Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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This Time, Let's Not Gut Energy Research When Gas Prices Go Down: Seth Fletcher
 Now Are You Ready 
 for Electric Cars? 

Now Are You Ready for Electric Cars?

Seth Fletcher explains why America needs to learn from its mistakes

(Newser) - America is responding to the recent spike in gas prices in the same “depressingly predictable” fashion it always has. “We’re shocked to see prices top $4 a gallon, as if it’s never happened before,” writes Seth Fletcher in the New York Times . “We demand...

Most of Us Want to Cheat With...
 Celebs We Want to Cheat With 

Celebs We Want to Cheat With

Jessica Alba, Johnny Depp, survey shows

(Newser) - Dating site, where you can go in search of an extramarital affair, recently surveyed its members to find out which celebrities they'd most like to cheat with. Fox News reports on the findings from 30,000 US members. The women:
  1. Jessica Alba: Fifteen percent of the males

Obama Relying on Gay Donors for 2012

Because some big money donors aren't showing up

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign is hoping gay donors can fill the holes left by the big-money interests that are deserting it. Gay donors have been showing their gratitude for the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and Obama's abandonment of the Defense of Marriage Act, and...

Radicals Name Osama's Watery Grave 'Martyr's Sea'

Obama shrugs off criticisms burial was disrespectful

(Newser) - The administration has said it buried Osama bin Laden at sea in part so devotees wouldn’t have a shrine to flock to—but that may have backfired. Radicals are now calling the entire Arabian Sea “Martyr’s Sea,” according to the Muslim Chaplain of Cambridge University. “...

Obama: Perpetual Afghan Footprint No Longer Needed
Obama: Perpetual Afghan Footprint No Longer Needed
'60 minutes'

Obama: Perpetual Afghan Footprint No Longer Needed

Bin Laden's death confirms Afghan war can be refocused

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden's death has stirred up a debate over whether the US should pull out of Afghanistan early. Asked about it on his upcoming 60 Minutes appearance, President Obama reminded Steve Kroft that he's already committed to a draw-down of troops starting in July. But bin Laden'...

Birthers' Ranks Plunge: Poll

Percentage who believe Obama is foreign-born falls by half

(Newser) - A year ago, 20% of Americans thought the president was foreign-born; now, it’s half that, a Washington Post poll finds. Surveyed after President Obama released his “long-form” birth certificate , just 10% of Americans now believe he was likely born outside the US. What's more, 70% say he’...

Bush Declines Obama's Ground Zero Invite

He celebrates bin Laden 'victory' but wants to stay out of spotlight

(Newser) - When President Obama visits Ground Zero tomorrow to mark the death of Osama bin Laden, George W. Bush won't be with him. Obama invited the former president to join him on his visit to the World Trade Center site, but a spokesperson tells Politico that Bush turned him down....

Obama Approval Jumps to 56%
 Obama Approval Jumps to 56% 

Obama Approval Jumps to 56%

But Americans still unconvinced on the economy

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s approval rating took a pretty significant jump overnight after the killing of Osama bin Laden, with 56% now saying they approve of the job he’s doing overall, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll conducted last night. That’s a 9-point increase from Obama’s April...

Bin Laden's Death a Boost for Obama

But it might not last, media note

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden's death is a major national security and intelligence victory for President Obama, and one that famously eluded his Republican predecessor. It's an especially notable triumph considering Obama was a foreign policy novice when he became president, the Los Angeles Times reports, and it will make...

2012 Hopefuls Cheer Osama's Demise

Palin, Trump, and other favorites weigh in

(Newser) - Despite the fact that Osama bin Laden's death means a popularity boost for the man they'd be up against, potential Republican presidential candidates are of course reacting positively to the news. Politico offers a roundup:
  • Sarah Palin: "Americans tonight are united in celebration and gratitude. God bless

Obama Chuckles at Seth Meyers’ bin Laden Joke

Timely joke came one day before raid

(Newser) - The White House Correspondents' Dinner was Saturday night, just one day before Osama bin Laden was killed in a US raid. Knowing that, it's especially interesting to watch the joke Seth Meyers made at the dinner—and Obama's reaction to it in particular. Hat tip to Pat's...

How We Took Down Osama

 Go Inside 
 bin Laden's 

Go Inside bin Laden's Compound

Fortified compound in Abbottabad identified as bin Laden's

(Newser) - In the dark of night, US helicopters ferrying Navy SEALs and other special forces flew to a secure, high-walled compound in Abbottabad, 30 miles north of Islamabad in Pakistan. Less than 40 minutes later, bin Laden and four others were dead in a raid, reports CNN in a chilling description...

Obama: ‘I've Never Seen Devastation Like This’

President tours tornado-ravaged Alabama

(Newser) - Barack Obama toured the tornado-ravaged town of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, today, expressing amazement at the wreckage and promising help for those left rebuilding. "I've never seen devastation like this," the president said. "We're going to make sure you're not forgotten." Obama has declared a...

Racist Birther Debacle a ‘Low Moment’ for US

'New York Times' says country should be embarrassed

(Newser) - President Obama “stared deep into political irrationality” yesterday and offered up his long-form birth certificate —in what the New York Times calls “a profoundly low and debasing moment in American political life” in an editorial today. Here was a president who, more than halfway through his term...

Did Racism Get Obama's Father Booted From US?

A close reading of his immigration file suggests so, writes Andrew Rice

(Newser) - Why did Barack Obama leave the United States, and his young son, returning just once to visit the future president? The Immigration and Naturalization Service file on the elder Obama , obtained by the Arizona Independent through a FOIA request, sheds some light on the mystery. On Capital New York , Andrew...

Ralph Nader: Obama Will Win in 2012
Nader on 2012: Sadly, Obama’s
a Shoo-In

Nader on 2012: Sadly, Obama’s a Shoo-In

But liberal firebrand is trying to drum up a primary challenger

(Newser) - Ralph Nader isn’t holding his breath waiting for President Obama to go down in flames Jimmy Carter-style. “The stars are aligned” for Obama’s reelection, Nader writes in a Bloomberg op-ed. Here’s why:
  • The Republican primary field is littered with hardcore ideologues. “Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich,

Trump: I Get Credit for Birth Certificate Release

Says he's honored, proud of himself

(Newser) - The White House releases Barack Obama's "Certificate of Live Birth" and ... cut to Donald Trump. He immediately reacted to—and took credit for—the disclosure at a press conference in New Hampshire, where he said that "today I'm very proud of myself because I've accomplished...

Obama to Birthers: ‘We Don’t Have Time for This Silliness’

We have better things to do, explains Obama

(Newser) - Barack Obama followed the release of his "long-form" certificate this morning with his two cents on the matter, which he says he has followed for the last two and a half years "with amusement." He says he realized, after giving his budget speech, that "the dominant...

White House: Here’s Obama’s ‘Certificate of Live Birth’

NPR reports Obama will make a statement

(Newser) - If you pooh-poohed yesterday's Obama-is-a-citizen declarations by CNN and Fox News anchor Shep Smith , fair warning: You'll likely have a tougher time brushing off this one. The White House today released Barack Obama's "Certificate of Live Birth" (the long form version of the "Certification of...

Ezra Klein: Obama's a Republican
 Obama's Real Secret: 
 He's a Republican 
Ezra Klein

Obama's Real Secret: He's a Republican

Ezra Klein thinks we should look at his policies, not his birth certificate

(Newser) - Don’t listen to Donald Trump. Barack Obama is not a Socialist Kenyan Muslim. The truth is far more startling: He’s a moderate Republican from the 1990s, writes Ezra Klein of the Washington Post . Obama’s major policy ideas—mandate-based health care reform, cap-and-trade, and raising taxes to reduce...

Stories 1221 - 1240 | << Prev   Next >>