Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Obama's Newest Education Adviser: Shakira

Colombian singer joins education advisory board

(Newser) - The newest member of the Obama administration is ... Shakira. Yes, the hip-shaking singer will be appointed to a position on the President's Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics because of her education reform activism, the Huffington Post reports. Shakira started a foundation in 1995 to fund schools in...

The New Obama Gives &#39;em Hell
 The New Obama Gives 'em Hell 

The New Obama Gives 'em Hell

Democrats rejoice as president goes on the attack

(Newser) - On Labor Day, Carl Levin gave President Obama the text of a speech by Harry Truman—who won reelection despite a bad economy by attacking Republicans so viciously that he earned the nickname “Give ‘Em Hell Harry.” Ever since, Obama’s been giving Republicans hell, the Washington ...

Obama Knocks Bank of America Debit Card Fee
Obama Knocks Bank of America Debit Card Fee

Obama Knocks Bank of America Debit Card Fee

'You don't have some inherent right to a certain amount of profit'

(Newser) - President Obama made waves in his latest interview with George Stephanopoulos of ABC , in which he spoke out against Bank of America’s unpopular new $5 fee for debit card users . “This is exactly why we need this Consumer Finance Protection Bureau,” Obama said. Asked directly if he...

Pelosi: Inept Obama Team 'Anticipates Nothing'

Harry Reid meanwhile reportedly upset about Obama's jobs bill

(Newser) - Is President Obama facing a revolt from his Democratic generals? Nancy Pelosi certainly doesn’t seem happy. She offered a surprisingly blunt critique of the president and his team recently, buried within this Howard Kurtz Newsweek piece on Obama’s newfound populist punch. “I think you need to talk...

Hank Williams Jr. Compares Obama, Hitler
 Hank Williams Jr. 
 Compares Obama, Hitler 
bizarre interviews

Hank Williams Jr. Compares Obama, Hitler

Bizarre 'Fox and Friends' interview getting some attention

(Newser) - Hank Williams Jr.'s Fox and Friends interview got weird right off the bat this morning, as he sat back with sunglasses on and arms crossed and dourly noted, "I'd rather be up there looking at Gretchen [Carlson]." But things got even weirder when Carlson asked...

In 2 Key Swing States, Bad News for Obama

He's statistically tied with Romney, Perry in Ohio, and close to it in Pennsylvania

(Newser) - Barack Obama is in for a fight in a pair of major swing states that he carried handily in 2008, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll. In both Ohio and Pennsylvania, 51% say the president doesn’t deserve another term, and 53% and 54% respectively disapprove of the job...

Obama Heckled at His Own Fundraiser

Man calls him the Antichrist before being dragged off

(Newser) - Not only did President Obama get heckled at his own fundraiser last night—he got called the Antichrist. “Christian God is the one and only true living God! The creator of Heaven and the Universe!” shouted a man in the front row of the House of Blues in...

Pakistan Makes US Look Like Fools

 Pakistan Makes US 
 Look Like Chumps 
Christopher Hitchens

Pakistan Makes US Look Like Chumps

Christopher Hitchens thinks it's time to call Pakistan what it is: an enemy

(Newser) - Last week, Admiral Mike Mullen called out Pakistan’s Inter-Service Intelligence agency “as the most adroit double-dealing profiteer from terrorism in the entire region,” Christopher Hitchens writes for Slate . Mullen accused Pakistan of orchestrating the attack on the US embassy in Kabul, and Hitchens believes him; after all,...

Meet the Radio Preacher Who Backs Bachmann

But she keeps him at arm's length

(Newser) - Drug-addled-rocker-cum-evangelical-radio-host Bradlee Dean has won many conservative fans, the New York Times reports. One is apparently Michele Bachmann. She has spoken on Dean's show, but keeps the connection low-profile—perhaps because Dean has commented on executing gays, and says President Obama has done more harm to America than Osama...

Obama to Let States Out of No Child Left Behind

If they agree to his education reform push

(Newser) - Barack Obama is today offering states a deal: If they adopt his preferred education reform policies, he’ll let them waive some of the more stringent and unpopular provisions of the No Child Left Behind law—most notably the 2014 deadline for making all students proficient in reading and math....

Sarkozy, Obama to Abbas: Drop UN Membership Bid

Presidents will make their appeal today

(Newser) - French President Nicolas Sarkozy and US President Barack Obama plan to heap pressure on their Palestinian counterpart today in a concerted push to persuade Mahmoud Abbas to end his bid for full UN membership and to instead seek upgraded status in the world body. The presidents will make their pitches...

David Brooks: Obama Duped Me

 David Brooks: 
 Duped Me 

David Brooks: Obama Duped Me

Deficit speech doesn't sit well with president's biggest conservative fan

(Newser) - In his New York Times column today, David Brooks admits something critics have long accused him of: “I’m a sap,” he writes , “a specific kind of sap. I’m an Obama Sap.” He had, for example, backed Obama's stimulus plan just days ago . But...

Women Bemoaned &#39;Hostile Workplace&#39; to Obama
Women Bemoaned 'Hostile Workplace' to Obama

Women Bemoaned 'Hostile Workplace' to Obama

The president then made a conscious effort to improve things

(Newser) - Women felt so frustrated in the early months of the Obama administration, that they eventually complained to the president himself, prompting a November 2009 dinner in which Obama listened to their grievances and vowed to improve things, the Washington Post reports. Female staffers’ discontent is a major point in Ron...

Hail the Daring New Populist Prez
 Hail the 
 Daring New 
 Populist Prez 

Hail the Daring New Populist Prez

At long last, a reason to fight, says Dana Milbank

(Newser) - President Obama's debt-reduction tax-the-rich plan may be unrealistic and "highly partisan," but it's thrilling, declares Dana Milbank in the Washington Post . At last, "the president hasn’t conceded the race before the starter’s gun, hasn’t begun a game of strip poker in his...

Obama&#39;s Just Like LeBron

 Obama Is Just Like LeBron 
Joe Scarborough

Obama Is Just Like LeBron

Joe Scarborough on the president's arrogance, timidity

(Newser) - Before delivering his fateful DNC keynote speech in 2004, Barack Obama offered this assessment of his political skills: “I’m LeBron, baby. I can play on this level. I got some game.” These days, that’s looking like a prescient statement: “Barack Obama is LeBron James,”...

Obama: This Is Math, Not Class Warfare
 Obama: This 
 Is Math, Not  
 Class Warfare 


Obama: This Is Math, Not Class Warfare

Vows to veto any bill that cuts Medicare but doesn't raise taxes

(Newser) - President Obama was in fighting form as he unveiled his deficit reduction plan in the Rose Garden today, vowing to veto any bill that cut Medicare but didn’t raise taxes on the rich or big corporations. “Middle class families shouldn’t pay higher taxes than millionaires and billionaires,...

Obama Plan Preview: $3T Savings, $1.5T Tax Boost

'Washington Post' bares early details of president's plan

(Newser) - Details of President Obama's new debt-reduction plan to be unveiled this morning are emerging—and it's not a pretty sight for the rich. The president will likely outline a plan to cut the federal debt by $3 trillion over the next decade, with half of that coming from...

Congressional Black Caucus Head Emanuel Cleaver: If Obama Were White...
CBC Head:
If Obama Were White...

CBC Head: If Obama Were White...

We'd 'probably be marching on the White House'

(Newser) - Rep. Emanuel Cleaver has already made it abundantly clear that he’s not the biggest fan of some of President Obama’s policies, and the Congressional Black Caucus chairman isn’t done talking. Angry over the nearly 17% unemployment rate in the African-American community, Cleaver says, "If Bill Clinton...

Most Popular National Politician Today Is ...

Hillary Clinton, as 'buyer's remorse' plagues a third of the country

(Newser) - The most popular politician nationwide is the one that got away: Hillary Clinton. Nearly two-thirds of the country sees the secretary of state favorably, and a third are battling what Bloomberg terms “buyer’s remorse” over not electing her president. Just over a year ago, only a quarter of...

Geithner Blew Off Obama's Order to Dissolve Citigroup

New book says Obama's team routinely undermined him

(Newser) - In March 2009, in the throes of the financial crisis, Barack Obama told Tim Geithner to focus on a proposal to dissolve Citigroup—but the Treasury Secretary ignored him and never developed a plan, according to former Wall Street Journal reporter Ron Suskind’s new book Confidence Men. In the...

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