John Kerry

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Boss: 'US Revealed True Heart Election Night'

Singer praises Obama, lashes out at Bush in interview

(Newser) - America has finally shown "its real face" with the election of Barack Obama, and "an exhilaration I've never seen" after a campaign victory, Bruce Springsteen told the Guardian. The singer, who has never worn his politics lightly, ardently campaigned for Obama. "Obama's a unique figure in history,...

'A-Student' Hillary Aces Her Senate Hearing
'A-Student' Hillary Aces Her Senate Hearing

'A-Student' Hillary Aces Her Senate Hearing

Forget Geithner, it's Clinton who's queen of the 'hot nerds': Dowd

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton breezed through her Senate confirmation hearing yesterday, writes Maureen Dowd, "performing as the A-student she always is" on topics from nuclear proliferation to governance in the Arctic. While Tim Geithner got caught up in controversy over back taxes, Hillary charmed the windy John Kerry and buttered the...

Clinton Promises 'Smart Power' in Cozy Hearing

Back-patting abounds

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton promised a new “smart power” era of US foreign policy today, advocating a mix of diplomacy and defense, in a decidedly friendly confirmation hearing today, the AP reports. “America cannot solve the most pressing problems on our own, and the world cannot solve them without America,...

Kerry, Clinton Face Off at State Hearings

Foreign Relations chair says no sour grapes on being passed over

(Newser) - Today's confirmation hearings for Hillary Clinton also mark John Kerry's debut as chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. It could be an awkward meeting as she interviews for the job he openly campaigned for—after he dumped her to back Obama in the presidential race. But Kerry's putting a...

Aspirations Dashed, Mac May Actually Be Helpful

Others have vowed to help victorious opponent, but GOP senator really might

(Newser) - Every losing presidential candidate pledges to put aside partisanship and help the new president govern, but John McCain might be the first to actually do it, writes Steve Kornacki in the New York Observer. McCain is still in office, yet, at 72, “has absolutely no illusions about ever running...

Kerry Replaces Biden on Foreign Relations Committee

Nuclear nonproliferation among agenda items as Mass. Dem takes over from Biden

(Newser) - John Kerry will be the next chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the Boston Globe reports, replacing Joe Biden when he assumes the vice presidency in January. Kerry plans to use his new post to ramp up anti-terrorism efforts in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and to curb the spread of...

Kennedy Returns to Work on Capitol Hill

Senator anxious to pass stimulus, health care legislation

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy returned to the US Senate today, having undergone 6 months of extensive treatment for a brain tumor, the Boston Globe reports. Accompanied by his wife, Vicki, and their dogs, Kennedy was greeted by applause from his family and staff in the Russell Caucus Room under a banner that...

Clinton Rumored On Short List for Secretary of State

Clinton under consideration with fellow senators Kerry, Hagel, Gov. Richardson

(Newser) - The Washington rumor mill has spit out an interesting item: Barack Obama may be considering erstwhile archrival Hillary Clinton for Secretary of State, the Post reports. Obama is not pleased with names floated for the position, including Sens. John Kerry and Chuck Hagel and Gov. Bill Richardson. Clinton might salve...

Jockeying for State Dept. Job Under Way

HIspanic groups push Richardson, but Kerry may have inside track

(Newser) - As Barack Obama deliberates his Cabinet choices, the chorus of "Pick me! Pick me!" begins in earnest, with many eyes on Condoleezza Rice's chair, reports the Wall Street Journal. Hispanic groups are pushing for their own Bill Richardson, a former presidential rival who ultimately endorsed Obama. But...

Obama Donors Get to Hang With the Big Kids

Fundraisers with Kerry, Buffett kept the fat checks coming in

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s money machine has kept rolling thanks, in part, to a series of intimate fundraisers headlined by his top advisers, Politico reports. In exchange for a mere $28,500, Obama supporters could snag seats at a dinner with Warren Buffett or a “Round Table Discussion” with Robert...

Health Care Should Be More Like Baseball
Health Care Should Be More Like Baseball

Health Care Should Be More Like Baseball

We need better statistics to make sound judgments

(Newser) - If the US health care industry were a baseball team, it’d be “a hidebound, tradition-based ball club that chases after aging sluggers,” write Billy Beane, John Kerry, and Newt Gingrich in the New York Times. The US spends egregiously on health care but gets little in return,...

'Bullet' Mixes Rove-Style Bile, Gambling for Stretch Run

Steve Schmidt, brought aboard in July, has made daring part of McCain campaign

(Newser) - While pundits might disagree about results, there’s no doubt John McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin and his move to suspend his campaign over the bailout are huge gambles that can be traced to strategist Steve Schmidt, the Los Angeles Times reports. Nicknamed “Bullet” by strategist Karl Rove,...

At $231M, Kerry Is Congress' Richest

Though, Roll Call cautions, financial disclosure forms an unreliable source

(Newser) - John Kerry leads Roll Call's annual list of the 50 richest members of Congress, with a fortune estimated at $231 million. But financial-disclosure rules make it impossible to get a complete picture of lawmakers' assets, so Kerry, John McCain (No. 13, with $20 million), and the rest of the top...

Swift-Boat Gang Plans Attack on Obama

Outside groups turn up volume in presidential race

(Newser) - Key individuals behind the 2004 Swift Boat ads that attacked John Kerry’s Vietnam service and helped torpedo his presidential campaign are readying a major new advertising onslaught against Barack Obama, the Washington Post reports. The American Issues Project has amassed a multi-million-dollar fund. Its involvement marks a new level...

Morning Talk Shows Abuzz With Palin Pick

Republicans called Alaska gov. a 'maverick'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin ruled the political morning shows today at the expense of Barack Obama's historic speech last week, Politico reports:
  • John McCain rebuked criticisms that Palin was unqualified to be "a heartbeat away" from the presidency. “She’s been commander in chief of the Alaska National Guard,"

Biden &amp; Co. Take Cue From Rove
 Biden & Co.
 Take Cue
 From Rove

Biden & Co. Take Cue From Rove

Dems' new plan of attack follows map left by GOP spinmeister

(Newser) - Joe Biden’s speech last night mapped out the new plan of attack for Democrats against John McCain, and it’s positively Rovian, Walter Shapiro writes on Salon. The Democrats went directly for McCain’s biggest strength—national security—and tried to turn it into a weakness. “These times...

A Convention Outsider Moves to Center Stage

In '00 Obama couldn't get a seat; in '04 he wowed the crowd

(Newser) - Barack Obama arrives in Denver today one election away from the presidency—a far cry from the 2000 convention, when he couldn't even get a seat on the floor. As Al Gore received the Democrats' nomination in Los Angeles, the state senator barely had enough money to rent a car....

Obama's 2004 Speech: A Star Was Born

(Newser) - Four years after Barack Obama’s keynote speech won him nationwide acclaim, the New Republic looks at how he landed the fateful speaking slot at the party convention. The pick was unprecedented because Obama was largely unknown—he wasn't even in the Senate—and he had never given a speech...

Anxious Dems Urge Obama to Hit Hard
Anxious Dems Urge Obama
to Hit Hard

Anxious Dems Urge Obama to Hit Hard

Convention will seek to define candidate and attack McCain

(Newser) - The Democratic convention opens tonight, not quite the coronation envisioned only a month ago as twitchy party grandees push Barack Obama to make his case forcefully to a still-skeptical electorate—using the spotlight to draw the strongest possible distinctions between himself and John McCain. "The stakes of this election...

GOP Playbook: Find Foe's Strength and Attack It
GOP Playbook: Find Foe's Strength and Attack It

GOP Playbook: Find Foe's Strength and Attack It

(Newser) - Republican strategists are as adept as judo masters at turning opponents' strengths against them, Michael Kinsley writes in the Washington Post. With "genius, courage, creativity and utter ruthlessness," they managed to turn John Kerry's Vietnam service into a liability and Michael Dukakis' humble roots into elitism. Now, even...

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