Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Obama Camp Sits On List of Blago Contacts

No 'inappropriate discussions' by staff, but details must wait

(Newser) - Barack Obama's transition team has completed its review of contacts with Rod Blagojevich and his staff, but the US attorney has asked that details not be released while the investigation of the disgraced governor proceeds, the Chicago Tribune reports. A rep cut to the chase: “The president-elect’s staff...

Kennedy Will Pursue Senate Seat

President's daughter, aiming to replace Clinton, has never held elective office

(Newser) - After weeks of mulling it over, Caroline Kennedy has decided to ask New York Gov. David Paterson to consider her for the US Senate seat Hillary Clinton is about to vacate, the New York Times reports. Kennedy, 51, an author and philanthropist, has never held elective office but has been...

Obama's Halo Undimmed by Blago: Poll

Voters want more info about prez-elect's involvement in scandal

(Newser) - The Rod Blagojevich scandal has done little to dent Barack Obama’s approval ratings, according to ABC’s polling guru: More than three-quarters of those surveyed give his handling of the transition a thumbs-up. But just 51% say Obama has done enough to explain his team’s discussions with the...

Aspirations Dashed, Mac May Actually Be Helpful

Others have vowed to help victorious opponent, but GOP senator really might

(Newser) - Every losing presidential candidate pledges to put aside partisanship and help the new president govern, but John McCain might be the first to actually do it, writes Steve Kornacki in the New York Observer. McCain is still in office, yet, at 72, “has absolutely no illusions about ever running...

Obama Will Train It to Inaugural
 Obama Will Train It to Inaugural 

Obama Will Train It to Inaugural

Train journey from Philadelphia to capital via Baltimore echoes Lincoln's historic ride

(Newser) - Barack Obama will follow in Abraham Lincoln's tracks by taking a train to Washington for his inauguration, the New York Daily News reports. The president-elect plans to set off from Philadelphia on January 17, stopping in Wilmington—where Joe Biden will hop aboard—and Baltimore before entering the capital by...

Spouses Put Obama's Lobbying Rules to Test

President-elect struggles with ethical promises

(Newser) - The spouses of some of Barack Obama’s top appointees are lobbyists, the New York Times reports, presenting a test to strict ethics policies the Democrat pushed on the campaign trail. Health Secretary-designate Tom Daschle’s wife, Linda, is one of Washington’s top aviation lobbyists, and reported energy-czar pick...

Special Election Gains Ground With Blago

Guv unlikely to quit, but would give up naming Obama successor

(Newser) - Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, under indictment for trying to sell Barack Obama’s Senate seat, would likely now approve a bill authorizing a special election to fill the post, sources tell the Chicago Sun-Times. Blagojevich—who insiders now say has decided not to resign—wants the measure to apply to...

Brown Hints He'd Nix Obama Plea for Troops

Time for other nations to step up in Afghanistan, warns prime minister

(Newser) - British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has hinted that Britain would defy a request by Barack Obama to send 2,000 more troops to Afghanistan, the Times of London reports. After hearing of bleak progress there against the resurging Taliban, Brown warned that other nations will have to shoulder further deployments....

GOP Video Spotlights Obama-Blago Ties

(Newser) - Republicans posted a video today that questions Barack Obama’s old links to Rod Blagojevich, Politico reports. Titled "Questions Remain," it urges Obama to reveal contacts between his team and the scandal-plagued governor. The video shows that Obama advised Blago in his 2002 campaign, and endorsed Blago's...

Illinois AG: Let Voters Pick New Senator
Illinois AG: Let Voters Pick
New Senator

Illinois AG: Let Voters Pick New Senator

McCain scolds GOP for Blago flap; Granholm, Romney clash on autos

(Newser) - Blago and bailouts were the talk of today's talk shows. Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan told Meet the Press that voters should elect Barack Obama’s Senate replacement in a special election, while the state’s lieutenant governor said legislation would allow him to appoint a caretaker until a special...

Plouffe: This Was About Obama
 Plouffe: This Was About Obama 

Plouffe: This Was About Obama

Still ostentation averse, Plouffe credits teamwork and focus

(Newser) - Stepping out from behind the curtain where he directed Barack Obama's earth-shaking campaign, David Plouffe quietly professes pride in the historic achievement to Lloyd Grove in Portfolio, and talks about a race where stability and consistency won the day and "Clinton might have won the nomination if she had...

Obama Team's Stimulus 'Jolt' Nears $1T

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s economic advisers are devising a new stimulus package that could top $1 trillion over 2 years, the Wall Street Journal reports. Insiders say the $500 billion plan considered last month is too cautious given America’s mounting economic woes. "Every day there's a new bad number"...

Dog Poop DNA, Sean Avery Rule 2008 Ideas

NYT assembles hodgepodge of year's memorable concepts

(Newser) - For the eighth straight year, the New York Times Magazine has compiled the best—and worst—ideas that influenced the past 12 months:
  • Can’t get enough of popping bubble wrap? A Japanese, battery-operated key chain now simulates your favorite mindless activity.
  • Sean Avery not only made his name as

Emanuel Talked Senate Seat With Blago Aide

No sign Chief of Staff pick tried to wheel and/or deal

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama’s pick for White House chief of staff, had multiple conversations with Rod Blagojevich's chief of staff about Obama’s Senate seat, the Chicago Tribune is reporting. There’s no evidence that Emanuel engaged in any dealmaking for the seat, or that he knew of Blagojevich’...

Obamas Can't Check in Early to White House Guest Pad

President-elect told he can't move into official guest house early

(Newser) - Washington's hotels are booked solid for January and the Obamas have joined those struggling to find a place to stay, the New York Times reports. The president-elect and his wife had hoped to move into Blair House, the official White House guest house, in time for the girls to start...

Cool Off, Lefties: Obama Won't Abandon You

(Newser) - Barack Obama's cabinet picks may have elicited howls from the left, but he won't sell out his progressive supporters, E.J. Dionne, Jr. writes in The New Republic. For starters, Obama never was a true economic lefty—that was John Edwards' role. Like John F. Kennedy 45 years ago, Obama...

Death Threats, Blago Rumors Plague Emanuel

(Newser) - Fuming over rumors he was the Obama adviser who spoke with Rod Blagojevich about the president-elect’s Senate seat, Rahm Emanuel told ABC News today he's received death threats and the media have "intruded too much." Emanuel is not a target of prosecutors, sources told the AP late...

Collapsing Nations Threaten to Be Obama's First Crisis

Imploding world economies would demand tough foreign policy choices

(Newser) - Barack Obama's first major foreign policy crisis threatens to be no less that the complete collapse of a large and unstable nation, Marc Ambinder writes in the Atlantic. The transition team has so far been silent—in public, anyway—on the prospect, but there are indications they are convinced the...

Forget Blago: Rangel Plagues Obama
 Plagues Obama 

Forget Blago: Rangel Plagues Obama

Key congressman's probe could hurt Obama's agenda

(Newser) - The Blagojevich mess may appear more damaging, but the bigger concern for Barack Obama is the scandal surrounding Charles Rangel, who is under scrutiny for a number of questionable dealings, writes Gerald Seib in the Wall Street Journal. Blago may soon be out of Obama’s hair, but Rangel's status...

Jackson's Senate Chances Now Slim to None

But if cleared, he could still have a shot

(Newser) - Former frontrunner Jesse Jackson Jr. is unlikely to get Barack Obama’s vacated Senate seat because of his ties to Rod Blagojevich’s pay-to-play scandal, the Hill notes. The so-called "Candidate No. 5" has denied wrongdoing, but that may not matter. "Like anybody who's ever been named in...

Stories 3341 - 3360 | << Prev   Next >>