Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Michelle 2020? Her Hubby Says 'Never'

PACs hope she can still be convinced

(Newser) - President Obama has taken the wind from the sails of those hoping Michelle Obama will be America's 46th president. In a just released interview conducted a day after the election, Obama tells Rolling Stone that "Michelle will never run for office." "She is as talented a...

Obama Meets His 6-Year-Old Viral Pen Pal

Alex Myteberi offered to adopt a Syrian boy whose home was destroyed

(Newser) - "He is a shy little boy, but when he saw the president, his eyes lit up and he was completely drawn to him," Valbona Myteberi tells the Journal News . Myteberi's 6-year-old son Alex went viral in September after writing a letter to President Obama offering to adopt...

Obama Names 21 Recipients of Medal of Freedom

Michael Jordan, Tom Hanks, Bruce Springsteen, and more

(Newser) - President Obama is honoring actors Robert DeNiro, Cicely Tyson, Tom Hanks, and Robert Redford with the nation's highest civilian honor, the AP reports. They are among 21 people Obama plans to recognize with the Presidential Medal of Freedom at the White House next Tuesday. Honorees from the sports world...

Obama Begins Final Foreign Visit
Obama Begins
Final Foreign Visit

Obama Begins Final Foreign Visit

He promises 'significant continuity' on NATO

(Newser) - President Obama opened his final foreign trip as president Tuesday with reassuring words in Greece about the US commitment to NATO even as he prepares to hand off to a Donald Trump administration, saying Democratic and Republican administrations alike recognize the importance of the alliance to the trans-Atlantic relationship. Without...

Obama on FBI's Email Letter: 'We Don't Operate on Leaks'

'We don't operate on incomplete information'

(Newser) - For someone who says he's not going to criticize FBI director James Comey's handling of the most recent email brouhaha, President Obama appeared to do exactly that on Wednesday, despite not mentioning Comey by name. "We don't operate on incomplete information," the New York Times...

White House: FBI Director Wasn't Trying to Meddle in Election

FBI Director Comey has faced withering criticism for publicly announcing probe into Clinton emails

(Newser) - President Barack Obama declined to join in his party's criticism of FBI Director James Comey on Monday, The Hill reports. Director Comey has faced a barrage of attacks from Democrats, some of whom accuse him of trying to meddle in the election by announcing a probe into newly uncovered...

Obama Fires Back at Trump's 'Mean Tweet'

'At least I will go down as a president'

(Newser) - President Obama handed it to haters, including Donald Trump, while reading mean tweets on Jimmy Kimmel Live on Monday. "President Obama will go down as perhaps the worst president in the history of the United States," Obama quoted Trump during the segment. His reply: "Really? Well, @realDonaldTrump,...

Bill Murray Holds White House Press Briefing

He talks Cubs baseball and the plight of trees in Los Angeles

(Newser) - Bill Murray stepped in for White House press secretary Josh Earnest on Friday, holding his own short briefing in the White House press room, the Chicago Tribune reports. Murray, as one would expect, used his time to discuss the Chicago Cubs with the handful of assembled reporters, one of whom...

Obama Tells Trump to Quit His Whining

The election isn't rigged, and claiming it is proves Trump's not the man for the job

(Newser) - During a White House Rose Garden appearance with the Italian prime minster Tuesday, President Obama was asked about Donald Trump's claims that the presidential election is rigged. Obama did not mince words: "There is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig...

Obama's Top 8 Sci-Fi Movies and TV Shows

The president laid them out while serving as guest editor for Wired

(Newser) - Perhaps lining up a post-White House gig, President Obama stepped in as guest editor for Wired this week, the AV Club reports. In addition to writing about why "now is the greatest time to be alive," he took the opportunity to list his favorite science fiction movies and...

Man Turns Down Obama's Offer to Get Out of Prison

Arnold Jones would rather stay longer in prison than enter drug treatment

(Newser) - Arnold Jones was one of more than 29,000 drug offenders who asked President Obama to commute their sentence. But when he was granted executive clemency in August, he turned it down. USA Today delved into the unusual story when it noticed the White House listed only 774 commuted sentences...

Obama's 'Clear Goal' for Getting Americans on Mars

We'll send them by 2030s, per new White House, NASA initiative

(Newser) - President Obama has a Tuesday op-ed on CNN , but he's not writing about Election 2016—or even anything on Earth. Instead, the president announces America's plans for a "giant leap to Mars," with a "clear goal" to get humans to the red planet by the...

Duterte: I'll 'Break Up' With US, Obama 'Can Go to Hell'

Someone is displeased

(Newser) - Perhaps teeing up his next apology , Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte continued his string of inflammatory, anti-US statements by telling President Obama to "go to hell" Tuesday, Reuters reports, after the US refused to sell him weapons to continue his violent crackdown on drug dealers. "If you don't...

Obama Picks the Moments That Made His Legacy
Obama Picks the
Moments That
Made His Legacy 

Obama Picks the Moments That Made His Legacy

President takes a long look back at the past 8 years

(Newser) - President Obama has less than four months before he becomes former President Obama, and with the 20/20 vision of hindsight aimed at the last eight years, he sits down with Jonathan Chait of New York to pick out the moments that will define his legacy.
  • Mitch McConnell's "one-term

US Finally, Officially Has a National Black History Museum

The push for the museum started more than 100 years ago

(Newser) - The first national museum devoted exclusively to the history and culture of African-Americans is now open, the AP reports. The Obamas opened the new Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture on the National Mall by ringing a bell from a historic African-American church. The museum is the...

Obama Vetoes Bill That Would Let 9/11 Victims Sue Saudi Arabia

Possible override by Congress looms

(Newser) - President Obama has vetoed a bill that would have allowed the families of 9/11 victims to sue the government of Saudi Arabia, the AP reports. The move sets Obama up for a possible first veto override by Congress. Both chambers passed the bill by voice vote. The House sent Obama...

6-Year-Old's Plea to Adopt Syrian Boy Goes Viral

'We should all be more like Alex,' says Obama

(Newser) - The image of a Syrian boy covered in blood after an airstrike in Aleppo touched many—including 6-year-old Alex. In a letter to President Obama, Alex asks that the president "please go get" 5-year-old Omran Daqneesh and bring him to his family's home in New York. "We...

Sheriff Joe Still Thinks Obama's Birth Certificate Is Forged

'I'm not going to give up,' says Joe Arpaio

(Newser) - Donald Trump may have finally given up on the birther debate , but Joe Arpaio sure hasn't. The Arizona sheriff who organized a volunteer posse that claimed President Obama's birth certificate was a fake back in 2012, says he's still investigating the document. "I don't care...

Obama, Black Lives Matter Sued for 'Igniting a Race War'

Dallas police sergeant wants more than $500M in damages

(Newser) - A Texas police sergeant has filed a federal lawsuit against the leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement and President Obama, among others, for "igniting a race war." The Dallas Morning News reports Sgt. Demetrick Pennie, a 17-year veteran of law enforcement and president of the Dallas Fallen...

Obama, Duterte Meet Face-to-Face
Obama, Duterte
Meet Face-to-Face

Obama, Duterte Meet Face-to-Face

They exchanged 'pleasantries' before dinner

(Newser) - President Obama and Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte met informally on Wednesday in a holding room before attending a gala dinner at a regional summit, Philippine officials say. The brief meeting took a little sting out of the soured relations caused by Duterte's intemperate language in referring to Obama earlier...

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