John Boehner

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>

Boehner to Dems: Cut 'Trillions' ... or Else

Speaker wants Medicaid part of the 'conversation' to boost debt limit

(Newser) - House Speaker John Boehner has warned Democrats to agree to at least $2 trillion in budget cuts or GOP legislators won't back measures to raise the federal debt ceiling, he told a rapt crowd of Wall Streeters and political leaders yesterday. He also insisted that Medicare is still on...

Gas Prices Drain Obama Approval Rating: Poll

Just 39% of hard-hit drivers approve of president's job performance

(Newser) - Gas prices are hurting Americans—and they’re hurting President Obama’s poll numbers, too, a Washington Post/ABC News survey finds. Some 60% of respondents said they are reducing their driving thanks to the prices, while 70% said the prices were causing money woes, the Post reports. Of those who...

American Pessimism Hits 2-Year High
American Pessimism
Hits 2-Year High
poll numbers

American Pessimism Hits 2-Year High

70% feel country headed down wrong path

(Newser) - It's springtime—and despair is in the air, according to the latest New York Times /CBS poll. Americans are more pessimistic about the economy and the direction the nation is headed than at any time since the start of the Obama administration, when the country was deep in recession,...

GOP Paying Law Firm $500K to Back Gay Marriage Ban

Nancy Pelosi calls it a waste of money

(Newser) - House Republicans have agreed to pay a law firm $520 an hour, to a maximum of $500,000, to defend the Defense of Marriage Act now that President Obama has abandoned it. Former Bush Administration solicitor general Paul Clement will head up King and Spalding's defense of the law,...

Netanyahu to Unveil Peace Plan in US Speech

Move designed to counter push for Palestinian state

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu will unveil Israel’s version of a Middle East peace plan in a speech before the US Congress next month, he and John Boehner each announced yesterday. The plan is seen as an attempt to push back against Palestine’s current campaign to be recognized as a state...

Obama Caught Griping About GOP Sneakiness

Reporter eavesdrops on conversation between prez, donors

(Newser) - President Obama gave campaign donors a candid, insider account of the budget debate—apparently unaware that his microphone was still broadcasting his remarks to the White House press room. Obama told donors yesterday that Republicans had tried to slip their agenda into the budget bill, but he’d put his...

25% of Republicans Defied Boehner on Budget Vote

Speaker could be in trouble with conservatives

(Newser) - John Boehner got the budget deal he negotiated through the House yesterday, but it wound up feeling a bit like a defeat for the House speaker, the New York Times observes. Fifty-nine Republicans—roughly a quarter of his caucus— rejected the bill , sending a message to Boehner that they were...

Sunday Talk Shows: Eric Cantor Says President Obama Had to Be Dragged 'Kicking and Screaming to the Table to Cut Spending'
Cantor: We Dragged Obama 'Kicking and Screaming'
talk show roundup

Cantor: We Dragged Obama 'Kicking and Screaming'

He claims the president was not leading talks on spending cuts

(Newser) - According to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, President Obama had to be dragged “kicking and screaming to the table to cut spending,” he said on Fox News Sunday. Cantor says White House senior adviser David Plouffe is being dishonest in his claim that Obama was the one leading...

Shutdown Charade Was Bad Theater
Shutdown Charade Was
Bad Theater

Shutdown Charade Was Bad Theater

Brinkmanship game disingenuous, reckless

(Newser) - Last night’s “needless, reckless, game of shutdown chicken” was a sham, with both sides drawing out the drama, complains Dana Milbank of the Washington Post . Sure, Barack Obama, John Boehner and Harry Reid all said they wanted to reach a resolution. But “If that were so, a...

Budget Talks Hinged on Planned Parenthood

How the deal came together

(Newser) - When Barack Obama and John Boehner met Thursday night, one issue loomed over the rest: Planned Parenthood. Boehner was insisting that any budget deal would have to defund the organization, something Obama was utterly opposed to, sources tell Politico . Joe Biden said that if that point prevented a deal,...

Tea Party on Budget Deal: 'We Won' to 'Disappointed'

Not everybody's happy, but Boehner doesn't have a mutiny on his hands

(Newser) - John Boehner put a happy face on the grinding budget deal reached last night, but reactions varied among the GOP rank-and-file—specifically those with their eye on the Oval Office. Some reactions from around the Beltway, courtesy of Politico:
  • Michele Bachman: “The deal is a disappointment for me and

No Shutdown: Last-Minute Deal Reached

GOP gets $38B in cuts, relents on Planned Parenthood

(Newser) - Perilously close to a government shutdown, President Obama and congressional leaders forged agreement late tonight on a deal to cut about $38 billion in federal spending and avert the first closure in 15 years. Obama hailed the deal, finalized about an hour before a midnight deadline, as "the biggest...

Now They Can't Agree on What They Disagree About

Boehner says it's about spending; Reid says it's abortion

(Newser) - With the midnight deadline creeping closer, there's been plenty of partisan rhetoric today but still no budget deal. Harry Reid and John Boehner even disagree on the main sticking point, reports the Washington Post . Reid contends that the two sides have agreed on $38 billion in cuts and that the...

Planned Parenthood Fight Holding Up Budget Deal

Mountaintop mining also an issue

(Newser) - A battle over Planned Parenthood funding has emerged as one of the major sticking points in the stalled federal budget talks, reports the Huffington Post . House Speaker John Boehner said late last night that the party would not approve a budget if any money went to Planned Parenthood through Title...

Still No Deal After Latest White House Talks

Obama expecting final answer on budget deal Friday morning

(Newser) - President Obama emerged from the third White House meeting with Harry Reid and John Boehner in 24 hours Thursday night without a deal to avert a government shutdown at midnight Friday. The president told reporters that differences still remain between the two parties, adding "I’m not yet prepared...

Nicholas Kristof: GOP Gives Democracy a Bad Name

 GOP Gives 
 a Bad Name 
Nicholas Kristof

GOP Gives Democracy a Bad Name

Why are we paying these people?

(Newser) - Nicholas Kristof has spent a lot of time in Libya, Egypt, Bahrain, and China recently, talking up the virtues of democracy. “But if Congressional Republicans actually shut down the government this weekend, they will be making a powerful argument for autocracy,” he writes in the New York Times...

Shutdown Odds: 52-48
 Shutdown Odds on Rise 

Shutdown Odds on Rise

Intrade is on the fence as Reid, Boehner, and Obama meet again

(Newser) - The rhetoric is sounding more and more dire about a government shutdown, and the Intrade markets had the odds in favor of it happening at 52%-48% about 1pm ET. That's up from 40% about noon. President Obama, Harry Reid, and John Boehner have another come-to-Jesus meeting today, following a morning...

Government Shutdown: John Boehner, Harry Reid, President Obama All Working to Avoid It
 Nobody Really Wants 
 a Shutdown 

Nobody Really Wants a Shutdown

Boehner, Reed and Obama all pragmatists

(Newser) - The federal government sure looks like it’s hurtling toward a shutdown, but there might be three reasons for hope: John Boehner, Harry Reid, and President Obama. All three are considered pragmatists who don’t seem all that interested in a shutdown, Politico observes. “There is nothing in Boehner’...

GOP to Vote on 1-Week Budget Extension

And Democrats aren't happy about it

(Newser) - With Republicans and Democrats still leagues apart on the 2011 budget , House Republicans will vote today on yet another extension. This one would only be for a week, but would include a full-year Pentagon budget. It would also include a lot of domestic cuts, as the price to keep the...

Budget Meeting Fails to Avert Shutdown

Shutdown would be 'inexcusable,' Obama says after talks with Reid, Boehner

(Newser) - President Obama emerged from a late-night meeting with John Boehner and Harry Reid Wednesday with no deal to avert a government shutdown. The president told reporters, however, that the 90-minute talk had helped to "narrow the issues" and he's still confident that a deal can be forged before the...

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>