arrested 21-year-old Nicholas James-McLean late Sunday on suspicion of negligent driving resulting in injury or death...

Top Cancer Doctors Have Some Advice About Alcohol

Drink less if you want to reduce your cancer risk

(Newser) - Name things that increase your risk of cancer. Cigarettes and tanning beds might quickly come to mind. But how about alcohol? A recent survey of 4,016 adults by the American Society of Clinical Oncology found that only 30% knew alcohol is a risk factor for cancer, reports the New ...

There's Not Much Evidence That Drinking While Pregnant Is Bad

But you shouldn't do it anyway, researchers say

(Newser) - Researchers say up to 80% of pregnant women in the UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand have had an alcoholic beverage during their pregnancies—some due to the fact that they didn't realize they were pregnant when they threw one back, the Guardian notes. But getting that "positive"...

High School Football Game Ends in Student Booze Tests

NJ superintendent defends decision for blood, urine screening for dozens

(Newser) - A school official says dozens of students were detained and ordered to undergo blood and urine testing after alcohol was discovered at a New Jersey high school football game, per the AP . In two separate statements on the Randolph Township School District's website, Randolph Superintendent Jennifer Fano says that...

Chrissy Teigen: 'I Was Drinking Too Much'

Model says she's cutting back on booze, perhaps entirely

(Newser) - Chrissy Teigen, drinking Red Bull instead of wine or a cocktail during a recent brunch appearance, explains to Cosmopolitan that she recently decided to work on her health. "I was, point blank, just drinking too much," she explains in a frank interview. It became routine to have a...

Chemists Discover Why Water Improves Whisky

How much is largely a matter of personal taste

(Newser) - Whisky connoisseurs have long claimed that whisky tastes better with a splash of water, or on the rocks with ice cubes. And while that will always, ultimately, be a matter of taste, scientists in Sweden have decided to study how the addition of water chemically alters the drink. They report...

A Drink a Day to Keep the Doctor Away?
A Drink a Day to
Keep the Doctor Away?

A Drink a Day to Keep the Doctor Away?

Light drinking may be healthier than abstaining: new study

(Newser) - Boozing it up heavily has been linked to all manner of ills, from car crashes and broken relationships to cancer, but a daily drink (or two for men) may offer heart and other health benefits that teetotalers are missing out on. That's according to researchers who surveyed more than...

Think Booze Is Your Muse? Scientists Think You're Right

Scientists speculate that alcohol could help us fixate less, move past creative blocks

(Newser) - People who claim to be more creative after a pint may be onto something after all, according to researchers studying the age-old assumption. A team at the University of Graz in Austria reports in the journal Consciousness and Cognition that among the 132 young adults they studied, the ones who...

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