Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

Stories 1421 - 1440 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama's Secret 2012 Weapon: Jay-Z

Rapper will campaign for the president, insiders say

(Newser) - With President Obama struggling to maintain his hold over young voters, whatever can he do to ramp up his 2012 campaign? Team up with Jay-Z, of course. The rapper and huge Obama fan will stump for the prez, and strategists think he’ll lend new spark to the “hope”...

Eastwood on Obama: I'm No Fan

President's current course is not 'governing,' Clint argues

(Newser) - Clint Eastwood talked to Katie Couric to promote his latest film, Hereafter, but the CBS News interview strayed into political territory. President Obama is “a nice fella,” but Eastwood is “not a fan of what he’s doing at the moment,” he says. Why not? Eastwood,...

Obama to Gay Teens: 'You Are Not Alone'

(Newser) - President Obama is the latest celeb to reach out to gay teens by way of the "It Gets Better Project." In his video, Obama empathizes with bullied kids, saying that he knows "what it's like growing up feeling that sometimes you don't belong." Obama, addressing gay...

Obama Meets With Steve Jobs, Google VP

President talks tech, innovation in Cali

(Newser) - President Obama met with Apple's Steve Jobs in California yesterday, the New York Times ' notes. The two talked tech, innovation, and education, before the president took his leave to meet another tech titan: Marissa Mayer of Google. Mayer hosted the president and about 50 others at her home for...

Obama's Dumb Strategy Is Hurting Democrats

He's running an awful midterm campaign, Karl Rove writes

(Newser) - President Obama is “overseeing one of the worst White House midterm strategies in American history,” writes Karl Rove in the Wall Street Journal . Even though the economy is foremost on voters’ minds, Obama continues to focus on immigration reform, the “Ground Zero mosque,” and “an...

Was Obama's Dad Murdered?
 Was Obama's 
 Dad Murdered? 

Was Obama's Dad Murdered?

Family members question 'car accident' story

(Newser) - The official story is that President Obama’s father died after crashing his car into a tree—but Obama’s family in Kenya fears foul play had a hand in his death, according to a book Peter Firstbrook is working on about the Obamas. Though Barack Sr.’s car...

Obama to Hit the Daily Show
 Obama to Hit the Daily Show 

Obama to Hit the Daily Show

President will guest days before rally—sorry, Glenn Beck

(Newser) - Glenn Beck is probably not a fan of the upcoming Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert rally as it is—but his head is really “going to explode when he hears this:” President Obama will be a guest on the Daily Show just days before the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or...

4 New Voices Obama Should Hire
 4 New Voices 
 Obama Should Hire 
ezra klein

4 New Voices Obama Should Hire

With so many vacancies, the president has an opportunity

(Newser) - Peter Orszag, Christina Romer, Larry Summers, Rahm Emanuel, Jim Jones: A lot of people have left the Obama administration, but that could be a good thing. The president has a successful team—but he needs “a new agenda, and new ideas,” writes Ezra Klein in Newsweek . He offers...

Obama Streaker Won't Score $1M, Will Go Rent-Free

Man gets 'consolation prize' for advertising website

(Newser) - The man who stripped to his sneakers and charged through a Philadelphia Obama rally won’t be getting the $1 million he expected—but he won’t have to worry about rent for 6 months, reports the Philadelphia Inquirer . The billionaire who commissioned the public nudity says streaker Juan Rodriguez...

Obama's Dad Was No 'Radical'
 Obama's Dad Was No 'Radical' 

Obama's Dad Was No 'Radical'

'Anti-colonialist' accusations misunderstand father and son

(Newser) - Those who suggest Barack Obama is a “rabid anti-colonialist” based on impressions of his father are way off the mark about both father and son, writes Bruce L.R. Smith in the Washington Post . Dinesh D’Souza recently argued that “the president inherited political radicalism from his father....

Did Chatty Michelle Break Voting Laws?

Conservative watchdog slams first lady's 'technical violation'

(Newser) - Michelle Obama may have violated Illinois election laws by seeking support for her husband’s agenda at a Chicago polling station, holds the Daily Caller . The first lady was talking with voters, and reportedly urged them to support said agenda—but state laws ban political discussion near polling places, the...

Deficit Breaks $1T Again

 Deficit Breaks 
 $1T Again 

Deficit Breaks $1T Again

Budget gap shrinks, but is set to grow

(Newser) - The federal budget deficit is set to break a trillion dollars for the second year in a row, the Obama administration is set to report today. Officials foresee a deficit of $1.29 trillion for the 2010 budget year that ended Sept. 30, the AP reports, down from last year’...

Obama Admits 'Tactical' Mistakes

 Obama Admits 

Obama Admits 'Tactical' Mistakes

Admits he neglected the marketing of his policies

(Newser) - Barack Obama is proud of his many legislative accomplishments, but lately he’s been dwelling on the mistakes of his first two years, and spending “a lot of time talking about Obama 2.0,” one aide tells the New York Times in a sweeping profile today. Obama tells...

Barack Obama Is Related to Sarah Palin also links the president to Rush Limbaugh

(Newser) - has dug up an ironic distant relationship between President Obama and one of his foes. Two of them, actually. It turns out both Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh are both 10th cousins of the president (in Limbaugh's case, once removed). traced both Obama's mother and Palin's...

Book-Thrower Just Wanted Obama to ... Read His Book

Books are not 'dangerous objects,' says Secret Service

(Newser) - The man who threw a book at President Obama at a rally Sunday was an over-exuberant author, not a security threat, the Secret Service says. The "exuberant' author, who has not been identified, simply wanted the president to read his book, CNN notes. He was questioned and released without...

Government Isn't Bigger
 Government Isn't Bigger 

Government Isn't Bigger

Obama hasn't expanded spending—and that's too bad

(Newser) - The Obama presidency has mobilized hundreds of thousands of conservatives to clamor against the "big expansion of government spending," but said expansion simply didn't happen—and that's the problem, writes Paul Krugman for the New York Times . The president hasn't created new benefits for the poor, large new...

Obama to Meet Waiting for Superman Director

Arne Duncan hails film as 'Rosa Parks moment'

(Newser) - Barack Obama will meet with director Davis Guggenheim and the five students who star in his much-talked about new documentary Waiting for Superman today at the White House, ABC reports. Though the film has proved controversial among some progressives because it is so critical of teachers' unions, the administration seems...

Obama Calls on China to Free Nobel Winner

Pressure mounts on China to let Liu Xiaobo go

(Newser) - President Obama called on China to release Liu Xiaobo today, after the jailed dissident became the latest Nobel Peace Prize winner. “China has made dramatic progress in economic reform and improving the lives of its people,” Obama said, “but this award reminds us that political reform has...

National Security Adviser James Jones Stepping Down

Deputy adviser Tom Donilon will replace him

(Newser) - Gen. James Jones is resigning as President Barack Obama's national security adviser, to take effect in two weeks, say two senior administration officials. Jones will be replaced by Tom Donilon, the deputy national security adviser, say the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the decision had not yet...

MSNBC Host Sorry for Steele 'Dancing Slave' Dig

'I've had to put up with that crap all my life,' Steele complains

(Newser) - MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell has apologized for his implication that Republican Party chief Michael Steele is a "slave" of the GOP. An angry Steele left a message complaining to Lawrence O'Donnell after he said on his program The Last Word earlier this week that Steele "is dancing as...

Stories 1421 - 1440 | << Prev   Next >>