Barack Obama

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Bachmann Surges to Second in National Poll

Followed by Rick Perry

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann's ascent continues: The Minnesota congresswoman surged into second place behind longtime GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney in a new national poll. Romney is the first choice for 30% of Republican primary voters, while Bachmann snagged 16%. Behind her is Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who still hasn't decided...

Steve Wynn: Businesses 'Frightened to Death' of Obama

Casino owner says that's why no one's hiring or investing

(Newser) - Why aren’t businesses hiring more people with the piles of cash at their disposal? Casino magnate Steve Wynn thinks it’s because they’re scared of Barack Obama. “I'm telling you that the business community in this company is frightened to death of the weird political philosophy...

Senate to Stay in Session Until Debt Deal Done
 Reid: Senate Is Open 
 Until Debt Deal Done 

Reid: Senate Is Open Until Debt Deal Done

Obama says he will veto proposed budget amendment to Constitution

(Newser) - So much for the weekend plans of the United States Senate: The Chicago Tribune notes that Harry Reid said today he'll hold session every single day "from now until Congress passes legislation that prevents the United States from defaulting on our obligations." While little progress was made...

Election 2012: First Spending Reports Offer a Glimpse Into Each Campaign
Candidates' Cash Going
to Mailings, Security, Pizza...
spending to date: $32M

Candidates' Cash Going to Mailings, Security, Pizza...

First expense reports offer a glimpse into each campaign

(Newser) - Want to get to know your 2012 candidates better? Take a look at what they're spending campaign cash on, courtesy of expense reports obtained by the Washington Post . The first major spending reports of the campaign reveal that the candidates have spent about $32 million so far.
  • Tim Pawlenty:

House to Vote on Debt Ceiling, Without a Deal

They'll vote on a taxcut-free version

(Newser) - Bipartisan debt ceiling talks are still deadlocked , but the House plans a vote next week anyway, John Boehner announced today. The House will vote on a bill that would raise the debt ceiling $2.4 trillion, while cutting spending by even more than that, CBS reports. It would also cap...

Obama: Republican Voters Agree With Me

President cites Gallup poll showing vast majority want revenue in deal

(Newser) - President Obama got combative in his press conference today, saying Republicans’ refusal to raise revenues in a debt ceiling deal is out of touch. “My hope, though, is that they're listening not just to lobbyists or special interests here in Washington, but they're also listening to the...

Generic Republican Widens Lead on Obama in Gallup Poll

... But actual candidates may not fare as well

(Newser) - Voters are growing more likely to vote for a Republican challenger over Obama, as a generic "Republican candidate" opened a 47%-39% lead, according to a new survey by Gallup . Obama had a slight advantage in May, thanks largely to the killing of Osama bin Laden, but Republicans pulled slightly...

Only 10% of Arab World Likes Obama

US more unpopular there now than it was under Bush

(Newser) - You know President Obama’s plan to reach out and win hearts and minds in the Middle East? It’s not going well. In a stunning new Pew Poll spotted by Glenn Greenwald of Salon , only 10% of residents in Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates...

Book Scuttles Obama's Health Care Story

His mother had health insurance when she died, and it paid up

(Newser) - A recent book on President Obama’s mother undermines his oft-told story that his mother spent the final years of her life battling insurance companies over her medical bills. The book, by New York Times reporter Janny Scott, reveals that Ann Dunham actually had health insurance that readily paid her...

Obama on Debt Talks: 'I Will Not Yield'

...even though 'this may bring my presidency down'

(Newser) - We already knew last night's debt talks did not go well —but not only did President Obama leave "abruptly," he really put his foot down, Talking Points Memo reports: "I have reached the point where I say enough," he said, according to those present....

Limbaugh: Obama Wants Deal in Time for Ramadan

Though even he can't keep a straight face about it

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh couldn’t resist pushing the envelope a bit today with a crack implying that Barack Obama is Muslim. In a segment on the debt ceiling spotted by Mediaite , Rush said, “So Obama’s out there pushing this magic Aug. 2 deadline to get this thing done. That’...

Boehner: There's a 'Gulf' Between Us

House won't raise taxes, he insists

(Newser) - John Boehner stuck to his guns in a press conference today, offering precious little hope that a debt ceiling deal was anywhere close to getting done. He thanked Barack Obama for praising his "good-faith effort," but said it mattered little. “Our disagreements are not personal,” he...

Obama: I Won't Sign Any 'Stop-Gap' Debt Deal

President says budget talks will continue 'every day'

(Newser) - Compromise was the theme of President Obama's press conference today, during which he acknowledged that yesterday's budget talks did not result in a deal—but promised that "we're gonna meet every single day until we get this thing resolved." He insisted that he and "...

Boehner to Seek Smaller $2T Deal

Deal reached impasse over issue of tax increases

(Newser) - John Boehner has informed Barack Obama that he wants to pursue a smaller $2 trillion deficit reduction deal, not the larger effort sought by the White House. In a statement issued after that conversation, Boehner said the issue of taxes ultimately killed efforts to reduce the deficit by as much...

Paul Krugman: President Obama Seems to Have Accepted Republicans' Economic Fixes

 Obama Now 
 Talking Like 
 a Republican 
Paul Krugman

Obama Now Talking Like a Republican

Paul Krugman: It's getting harder to trust him on the economy

(Newser) - The way President Obama is talking lately, it sounds an awful lot like he's accepted the "economic fallacies" of Republicans, writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times . He seems more concerned about cutting the deficit and slashing spending than creating jobs. It's possible this is part...

Obama on Jobs: 'We've Still Got a Long Way to Go'

President urges Congress to act on several initiatives to juice economy

(Newser) - President Obama didn't try to put a pretty face on today's bleak unemployment figures : The numbers confirm "what most Americans already know," he said: "We still have a long way to go and a lot of work to do." He urged Congress to pass...

Obama's Dad Told Feds Baby Would Be Adopted Out

His father told immigrations officials he'd be given up at birth

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s father once told immigration officials that he and Ann Dunham were planning to give their then-unborn child up for adoption, writes Sally Jacobs for the Boston Globe . The elder Obama had been under scrutiny from federal immigration officials, who feared that he had another wife in Kenya....

Romney Rakes In $18M—and That Worries the GOP

Obama is clobbering Republican candidates in money race

(Newser) - Fundraising reports are starting to trickle in from the GOP presidential field, and the results look great—for Barack Obama. Even Mitt Romney’s vaunted money machine collected only $18 million in the first true quarter of fundraising, a big step back from his 2008 showing, Politico reports. The results...

Obama Calls White House Debt Talks

Boehner says they'll be useless

(Newser) - President Obama is hauling congressional leaders into the White House tomorrow for a sit-down in a desperate attempt to break the debt-ceiling deadlock. He rejected calls for a short-term increase in the limit, saying they had “a unique opportunity to do something big.” He said the sides had...

141 Staffers Make $100K at White House

...Not counting Obama

(Newser) - Budget crisis or not, it pays to work at the White House. Of the 454 employees who work at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, 141 bring home six-figure salaries, according to the annual report released by the White House. Twenty-one make the top salary of $172,200, reports the National Journal . They...

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