John Kerry

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Kagan: 'I Will Listen Hard'
 Kagan: 'I Will 
 Listen Hard'  

Kagan: 'I Will Listen Hard'

Supreme Court nominee treads lightly in opening statement

(Newser) - The first day of Elena Kagan's confirmation hearings has concluded, as expected, without any fireworks. "I will listen hard, to every party before the court and to each of my colleagues. I will work hard," the Supreme Court nominee and current solicitor general said. " And I will...

What the Climate Change Bill Would Do

It aims to curb offshore drilling, promote nuclear power

(Newser) - John Kerry and Joe Lieberman unveiled their climate change legislation today, and the Huffington Post lays out some key provisions:
  • Offshore drilling: In the wake of the Deepwater Horizon disaster, states would be allowed to ban drilling up to 75 miles off their coastline. And 37.5% of revenues are

Energy Is Today's Railroad: It Will Change Everything
Energy Is Today's Railroad:
It Will Change Everything
David Brooks

Energy Is Today's Railroad: It Will Change Everything

Pass the energy bill as a first step

(Newser) - Unleash the "energy revolution," writes David Brooks today, making his pitch for the Kerry-Lieberman-Graham bill. It's imperfect, but an essential start. "Energy innovation is the railroad legislation of today," he argues, and if the US wants to remain the world's "pre-eminent nation," it needs...

Graham Bails on Climate Bill

Yanks support over Dems' plan to prioritize immigration

(Newser) - Lindsey Graham has taken his climate-change toys and gone home, reports Politico , withdrawing his support for a bipartisan bill he was to have announced tomorrow with co-sponsors John Kerry and Joe Lieberman. The moderate Republican was reportedly enraged by Harry Reid's plan to put the energy bill on the back...

Senate Climate Bill Sidetracked by Reid

Sorry guys, speaker needs immigration reform more

(Newser) - A Senate climate change bill is expected to see the light of day Monday—the work of John Kerry, Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham—but the bipartisan trio has already been told it won't see action on the floor any time soon. Harry Reid says an immigration bill will get...

Dem Senators: Lift Ban on Gay Blood Donors

John Kerry leads group urging FDA to end 'discriminatory' policy

(Newser) - John Kerry and 17 other Senate Democrats are calling on the FDA to end the 27-year-old ban on blood donations by gay men. The policy barring any man who has had sex with another man since 1977 dates to the beginning of the AIDS epidemic. It “was once considered...

Climate Change: The Time Is Now
 Climate Change: 
 The Time Is Now 

Climate Change: The Time Is Now

It's as politically inconvenient as ever, but Senate must pass true cap

(Newser) - Wouldn't it be great if you woke up this morning, opened the newspaper, and read all about how climate-change deniers were right all along? Al Gore thinks so, but instead, you'll find his op-ed piece in the Times, warning that while climate deniers might've gotten a chuckle over leaked emails,...

Cap-and-Trade Gets 'Radical' Overhaul in Senate

Kerry, Lieberman, and Graham are crafting an alternative

(Newser) - So long, cap-and-trade. The idea is all but dead in the Senate, with Joe Lieberman, John Kerry, and Lindsey Graham working on what the Washington Post calls a "radical, behind-the-scenes overhaul" of the bill to curb greenhouse gases. It's expected to be unveiled next month. Though cap-and-trade has passed...

Mag Names Most Liberal, Conservative Lawmakers

Rankings show ideology trumping Obama's change agenda

(Newser) - National Journal 's rankings of the most liberal and conservative lawmakers confirm that President Obama's first term has had little effect on the partisan atmosphere in Congress. Most members stick to the ideological positions they've staked out for most of their careers, with Sherrod Brown, John Kerry, and Chris...

Bernanke Nom Builds Steam

 Bernanke Nom 
 Builds Steam 

Bernanke Nom Builds Steam

Geithner, Dodd, Gregg all 'very confident' he'll win second term

(Newser) - Amid gathering clouds over his reconfirmation parade, Ben Bernanke's chances have appeared to turn around, with Tim Geithner joining key banking committee senators Chris Dodd and Judd Gregg in saying he is "very confident" the Fed chair would succeed. A White House aide further confirmed to Politico that President...

Blame Kennedy for Coakley
 Blame Kennedy 
 for Coakley 

Blame Kennedy for Coakley

If he hadn't held his seat so long, Democrats would have more talent

(Newser) - Massachusetts Democrats are cursing Martha Coakley, a candidate so bad she might just lose Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat and scuttle the party's filibuster-proof supermajority. “Not since Grady Little gave away the American League pennant in 2003 has New England witnessed this level of ineptitude,” writes Jason Zengerle...

Kerry Mulls Iran Visit
 Kerry Mulls Iran Visit 

Kerry Mulls Iran Visit

Tehran dismisses idea of last-ditch talks on nuclear program

(Newser) - John Kerry is weighing plans to become the highest-ranking American emissary to visit Iran in over 30 years. White House officials won't oppose the visit, aimed at brokering an agreement on Iran's nuclear program. "This sounds like the kind of travel a chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee would—...

Teresa Heinz, Fighting Cancer, Urges Mammograms

Heinz says under-50s should continue annual mammograms

(Newser) - Teresa Heinz, wife of Sen. John Kerry, is being treated for breast cancer discovered in her annual mammogram. The 71-year-old will undergo radiation treatment next month to raise her chances of survival to 95%. Heinz says she believes younger women should continue getting annual mammograms, despite the US Preventive Services...

Health Care Acrimony Could Kill Climate Bill

Dems need support of Republicans, who aren't feeling friendly

(Newser) - Key GOP senators are warning that the bitter health care battle could spill over into the climate change bill, delaying it or scuttling it outright. Normally clubby senators are nursing wounds and blaming Democrats for the fiercely partisan wrangling. “It makes it hard to do anything because of the...

Lieberman Bitter About '04, Taking It Out on Us

Failed candidate syndrome could explain health care hijacking

(Newser) - Nobody seems sure just what is with Joe Lieberman but theories abound on how he turned from a liberal into a health care reform hijacker, writes Gail Collins. He may still be sour about not winning the 2004 presidential race—when he was also "bitten by either a rabid...

Bush Team Blew Chance to Nab Osama
 Bush Team 
 Blew Chance 
 to Nab Osama  
John Kerry

Bush Team Blew Chance to Nab Osama

Al-Qaeda leader was at Tora Bora, but Rumsfeld let him get away

(Newser) - The Bush administration had a golden opportunity to capture Osama bin Laden in December of 2001, and it didn’t even try, writes John Kerry. The historical record is by now crystal clear: bin Laden and his No. 2, Ayman al-Zawahiri, were trapped at Tora Bora—bin Laden even wrote...

No DUI Charge for Kerry Daughter

LA officials cite lack of evidence against Alexandra Kerry, 36

(Newser) - Prosecutors say Sen. John Kerry's eldest daughter won't be charged with drunken driving in Los Angeles, with a city spokesman saying prosecutors declined to pursue the case against Alexandra Kerry, 36, due to insufficient evidence. He offered no further details

John Kerry: My Daughter Wasn't Legally Drunk

Says Alexandra was busted for expired tags, but passed test

(Newser) - John Kerry supports daughter Alexandra after her recent DUI arrest, he says in a statement, adding that she was originally pulled over for expired registration and was released after a breathalyzer test found she was under the legal limit. But a police officer tells People Alexandra was stopped “for...

Alexandra Kerry Charged With DUI
 Alexandra Kerry 
 Charged With DUI 

Alexandra Kerry Charged With DUI

Alexandra Kerry booked and released, was under legal limit

(Newser) - John Kerry’s daughter was arrested this morning in California in a suspected DUI. Alexandra Kerry was pulled over at 12:40am, and refused to take a preliminary alcohol screening test after her field sobriety test, police sources tell TMZ . Though her blood alcohol level was ultimately found to be...

Clinton Boosts Kerry on Afghan Mission

Old rivals appear to forge durable alliance

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton was instrumental in convincing Afghan President Hamid Karzai to accept a runoff election—but it was what she didn’t do that mattered most. She didn’t interfere with erstwhile rival John Kerry’s mission. In fact, sources say, Clinton facilitated the meeting between Kerry and Karzai and...

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