John Boehner

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Obama Calls Boehner to Press for Payroll Tax Deal

But neither he nor speaker budges

(Newser) - President Obama raised the pressure on John Boehner over the payroll tax standoff with a personal phone call today, reports the Hill . But, surprise, surprise, no magical breakthroughs resulted. From the official accounts, it sounds like the two just spouted talking points at each other—Obama telling Boehner to pass...

House Passes Bill... for New Churchill Bust

And Boehner may have cut C-SPAN feed during Dem action

(Newser) - Democrats made a last-minute push to get an up-and-down vote on the Senate’s payroll tax bill this morning, only to have Republicans ignore them—and apparently even cut the C-SPAN feed. As Steny Hoyer called for the vote, speaker pro-tem Michael Fitzpatrick walked away. Hoyer kept yelling, and was...

GOP Botched Payroll Tax Fight
 GOP Botched Payroll Tax Fight 

GOP Botched Payroll Tax Fight

The 'Wall Street Journal' can't understand how this happened

(Newser) - The Wall Street Journal is furious with the GOP over the way it has handled what it terms the “ payroll tax fiasco ” in a scathing editorial today. “How did the Republicans manage to lose the tax issue to Obama?” the editors marvel. “GOP leaders have somehow...

Obama's New Payroll Tax Pitch: What's $40 to You?

John Boehner, meanwhile, asks Obama to intercede

(Newser) - The White House launched a PR campaign to try to save the floundering payroll tax cut extension last night, asking supporters to chime in with what $40 meant to them—since that’s how much the average family stands to lose per paycheck if the extension doesn’t pass, CNN...

Boehner Cancels Payroll Vote
 Boehner Cancels Payroll Vote 

Boehner Cancels Payroll Vote

House Republicans revolt, call for conference committee

(Newser) - House Republicans didn’t hold their expected vote on the Senate’s two-month payroll tax cut extension last night, a hairpin turn so abrupt that Politico ’s story on it is headlined, “Has John Boehner Lost Control?” The House had planned to vote down the Senate bill and...

House Won't Pass 2-Month Payroll Tax Cut: Boehner

Will instead call for quick talks on one-year extension

(Newser) - The House will reject a Senate-approved plan to extend the payroll tax cut for two months, John Boehner said at a news conference today. The House's plan: to call for immediate negotiations on a yearlong extension that could create "certainty for people who are trying to create jobs,...

Sunday Talk Shows: Mitt Romney Pans Newt Gingrich, John Boehner Pans Payroll Tax Cut Deal
Romney Pans Gingrich,
Boehner Pans Payroll Deal
talk show roundup

Romney Pans Gingrich, Boehner Pans Payroll Deal

Mitt makes first appearance since March 2010

(Newser) - Mitt Romney was expected to hog the talk show spotlight today, in what was his first appearance on a Sunday show since March 8, 2010. But he arguably shared that with John Boehner, who, in contrast to earlier reports , gave the payroll tax cut deal a clear thumbs down on...

House GOP on Payroll Tax Deal: No Way

Reports say that Boehner is behind it, but others are 'in full revolt'

(Newser) - The Senate easily passed the payroll tax cut package yesterday, but "easy" probably isn't a word that will be linked to the deal's fate when it reaches the House tomorrow. Both the Washington Post and Politico report that many House Republicans aren't pleased with the two-month...

House Speaker John Boehner Set on Keystone XL Pipeline Measure
Pipeline May End Up in
Final Tax Deal

Pipeline May End Up in Final Tax Deal

Republicans adamant about keeping Keystone in play

(Newser) - Republican lawmakers are determined to push through a measure speeding a White House decision on the Keystone XL pipeline—and they're ready to link it to the payroll tax cut extension. If the Senate sends the House legislation that extends the tax break, as well as jobless benefits and...

Payroll Tax Could Face Vote Today

GOP plan would tie measure to oil pipeline approval

(Newser) - The payroll tax cut could see a vote today under a GOP measure linking it to the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline. House Republicans, who have been fighting the tax cut, want to tie approval of the extension to approval of the pipeline, which would bring oil through Canada to...

DC Gets Massive Christmas Tree

63-foot fir arrives from California

(Newser) - It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around the nation's capital: A 63-foot Sierra white fir tree fresh out of California's Stanislaus National Forest pulled into Washington, DC, today, to serve as the Capitol Christmas Tree. The tree will be put up next to the Capitol...

Lobbying Firm to Banks: We'll Cripple Occupy

Former Jay Boehner employees drummed up $850K plan

(Newser) - So John Boehner's old employees are at least trying to profit from Occupy. Sam Geduldig and Jay Cranford, partners at a well-known Washington lobbying firm, are two authors of a proposed $850,000 scheme to drum up negative stories about Occupy Wall Street and any politicians who support it—...

Giffords' Hubby Has Bone to Pick With Boehner

House speaker didn't come visit her while in Houston, Mark Kelly writes

(Newser) - Mark Kelly is giving John Boehner a verbal slap over his less-than-heartfelt response to Gabby Giffords' shooting. In Gabby: A Story of Courage and Hope, Mark Kelly writes that Boehner never quite bothered to visit Giffords, even though he was in Houston, where Giffords was recovering, for the NCAA Final...

John Boehner: Republicans Not Servants of the Rich
 We're Not 
 of the Rich 


Boehner: We're Not Servants of the Rich

Also, he and Obama have a 'good relationship'

(Newser) - The notion that Republicans are "servants of the rich" is "very unfair," John Boehner told Christiane Amanpour today , adding that his job is "to make sure that the American dream that was available to us is available for our kids and our grandkids. And frankly, I'...

Debt Plan Will Contain New Tax Revenues: Boehner

But entitlements must be adjusted, speaker says

(Newser) - Despite Republican leaders' push against a tax hike, the super committee debt deal will include new tax revenues, John Boehner said yesterday. "I think there is room for revenues, but I think there clearly is a limit to the amount of revenues that are available." His comments follow...

Congress' Approval Rating 9%; President Obama at 46% in CBS/NYT Poll
 Congress' New 
 Approval Rating Low: 9% 
in case you missed it

Congress' New Approval Rating Low: 9%

Just when you thought 11% rating couldn't go lower...

(Newser) - Congress’ approval ratings have sunk to their lowest since CBS and the New York Times started keeping track in 1977: Just 9% of Americans now approve of the job Congress is doing, down from 11% last month. Only a tenth of Americans trust the government to make generally sound decisions,...

We&#39;re Finally Talking About Jobs
 We're Finally
 Talking About Jobs 

We're Finally Talking About Jobs

Conversation has shifted away from deficit: Josh Marshall

(Newser) - Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo points out what he sees a change in the "national conversation" about the economy: It's all about jobs now instead of the debt and deficit. Witness the Republican senators who unveiled a jobs plan of their own , along with John Boehner giving...

Don't Kid Yourself, Tea Party: Elites Are Still In Charge

Washington knows which side its bread is buttered on, Dana Milbank writes

(Newser) - The supposedly tea-stained House of Representatives passed three free trade bills yesterday, despite ample polling data showing that Tea Party voters are strongly opposed to free trade. It’s just further proof, writes Dana Milbank of the Washington Post , that “for all the talk of populist foment,” from...

House Passes Spending Bill, But...

...the Senate vows to oppose it, so Oct. 1 shutdown again a possibility

(Newser) - House Republicans got their ducks in a row late last night, passing a spending measure nearly identical to the one that went down in flames Wednesday. But that might not be enough to prevent a government shutdown, because the Senate is drawing a hard line against the bill, the Washington ...

Republicans Hand Boehner Embarassing Defeat

It's a setback for speaker as Democrats show rare unity

(Newser) - The House’s failure to pass a Republican spending bill to keep the government running last night was an embarrassing defeat for John Boehner, underscoring that he can’t count on his own caucus, Politico observes—and can't move if Democrats are united against him. “He can’t...

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