Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

Stories 1601 - 1620 | << Prev   Next >>

New, Fightin' Obama Calls Out Foes
 New, Fightin' Obama 
 Calls Out Foes 

New, Fightin' Obama Calls Out Foes

No more Mr. Nice President

(Newser) - It's hard to imagine that critics once complained that Barack Obama wasn't tough enough. Lately, he's been savaging his opponents by name, Politico notes, tossing verbal jabs directly at Mitch McConnell, Sarah Palin , Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh and more. It's a deliberate effort to get back the “spunk... / Columnists / Gideon Rachman - Israel’s fear and loathing of Obama
 Obama Wants Israel 
 to Take its Medicine 

Obama Wants Israel to Take its Medicine

And Israel hates him for it

(Newser) - The president isn't a popular man in Jerusalem these days, thanks to his call for a freeze on Israel's illegal settlements in the West Bank, and rumors that he's hatching his own Mideast peace plan. “Barack Obama is a disaster for Israel,” one liberal commentator there tells Gideon...

65% of Americans Back Stricter Financial Controls
65% of Americans Back Stricter Financial Controls
new poll

65% of Americans Back Stricter Financial Controls

Even split on Obama's handling of issue, and reining in derivatives

(Newser) - Two-thirds of Americans say they support tighter regulation of banks in a new Washington Post -ABC News poll, and majorities also agree with the two main components of the Senate bill Democrats are poised to introduce this week: more federal oversight of consumer loans (59% to 38%), and making banks...

Gunman Busted on Way to 'See' Obama

Ohio man nabbed as Air Force One takes off

(Newser) - North Carolina police yesterday busted a 23-year-old gunman who pulled into an airport parking lot just as President Obama was taking off in Air Force One. An officer became suspicious when he noticed a digital camera on Joseph Sean McVey's dashboard and 4 large antennas attached to the trunk of...

Obama's Problem: He's an 'A Student'
 Obama's Problem: 
 He's an 'A Student' 
pj o'rourke

Obama's Problem: He's an 'A Student'

And it's 'C students' that make the world run

(Newser) - PJ O'Rourke has figured out why he finds President Obama so irritating: He's an "A student" whose "snotty lecturing" and "tone of voice sends us back to the worst place in college." That would be sitting in class, listening to "some twerp of a grad...

Obama Targets 'Misguided' Arizona Immigration Law

President says measure flies in the face of 'basic notions of fairness'

(Newser) - President Obama ripped into Arizona's new illegal immigration law today, saying it threatens “to undermine basic notions of fairness we cherish as Americans.” Speaking at a naturalization ceremony for members of the military, he said he'd ordered his administration to “examine the civil rights and other implications...

Krugman: Don’t Cry for Wall Street -
 Obama, Please Screw the Banks 
Paul Krugman

Obama, Please Screw the Banks

President doesn't have to play nice with these guys

(Newser) - Barack Obama went to New York yesterday to beg Wall Street to play nice on financial reform, and Paul Krugman really wishes he hadn't. Obama said reform would ultimately help the financial industry, but Krugman doesn't see the need to play nice with the big banks. “Reform actually should...

Blago Accidentally Reveals Allegations Against Obama

Screw-up reveals redacted info

(Newser) - Rod Blagojevich's defense team asked the judge to subpoena Barack Obama yesterday with a motion that was supposed to be heavily redacted. But whoever redacted it did a lousy job; the blacked out text could be easily read just by copying and pasting it, as Capital Fax revealed. Here's what...

Obama Finally Goes On Offensive

 Obama Finally 
 Goes On 

Obama Finally Goes On Offensive

Democrats have clear advantage on financial reform

(Newser) - EJ Dionne sees a newly aggressive Barack Obama recognizing that he can put Republicans on their heels with financial reform. Republicans for the first time "are uncertain as to whether resolute opposition to a Democratic idea is in their political interest," he writes in the Washington Post . "...

Obama to Banks: Quit 'Furious' Fight Against Finance Reform

Regulation will be good for Wall Street and Main Street

(Newser) - President Obama will today ask the banks to call off their "furious efforts" to block his proposed financial regulatory overhaul. "I believe that these reforms are, in the end, not only in the best interest of our country, but in the best interest of our financial sector,"...

Atheists Ask Obama to Scrap Day of Prayer

They prefer 'National Day of Reason'

(Newser) - The American Humanist Association wants Barack Obama to declare a “National Day of Reason” on May 6, instead of a National Day of Prayer. A federal judge last week declared the National Day of Prayer unconstitutional, saying it was an “inherently religious exercise that serves no secular function,...

Obama Talks With Potential Court Picks

Informal discussions show process getting serious

(Newser) - President Obama has begun conversations with potential Supreme Court nominees, a senior administration official tells the AP, signaling an upswing in the president's consideration of an already coalescing list of candidates. This morning, he'll meet with Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, and the top members of the Senate Judiciary Committee to...

'Birther Bill' Gets Nod in Arizona House

Bill requires Obama to show birth certificate to be on 2012 ballot

(Newser) - The Arizona House has given its initial blessing to a bill that would require Barack Obama to show his birth certificate before he can be put on the ballot in 2012, the Arizona Republic reports. The House voted 31 to 22 to add the so-called “birther bill” as an...

Obama Rips Wall Street in Cyber Stealth Ad

Google search leads to prez call for reform

(Newser) - The White House has launched a stealth attack on Wall Street in a controversial but deft Internet ad. A link to "Help Change Wall Street" pops up when users search "Goldman Sachs SEC" on Google. The link takes users to and features a photo of Obama...

Goldman Case Splits SEC Along Party Lines

Decision came after months of secret negotiations failed

(Newser) - The decision to go after Goldman split the SEC along party lines and came only after months of secret talks broke down. Though the commission generally aims for unanimity, they voted, 3-2, to proceed with the civil suit despite opposition from two Republican members. The tiebreaker was an Independent commissioner...

Goldman Hires Former White House Counsel for SEC Fight

Gregory Craig has strong ties to Obama, Democrats

(Newser) - Goldman Sachs has hired a big gun to help get them out of big trouble. The beleaguered bank has tapped Gregory Craig, President Obama's former legal counsel, to help them fight a civil suit brought by the SEC last week. Craig, who served for Obama's first year, is an attorney...

Obama Quietly Talks to Muslims
 Obama Quietly Talks to Muslims 

Obama Quietly Talks to Muslims

White House reaches out to neglected constituency

(Newser) - Barack Obama has gone out of his way not to be seen with Muslim or Arab-American leaders, and he's still never set foot in a mosque as president, but behind the scenes, his administration is listening and responding to the concerns of American Muslims. Community leaders have participated in policy...

Militia Groups Hold Armed Protest on Potomac

Obama signed law that allowed it

(Newser) - A number of militia groups intend to rally on the banks of the Potomac River today, and they'll be packing heat. It'll be the first armed rally ever held in a national park, which ironically is only possible because of a law signed by Barack Obama. But that doesn't hold...

Wow! Obama Saved Us from the Canadians!
Wow! Obama Saved Us from the Canadians!
Charles Krauthammer

Wow! Obama Saved Us from the Canadians!

That nuclear summit looked a lot like a waste of time, didn't it?

(Newser) - President Obama convened the biggest meeting of world leaders on US soil since the founding of the UN in 1945. And what did this week's historic gathering accomplish? Well, it generated a nonbinding statement saying that Ukraine, Chile, Mexico, and Canada will get rid of some enriched uranium. “What...

Man Sentenced for Plot to Kill Obama
Man Sentenced for Plot to Kill Obama

Man Sentenced for Plot to Kill Obama

Skinhead gets 10 years; hoped to murder dozens of minorities

(Newser) - A white supremacist was sentenced to 10 years in prison today for his plot to kill dozens of black people, including then-presidential candidate Barack Obama, CNN reports. Paul Schlesselman of Arkansas was arrested after threatening Obama. He later admitted he’d spent more than a month planning and acquiring weapons...

Stories 1601 - 1620 | << Prev   Next >>