Democratic debate

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Sanders&#39; Remark on &#39;Ghetto&#39; Causes a Stir

 Sanders' Remark 
 on 'Ghetto' Causes 
 a Stir 
Democratic Debate

Sanders' Remark on 'Ghetto' Causes a Stir

Suggests white people don't know what it's like to be poor

(Newser) - It seems the line from Sunday night's debate causing the biggest amount of buzz on social media came from Bernie Sanders when talking about race in America. After Hillary Clinton said that she, as a white person, has "never had the experience" of so many African-Americans in regard...

Best Lines of the Democratic Debate

'It is raining lead in Flint'

(Newser) - Here's a look at some of the biggest lines emerging from Sunday's debate in Michigan between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, via ABC and CNN :
  • Clinton: “I know the state of Michigan has a rainy day fund for emergencies. ... It is raining lead in Flint; and the

Sanders Tosses His Invisible Wall St. Speeches Into the Air

To make a point against Clinton in debate

(Newser) - After spending the first part of their debate in Michigan criticizing local and state leaders for the Flint water crisis—each called for Gov. Rick Snyder to resign—Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders turned their venom on each other. On the topic of Wall Street, Sanders made a point to...

It Was Clinton's Best Debate, but Big Loser Wasn't Bernie

Henry Kissinger came under merciless attack from Bernie Sanders

(Newser) - After Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders faced off in the first Democratic debate since Sanders' big win in New Hampshire, critics agreed there was one big loser: Henry Kissinger, who came under merciless attack from Bernie Sanders. "I'm proud to say that Henry Kissinger is not my friend,...

Biggest Lines From the Democratic Debate

“Experience is not the only point. Judgment is'

(Newser) - The first one-on-one debate of the 2016 election provided Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders plenty of opportunity to make their points and land punches. Here are some of the night's biggest lines: (The Washington Post has a full transcript.)
  • Clinton: "If you've got something to say,

Clinton Accuses Sanders of 'Very Artful Smear'

'If you've got something to say, say it,' she charges

(Newser) - The big attention-getter from the first half of Thursday night's debate is Hillary Clinton accusing Bernie Sanders of a "very artful smear" about her record. Clinton said the Sanders' campaign has been suggesting that she's too cozy with Wall Street donors, reports CNN . "Time and time...

Clinton: Yes, I'm a Progressive

Sanders has an unrealistic definition, she complains

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders hit upon a familiar theme of late early in their debate Thursday night: Who is the true progressive on the stage? Clinton for her part quickly busted out what is becoming a common line: "I am a progressive who gets things done," she...

Who Won, Lost Democratic Debate
 Who Won, Lost 
 Democratic Debate 

Who Won, Lost Democratic Debate

Sanders aimed for the heart; Clinton, the head

(Newser) - The last Democratic debate before Iowa and New Hampshire vote took place Sunday night in South Carolina—and Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders were taking no prisoners. The pair clashed over and over again throughout the debate, while Martin O'Malley failed to make much of an impact. Here's...

Clinton on Relationship With Putin: &#39;It&#39;s, Um, Interesting&#39;
Clinton on Relationship With Putin: 'It's, Um, Interesting'

Clinton on Relationship With Putin: 'It's, Um, Interesting'

As it so often is with 'bullies'

(Newser) - Asked by Lester Holt to describe her relationship with Vladimir Putin, Hillary Clinton paused, laughed a little, and said, "It's, um, it's interesting," to laughter. "It's one I think of respect. We've had some very tough dealings with one another and I know...

Why Clinton's Bathroom Break Took So Long

It was a lot easier for O'Malley, Sanders

(Newser) - Time for Ally McBeal-style unisex bathrooms at presidential debates? Hillary Clinton was briefly missing after Saturday night's Democratic debate returned from a commercial break, and the reason was bathroom inequality, according to the New York Times . Clinton had to walk one minute and 45 seconds each way to the...

Sanders to Clinton: 'I Apologize'

Over the breach of campaign data

(Newser) - The first question at the Democratic debate Saturday night resulted in a rarity: a direct apology from one candidate to another. In this case, it was delivered by Bernie Sanders to Hillary Clinton in succinct fashion. Asked whether she was owed an apology because one of his staffers improperly breached...

Will Sanders Use &#39;Nuclear Option&#39; in 3rd Debate?
Will Sanders Use 'Nuclear
Option' in 3rd Debate?
The Rundown

Will Sanders Use 'Nuclear Option' in 3rd Debate?

And five other things to look for Saturday night

(Newser) - The third Democratic presidential debate is being held Saturday night in New Hampshire. And while the Dem debates have been less dramatic than their Republican counterparts, a number of experts think that could change Saturday. Here are six things to watch when the prospective nominees (and Martin O'Malley) take...

After Low Ratings, Dems Accused of 'Hiding' Debate

Only 8.5m tuned in on Saturday night

(Newser) - A smaller-than-expected number of Americans decided to spend their Saturday night with Hillary Clinton, Martin O'Malley, and Bernie Sanders, and the latter two campaigns are crying foul. Critics—both Democratic and Republican—have accused the Democratic National Committee of "hiding" the debates at inconvenient times to make Clinton'...

Attacks on Paris Dominate Democratic Debate

Sanders criticizes Clinton over Iraq war

(Newser) - The Democratic debate Saturday night opened with a moment of silence in the wake of the Paris terror attacks and remained on the theme for much of the early going. As a result, Hillary Clinton found herself on the defensive from both Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley on foreign...

O'Malley Gets Big Cheer With Imaginative Slam of Trump

'Immigrant-bashing carnival barker'

(Newser) - The Democratic debate Saturday night has been a relatively subdued, substantive affair, but Martin O'Malley roused the crowd by labeling Donald Trump an "immigrant-bashing carnival barker." O'Malley made the slam when asked about whether the US should be worried about securing its border from undocumented immigrants....

Huckabee's Joke About Sanders, Dog-Eating Backfires

Twitter users attacked GOP candidate as racist

(Newser) - Donald Trump wasn't the only Republican candidate live-tweeting Tuesday night's Democratic debate . Mike Huckabee was likewise frolicking on Twitter, though he might be regretting his decision in the light of day, reports NBC News . "Racism exists because we have a sin problem in America, not a skin...

Debate Seen as Massive Win for Clinton

Chafee gave one of the worst debate answers ever

(Newser) - After a rocky few months for Hillary Clinton's campaign, she needed a strong debate performance on Tuesday night—and it looks like she knocked it out of the park. Here's what the pundits are saying:
  • "This was the best two hours of her candidacy to date,"

10 Best Trump Tweets From Debate

'Can anyone imagine Chafee as president?'

(Newser) - Donald Trump wasn't about to let Democrats steal the spotlight Tuesday night. As promised, he live-tweeted the debate, though he was relatively restrained by Trump standards. Some memorable ones:
  • "Can anyone imagine Chafee as president? No way."
  • "Sorry , there is no STAR on the stage tonight"

Enemy You're Most Proud Of? Jim Webb Makes It Personal

'The enemy soldier that threw the grenade that wounded me'

(Newser) - In the final question of the night at Tuesday's debate, Anderson Cooper asked the candidates which enemy they're most proud to have made over the years. The responses, as rounded up by the Guardian :
  • Jim Webb: “The enemy soldier that threw the grenade that wounded me, but

Sanders' Line on Clinton's Emails Gets Huge Applause

He defends her: 'People are sick and tired of hearing about the damn emails'

(Newser) - The issue of Hillary Clinton's emails came up about an hour into the Democratic debate Tuesday night, giving Bernie Sanders a prime opportunity to pounce. Instead, he defended her and called it a non-issue with a line that drew long applause and even laughter:
  • " Let me say something

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