Dalai Lama

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IOC Head: We Can Weather Torch 'Crisis'

Dalai Lama supports Chinese Olympics —and open protests

(Newser) - The protests following the Olympic torch around the globe are a “crisis,” but the International Olympic Committee has faced worse, its chief said today. The Games, he said, would “rebound," the BBC reports. Meanwhile, the Dalai Lama said China “deserved” to host, CNN reports. "...

China Plans 'Education' of Tibetan Monks

Beijing's move to enforce loyalty raises fears of more violence

(Newser) - Fed up with protests from Tibetan monks, Beijing said today it will step up a campaign of "patriotic education," the AP reports. Beijing will try to force monks to denounce the Dalai Lama and declare their loyalty to China, adding to worries that the current tension over human...

Chinese Police Kill 8 Protesters

Clash in Sichaun province comes as officials try to search Tibetan monastery

(Newser) - Chinese police killed eight protesters and wounded dozens more overnight in Sichuan province when they opened fire on a demonstration led by Tibetan monks, the Times of London reports. The altercation started when police searched a Tibetan monastery, confiscating phones and images of the Dalai Lama. After arresting two, the...

India Tries to Placate Both China and Tibet

Home of exiled Dalai Lama plays delicate balancing act

(Newser) - India enjoys a trade relationship with China, its fellow powerhouse economy, that experts value at around $40 billion this year. But it also hosts the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan government in exile, and about 100,000 Tibetans who live in the country. As tensions in Tibet continue, writes the Washington ...

China Blasts Dalai Lama 'Suicide Plots'

Monks amassing arms, planning to disrupt Olympics, Chinese charge

(Newser) - Chinese authorities are accusing the Dalai Lama of organizing suicide attacks, building an arsenal of weapons and explosives in Tibetan monasteries, and plotting to disrupt the Beijing Olympics. The fresh allegations come in the wake of last month's raging protests in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa and China's violent response.

House Speaker Calls on Bush to Snub Olympic Ceremonies

Pelosi urges move to protest 'oppression'

(Newser) - House speaker Nancy Pelosi calls on President Bush to consider skipping the opening ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics in an interview airing today, ABC reports. Pelosi, a fierce critic of China's human rights record, isn't suggesting an American boycott of the games themselves, but. she says that it was a...

China Seals Off Tibetan Capital
 China Seals Off Tibetan Capital 

China Seals Off Tibetan Capital

Crackdown comes after new protests, visit by foreign envoys

(Newser) - Chinese police closed off Tibet's capital today after fresh protests broke out during a tightly-orchestrated visit by diplomats. “The whole area has been shut down,” said one London-based advocacy group. Authorities swarmed Lhasa’s main temples, as monks continued demonstrating and urged Beijing to begin talks with the...

Bush Urges China-Tibet Dialogue
Bush Urges China-Tibet Dialogue

Bush Urges China-Tibet Dialogue

Protesting monks disrupt tour of foreign journalists in Lhasa

(Newser) - President Bush called Chinese President Hu Jintao today and urged Beijing to begin talks with the Dalai Lama, the BBC reports. Bush also pressed for greater access to Tibet for journalists and diplomats, the White House said. China today allowed a small group of foreign reporters into Lhasa for the...

Sarkozy Dangles Olympic Boycott
Sarkozy Dangles Olympic Boycott

Sarkozy Dangles Olympic Boycott

'Open' to skipping opening ceremonies if China-Tibet tensions don't improve

(Newser) - Nicolas Sarkozy says "all options are open" in terms of a possible boycott of the opening ceremonies of Beijing's Olympics. While his aides say that France would oppose a full boycott of the games, the French prez is signaling his discontent with China's recent crackdown in Tibet. "I...

Scholars Urge China to Meet With Dalai Lama

Group slams Beijing for 'fanning racial hatred'

(Newser) - A group of prominent Chinese intellectuals is challenging the government over its response to protests in Tibet, accusing Beijing of inciting ethnic tensions and demanding that it begin talks with the Dalai Lama. A petition signed by 29 writers, journalists and scholars, blasts China’s “one-sided propaganda” war and...

China Slams Pelosi's Support for Tibet

House Speaker guilty of 'double standards,' state says

(Newser) - China’s government hammered House Speaker Nancy Pelosi today over her meeting with the Dalai Lama and subsequent condemnation of China's "oppression" of Tibetan protests that turned to riots, the AP reports. Xinhua, China’s state news agency, said “human rights police” like Pelosi employed “double standards”...

China Rips Dalai Lama for Olympic 'Sabotage'

Leader plotting to hold games 'hostage,' says Beijing

(Newser) - Beijing is charging that the Dalai Lama incited recent protests in Tibet as part of a "terror" plot to ruin the Olympic games, Reuters reports. "The Dalai Lama is scheming to take the Beijing Olympics hostage to force the Chinese government to make concessions to Tibet independence,"...

China Spins Tibet Crisis for the World

Accuses Western press of bias

(Newser) - China retaliated today against the negative press that is flooding out of the Tibet crisis, the AP reports. Beijing released footage of Tibetan demonstrators assaulting Chinese, and blasted Western media such as CNN and Der Spiegel with claims of unfair coverage. Within Tibet, where foreign media is mostly banned, China...

Pelosi Hails Dalai Lama in India

Speaker calls Chinese crackdown 'a disgrace'

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi visited the Dalai Lama today in the seat of the Tibetan government-in-exile, where the speaker of the House blasted Chinese "oppression" and expressed her support for the Tibetan people. "The situation in Tibet is a challenge to the conscience of the world,” Pelosi said to...

China Admits Police Shot Tibetan Protesters

State's claim of 13 dead, 4 wounded at odds with exiles' estimate of 99 killed

(Newser) - China admitted today its police opened fire on Tibetan protesters, wounding four in “self-defense,” the BBC reports. The statement from state-run Xinhua news agency is China’s first admission to hurting anyone since protests began last week. Chinese officials say rioters have killed 13; Tibetan activists reported security...

China Clamps Down on Tibetans
China Clamps Down on Tibetans 

China Clamps Down on Tibetans

Towns 'like armed camps' as Beijing tries to regain control

(Newser) - The Chinese government has acknowledged for the first time that  rioting has spread from Tibet into neighboring provinces, as it forcefully reasserted control, setting up roadblocks with armed police in areas with large Tibetan populations. In Gansu, hundreds of Tibetans, many on horseback, stormed a government compound, burned the Chinese...

China Cracks Down; Dalai Lama Threatens to Resign

Hundreds of Tibetans detained after riots

(Newser) - Chinese paramilitary police in Lhasa have arrested almost 1,000 Tibetans over the past 48 hours as the fallout continues from last week's anti-Chinese riots, reports the London Times. "Many people have been taken away, but we don’t know how many," said one eyewitness. The crackdown comes...

China Cracks Down on Tibetan Rioters

Security forces begin house-by-house searches and arrests in Lhasa

(Newser) - Chinese authorities cracked down on Tibetan rioters today, conducting house-to-house searches in Lhasa ahead of the midnight deadline for rioters to turn themselves in. A convoy of four Chinese trucks marched 40 handcuffed prisoners through the city. The participants in the riots, the worst the region has seen in 20...

Riots Spread Outside Tibet
 Riots Spread Outside Tibet 

Riots Spread Outside Tibet

Protesters torch marketplace, police station in Sichuan province

(Newser) - Following violent protests against Chinese rule that left 80 dead in Lhasa, according to the exiled Tibetan government, rioting flared today in a province bordering Tibet. Ethnic Tibetans in Sichuan besieged the main government building and set fire to a police station and marketplace. "They've gone crazy," one...

Dalai Lama Calls for Tibet Probe

He says 80 protesters killed; Chinese soldiers clamp down in Lhasa

(Newser) - The Dalai Lama today called for an international investigation into China and accused it of engaging in "cultural genocide" in Tibet, the AP reports. The spiritual leader said 80 people have been killed in recent protests. Chinese soldiers and tanks patrolled the streets of the Tibetan capital of Lhasa...

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