John Boehner

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Well Played, John Boehner: GOP Beats a Wise Retreat

Doyle McManus: House Republicans' move was 'unexpectedly impressive'

(Newser) - Democrats might be gloating about the decision by John Boehner and House Republicans to back off from the debt-ceiling fight, but Doyle McManus thinks they should be a little worried, too. Boehner, after all, engineered an "unexpectedly impressive" retreat: His lieutenants fell in line and the Tea Party contingent...

Abortion Foes March in DC
 Abortion Foes March in DC 

Abortion Foes March in DC

Boehner promises push to make abortion a 'relic of the past'

(Newser) - Thousands of anti-abortion demonstrators marched through Washington to the steps of the Supreme Court today to protest the landmark decision that legalized abortion. The annual event took on added significance for many in the crowd because it coincided with the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. The demonstrators, carrying signs...

Boehner: Obama's Goal Is to 'Annihilate' GOP

Speaker expects huge push to win back House

(Newser) - John Boehner spoke to a GOP think tank called the Ripon Society the day after President Obama's inauguration, and he made clear that he thinks Obama is done trying to work with Republicans, reports the Hill :
  • “Given what we heard yesterday about the president’s vision for his

House Extends Debt Ceiling Until Mid-May

GOP initiative finds bipartisan support; Senate signals it will pass it

(Newser) - The House passed a bill today to permit the government to borrow enough money to avoid default for the next few months, setting the stage for a springtime debate over taxes, spending, and the deficit. The House passed the measure by a 285-144 vote, a bipartisan showing on an initiative...

Lip Reader: Smoking Joke Behind Michelle Eye Roll

'Not true,' says Boehner spokesman

(Newser) - Michelle Obama's eye roll at the inauguration luncheon was triggered by a John Boehner crack about her husband's smoking habit, a lip-reading expert tells Inside Edition . Boehner asked Obama if he had had a cigarette before the meal, and Michelle rolled her eyes when the Republican quipped "...

Obama Won't Block House GOP's Debt Bump

Short-term fix expected to pass today

(Newser) - The next debt-ceiling battle looks set to be delayed until at least May. The White House says President Obama "would not oppose" the House GOP's plan to suspend the debt limit until May 19, reports the Washington Post . Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has also backed the plan,...

Michelle's 'Eye Roll' Caught on Video

She looked unimpressed with John Boehner's joke

(Newser) - Michelle Obama is getting a little attention after today's inaugural luncheon. Sitting between President Obama and John Boehner, the first lady seemed to roll her eyes at the House speaker—not once but twice, reports the Huffington Post (here's the video ). And President Obama may have touched...

House to Vote on 3-Month Debt Ceiling Bump

But they'll demand that Senate pass budget in exchange

(Newser) - House Republicans have decided to vote on a bill to raise the debt ceiling for three months—provided the Senate agrees to pass a budget by the April 15 statutory deadline, John Boehner announced in his closing remarks for his caucus's three-day Williamsburg retreat. "Before there is any...

House GOP's New Idea: Short-Term Debt-Limit Boost

It would then shift focus to other deadlines

(Newser) - House Republicans are coming around to the idea of raising the debt ceiling—for a few months anyway. At a closed-door session at the caucus' annual Williamsburg, Va., retreat yesterday, Paul Ryan championed a plan to pass an extension of, say, one to three months, and shift the debate to...

The GOP Needs a Voice
 The GOP Needs a Voice 

The GOP Needs a Voice

Mitch McConnell and John Boehner won't cut it, Daniel Henniger argues

(Newser) - President Obama's press conference this week drew front-page coverage from all the major papers, but Mitch McConnell and John Boehner's responses were buried. "Media bias? No, media reality," writes Daniel Henninger in the Wall Street Journal . "It isn't that no one is listening to...

Gun Control &#39;Debate&#39; a Fantasy
 Gun Control 'Debate' a Fantasy 
Kimberly Strassel

Gun Control 'Debate' a Fantasy

Kimberly Strassel points out that Washington already agrees on guns

(Newser) - Ever since Sandy Hook, there's been "an almost cosmic disconnect" between gun control advocates, who "sniffed a rare political opening," and the real world, writes Kimberly Strassel at the Wall Street Journal . Gun control advocates are asking for everything up to and including crowning Michael Bloomberg...

Jon Stewart Rips House GOP Over Sandy Relief

Republican House majority is our other major disaster

(Newser) - Jon Stewart unloaded on the House Republican majority in an epic segment last night about the Sandy relief bill debacle . Even when the House eventually approved $9.7 billion in aid for storm victims, that was far from the $60 billion the Senate approved. It's voting on all those...

Boehner: Why I Threw F-Bomb at Harry Reid

More WSJ goodies: 'I need this job like I need a hole in head'

(Newser) - John Boehner didn't seem to hold much back during his hour-long interview with Stephen Moore for the Wall Street Journal , which took place just after Boehner was re-elected House speaker . "I need this job like I need a hole in the head," the chain-smoking congressman says at...

Obama Signs Sandy Relief Bill

$9.7B headed to pay flood insurance claims

(Newser) - It's back to work for President Obama, who returned to Washington from vacation today to sign into law a bill that would throw $9.7 billion at flood insurance claims related to Superstorm Sandy, as well as increase FEMA's borrowing authority. FEMA had said it was running out...

Boehner Forgives 12 GOP Defectors
12 GOP

Boehner Forgives 12 GOP Defectors

'I don't hold grudges,' says speaker

(Newser) - The dozen Republican members of Congress who gave John Boehner a public rebuke this week don't have to worry about payback, he says. "I'm not a retribution kind of guy," he told a closed-door conference meeting yesterday, reports the Hill . "I don't hold grudges....

Boehner Re-Elected as House Speaker

But he suffers several GOP defections

(Newser) - Those rumors of a GOP coup didn't hold up: John Boehner has been re-elected as House speaker with 220 votes, reports the Hill . Unlike his unanimous vote last term, however, 12 conservative GOP lawmakers either voted for someone else, abstained, or voted "present," reports the Washington Post...

Next Up: Debt Ceiling Showdown

But can you have a showdown if Obama refuses to show up?

(Newser) - President Obama signed the fiscal cliff tax deal last night, and you know what that means: Time for the debt ceiling fight! Technically, the government has already reached its $16.4 trillion borrowing limit, and is relying on "extraordinary measures" to get by. By the end of next month,...

House to Vote on Sandy Aid After All

Boehner schedules votes after intense criticism

(Newser) - Looks like the public scolding worked: John Boehner has scheduled two votes to provide aid for victims of superstorm Sandy, reports the AP . The House speaker came under withering criticism from New York and New Jersey lawmakers— notably Peter King and Chris Christie—when he abruptly called off a vote...

Furious Peter King: Don't Donate to Republicans

House failure to vote on Sandy relief has lawmakers angry

(Newser) - Peter King is more than just unhappy that the House failed to vote on a Sandy relief bill last night: Now he's calling for New York and New Jersey residents to stop donating money to the GOP over the matter, CNN reports. "Anyone from New York or New...

GOP Cabal Ready to Unseat Boehner: Sources

...assuming it can find anyone to take the job

(Newser) - Was the fiscal cliff deal John Boehner's last stand? Washington has long rumbled with reports that conservatives are ready to oust the House speaker, and now sources tell Breitbart that enough Republicans are ready to do it—provided they can find someone else to take the job. "At...

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