Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Obama Starting to Take Blame for Economy
Obama Starting to Take Blame for Economy
Poll Numbers

Obama Starting to Take Blame for Economy

More fault him, and 50% say he doesn't deserve re-election

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s health care victory doesn't seem to have helped him with voters struggling in the recession. (The president isn't much bothered by the early polls.) In a new USA Today/Gallup poll, roughly 50% said Obama deserved at least some blame for the economy, with 26% saying he...

Obama Doesn't Really Want to Drill, Baby, Drill
Obama Doesn't Really Want to Drill, Baby, Drill
Sarah Palin

Obama Doesn't Really Want to Drill, Baby, Drill

Democrats' energy plans amount to a stalling tactic

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s new energy proposal is less “drill, baby, drill,” and more “stall, baby, stall,” Sarah Palin complains in a blog post on the National Review . Obama today said he’d “consider potential areas for development” while “studying protecting sensitive areas in the...

Obama Boosts Fuel Efficiency Standards

Transportation Department, EPA make new targets official

(Newser) - The Obama administration is setting tough gas mileage standards for new cars and trucks, spurring the next generation of fuel-sipping gas-electric hybrids, efficient engines, and electric cars. The heads of the Transportation Department and the Environmental Protection Agency will today sign final rules requiring 2016 model-year vehicles to meet fuel...

Obama Hawking Shirt That Spoofs Biden's F-Bomb
 Obama Hawking 
 Shirt That Spoofs 
 Biden's F-Bomb 
Yes, we can ... curse

Obama Hawking Shirt That Spoofs Biden's F-Bomb

Tamed-down shirt: 'Health reform is a BFD'

(Newser) - With entrepreneurs across the Internet cashing in on Joe Biden's health reform f-bomb, the White House is horning in on the action, as well. But whereas other "big f---ing deal" gear uses a slash to tame the f-word, President Obama's website goes a step further in making the phrase...

Health Law Slips in $250M for Abstinence-Only Education

Critics charge approach is ineffective, dangerous

(Newser) - Obama's health care reform includes $250 million for abstinence-only sexual education. To receive the funding, programs must teach that abstinence from sexual activity is "the only certain way to avoid out-of-wedlock pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and other associated health problems." They must also tell young people that pre-marital...

What Happens When You Write to Obama

The president reads 10 letters a day; here's an inside look on how

(Newser) - When Jennifer Cline wrote her letter to Obama, she treated it like a diary entry. The 27-year-old Michigan mom had recently lost her job, gone bankrupt, and been diagnosed with cancer, but she told the president things would get better soon. She didn’t expect anyone to read it. But...

Palin to Fans: Stop Cars With Obama Bumper Stickers

Palin still opposed to 'hopey changey stuff'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin gave a Nevada Tea Party Express rally some curious marching orders on Saturday, telling them to stop and harass anyone with an Obama bumper sticker. After quoting a common conservative sticker (“Government: If you think our problems are bad, wait until you see our solutions”) she...

Obama Is Riding High
 Obama Is Riding High 

Obama Is Riding High

The president's got his groove back

(Newser) - When Barack Obama signed a sweeping overhaul of the federal student loan program today along with the finalized health care bill, the mood was decidedly celebratory. As Obama touted his “two major victories in one week,” supporters chanted “fired up!” and “Yes we can!”...

Hate-Crime Wave Is Just Lefty Fakery
 Hate-Crime Wave 
 Is Just Lefty Fakery 

Hate-Crime Wave Is Just Lefty Fakery

Past incidents overblown at best, duplicitous at worst

(Newser) - Reports of political hate crimes against Democrats since the passage of the health care reform bill are overblown at best, and downright lies at worst, Michelle Malkin writes, charging that Nancy Pelosi & Co. “can’t stand the heat” and so manufactured “a Tea Party epidemic of racism,...

Obama Bumper Sticker Leads to Road Rage Outburst

Driver hit with felony charge after incident in moving traffic

(Newser) - A Tennessee man and his 10-year-old daughter who were in a car with an Obama bumper sticker are grateful for their safety after another motorist allegedly rammed them in traffic. Mark Duren was driving when he noticed Harry Weisiger behind him, pointing to the bumper and flipping him off. Duren...

Obama, Medvedev Sign Off on Nuclear Treaty

Move a step toward repairing US-Russian relations

(Newser) - President Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev agreed today to sharp cuts in the nuclear arsenals of both nations in the most comprehensive arms control treaty in two decades. "We have turned words into action," Obama declared. He said the pact, to be signed April 8 in Prague,...

A History of Political Cussing
 A History of Political Cussing 
it's not just you, joe

A History of Political Cussing

Joe Biden will go down in history with these other respected figures

(Newser) - Quite a big deal has been made over Joe Biden dropping the F-bomb . “But America has a long and honorable tradition of top elected officials using salty language,” writes John Dickerson on Slate . Allow him to educate you:
  • Barack Obama: Famously called Kanye West a “jackass.”

US, Russia Reportedly Agree to Nuclear Arms Treaty

Deal will be finalized in upcoming meeting between Obama, Medvedev

(Newser) - The United States and Russia have reached an agreement on "all documents" necessary to sign a new nuclear arms treaty, a senior Kremlin official said today, and the White House said the two nations are "very close" to signing it. President Obama spent an hour today in the...

Stupak Abortion 'Compromise' a Lie

 Stupak Abortion 
 a Lie 
Kathleen Parker

Stupak Abortion 'Compromise' a Lie

Democrats resorted to political flim-flam to pass health care bill

(Newser) - Bart Stupak tried to be a hero for social conservatives everywhere in the health care debate, but when “all the power of the moment was in his frail human hands, he dropped the baby,” writes Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post . The deal Stupak struck with Barack Obama...

With Health Bill, Obama Ends the 'Age of Reagan'
With Health Bill, Obama Ends the 'Age of Reagan'

With Health Bill, Obama Ends the 'Age of Reagan'

Marks biggest assault on wealth inequality since the '80s

(Newser) - The health care reform bill was the government’s biggest attack on economic inequality in more than 30 years, a period of time that’s seen government policy and market forces consistently push the opposite direction. That’s why Barack Obama fought so hard for it, writes David Leonhardt for...

US-Israel Clash Marks Limits of American Clout

But shifting sands unnerve Israel supporters

(Newser) - The clash between the US and Israel over East Jerusalem settlements is underscoring the shifting sands of the nations' relationship and highlighting the limits of America's clout with Israel. It's also raising concerns among Israel's supporters because US leaders appear to be linking Israeli positions to imperiling American lives. Gen....

Public Flip-Flops, Now Likes Health Care Reform
Public Flip-Flops, Now Likes Health Care Reform
That Was Fast

Public Flip-Flops, Now Likes Health Care Reform

Poll shows 49% in favor of new law, to 40% opposed

(Newser) - The ink is barely dry on the new health care reform law, but the public has already come around on it, says a new USA Today/Gallup poll . Among those surveyed, 48% called the law “a good first step,” saying more should be done to reform the system. Roughly...

24% of GOPers Believe Obama's the Antichrist

(Newser) - A recent Harris poll reveals some pretty alarming attitudes regarding our 44th president, especially among GOPers. For starters, 67% of Republicans who responded believe that Obama is a socialist, despite his markedly centrist leanings. Second, over half of Republicans polled (57%) believe that the president is a closet Muslim, a...

Al Sharpton Admits Obama Is a Socialist!*
Al Sharpton Admits Obama
Is a Socialist!*

Al Sharpton Admits Obama Is a Socialist!*

*According to right-wing pundits and an out-of-context sound bite

(Newser) - The conservative media is doing backflips over a video they’re touting as the long-sought smoking-gun proof that Barack Obama is a socialist. In an interview with Geraldo Rivera Sunday on Fox News, Al Sharpton uttered—get this!—that “the American public overwhelmingly voted for socialism when they...

Like Health Reform? Thank John Edwards

Remember, that was his deal in '08 campaign

(Newser) - If there’s one person to thank for the health-reform measure that passed the House yesterday, it’s John Edwards … really. It was Edwards, Chris Good points out, who was on stump talking about health care in 2007, even when it wasn’t a huge issue for voters, and...

Stories 1641 - 1660 | << Prev   Next >>