Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Facebook Post Is So Moving, Even Obama Commented

President says story of charitable Iranian boy 'resonated'

(Newser) - President Obama was apparently perusing Facebook yesterday when he came across a post and was so moved, he decided to leave a comment. It's now getting plenty of attention. It appears on the Humans of New York page created by photographer Brandon Stanton, who posts photos of people he...

The President Is Heading to Reality TV

Obama to appear on Bear Grylls' show

(Newser) - Bear Grylls' latest show, NBC's Running Wild With Bear Grylls, involves the survival expert taking celebrities on wilderness adventures—and he's lined up quite the celebrity for the show's second season. President Obama will go on an Alaskan trek with Grylls, former host of Discovery's Man ...

Obama Interrupts Vacation to Send Letter to Congress

Hopes letter to Democrats will erase lingering doubts about Iran deal

(Newser) - President Obama is hoping to calm concerns among Democrats still undecided or against the Iran nuclear deal. In an Aug. 19 letter to New York Democratic Rep. Jerrold Nadler written in the midst of Obama's vacation on Martha's Vineyard , the president maintains the deal itself cannot be changed,...

White House Has Its First Transgender Official

Raffi Freedman-Gurspan will serve as outreach and recruitment director

(Newser) - When Raffi Freedman-Gurspan started her new job as outreach and recruitment director for the Presidential Personnel Office today, she became the first openly transgender person to serve on the White House staff, the Advocate reports. Freedman-Gurspan served as a policy adviser at the National Center for Transgender Equality, and Obama...

Obama Orders Supercomputer 30 Times Faster Than All Others

President signs executive order calling for astonishingly fast exascale machine

(Newser) - If something called the National Strategic Computing Initiative sounds like a big deal, that's because it is. The White House yesterday announced an executive order from President Obama describing the NSCI plan, a joint effort of the Department of Energy, Defense Department, and the National Science Foundation, Motherboard reports....

Jon Stewart: Those 'Secret' Obama Meetings Weren't Secret

'I went through the normal White House entrance like everybody else'

(Newser) - Jon Stewart only has a few more days until his final signoff on Aug. 6 as host of The Daily Show, but he's not going quietly. The most recent noise revolves around what Politico has labeled Stewart's "secret" meetings with President Obama , a "sinister" description that...

Obama Asked Jon Stewart to Secretly Meet—Twice

'Daily Show' host made the trek to the White House in 2011, 2014

(Newser) - A 2,500-word piece by Darren Samuelsohn for Politico certainly doesn't bury the lead: President Obama has twice asked Jon Stewart to make, as the story's headline puts it, "secret" visits to the White House to meet with him. The "previously unreported" meetings, which occurred in...

Charlize Theron Made Obama a Saucy Offer

And she's really embarrassed about it

(Newser) - Nothing like meeting the leader of the free world to stimulate a little foot-in-mouth disease: During an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel last night, Charlize Theron recounted her awkward encounter with President Obama during her last visit to the show. Theron says as the two chatted, he said he was appreciative...

What Led Obama to Sing 'Amazing Grace'

Michelle, Valerie Jarrett were a bit skeptical at first

(Newser) - President Obama's rendition of "Amazing Grace" at the end of his eulogy for the Rev. Clementa Pinckney has been viewed more than 2 million times on YouTube . Had he listened to the gut reaction of those around him, it might not have happened at all. The New York ...

You Didn't Mishear: Obama Used the N-Word

In Marc Maron podcast about race relations and gun control

(Newser) - America is not yet "cured" of racism, President Obama said during a podcast interview released today, and he used the N-word to make his point. "It's not just a matter of it not being polite to say n----- in public. That's not the measure of whether...

Obama Threw Huge Party, Kept It Quiet—Almost

Prince, Stevie Wonder serenaded 500 guests at private event on Saturday

(Newser) - The Obamas let off a little steam on Saturday during what the White House press secretary calls "a private social event at the White House," per Politico . Or as we prefer to put it: Barack and Michelle Obama and their 500 closest friends danced late into the night...

7 Leaders Try to Solve World's Vexing Problems

Atop today's G7 agenda: terrorism, climate change

(Newser) - It's now past lunchtime in Germany, where seven world leaders are huddling for 26 hours in a bid to address an "ambitious agenda" of world issues. The latest from the G7:
  • Atop the agenda today: terrorism and climate change. Angela Merkel is pushing the G7 to come to

Artist Fairey: Obama Hasn't Lived Up to Hope Poster

Esquire interviews Shepard Fairey

(Newser) - Esquire interviewed artist Shepard Fairey to talk about his web series Rebel Music , but the part getting the most attention centers on that famous Hope poster he made of a candidate named Barack Obama. A snippet:
  • Esquire: Do you think Obama has lived up to your "Hope" poster?

Secret Service Visits Obama Twitter Troll

As racist tweets welcome president to Twitter

(Newser) - The White House says it's "pleased with the early response" to President Obama's new Twitter account , which has crushed a record and received plenty of adoring messages. But it's the hateful, racist posts that are getting attention, including from the Secret Service. New York Times reports...

Obama Breaks a Twitter Record
 Obama Breaks a Twitter Record 

Obama Breaks a Twitter Record

He amassed 1M followers in 5 hours

(Newser) - President Obama has set a Guinness World Record as the fastest user to reach 1 million followers on Twitter. After joining the platform with a personal @POTUS account on Monday, he managed to crush Robert Downey Jr.'s record of 23 hours and 22 minutes set last April in...

The President Has Arrived on Twitter

Obama started tweeting from @POTUS today

(Newser) - President Obama has officially entered the 21st century: He has his very own Twitter account, @POTUS . As of this writing, there's only one tweet on it: "Hello, Twitter! It's Barack. Really! Six years in, they're finally giving me my own account." As for the bio...

Obama Gets His Own China
 Obama Gets His Own China 

Obama Gets His Own China

White House breaks out the new plates just in time for state dinner tomorrow

(Newser) - Six years into his administration, President Obama finally has his own plates: The White House today unveiled Obama's official state china service, an 11-piece setting trimmed in a hue of blue that was inspired by the waters of his native state of Hawaii. The china will immediately be put...

Unlike Pope, Obama Won't Use the G-Word

Calling Armenian genocide a genocide isn't 'in the interest of all parties'

(Newser) - President Obama vowed to refer to the massacre of 1.5 million Armenians during the collapse of the Ottoman Empire as a genocide while campaigning in 2008. Since then, he hasn't done so once and won't break from tradition on Friday with a statement marking the 100th anniversary...

How About Obama as Hillary&#39;s VP?
 How About Obama 
 as Hillary's VP? 

How About Obama as Hillary's VP?

Brian Beutler of the 'New Republic' lays out his 'modest proposal'

(Newser) - It may be tongue in cheek, but it sure is a talker: Brian Beutler of the New Republic lays out his Swiftian "modest proposal" that Hillary Clinton should make Barack Obama her running mate. The idea is that it would help a white woman pushing 70 attract the young...

Senate Panel: We Have an Iran Bill

And they're optimistic it'll pass this afternoon

(Newser) - "We have reached a bipartisan agreement that keeps the congressional review process absolutely intact, full of integrity." So said Sen. Bob Corker this morning in revealing that the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's Republicans and Democrats have arrived at a compromise on a bill that would give Congress...

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>